Sanity Check for my CJC1295 + Ipamorelin Protocol


New Member
Hey guys,

I just started taking my first peptides ever. 5mg CJC1295 and 9mg Ipamorelin blend. I am taking 125mcg CJC and 225mcg Ipamorelin 2x per day. One dose first thing in the morning and the other dose before bed. Total is 250mcg CJC per day and 450mcg Ipa. I am doing this to treat my adult growth hormone deficiency, not for bodybuilding purposes. My goal is to get my IGF-1 from the very bottom of the reference range to the top. Does my protocol make sense to you? Anything that can be improved? Thanks
Hey guys,

I just started taking my first peptides ever. 5mg CJC1295 and 9mg Ipamorelin blend. I am taking 125mcg CJC and 225mcg Ipamorelin 2x per day. One dose first thing in the morning and the other dose before bed. Total is 250mcg CJC per day and 450mcg Ipa. I am doing this to treat my adult growth hormone deficiency, not for bodybuilding purposes. My goal is to get my IGF-1 from the very bottom of the reference range to the top. Does my protocol make sense to you? Anything that can be improved? Thanks
Guy or girl? This is a fine protocol, but unless you’re a serious good responder to it I’d consider adding in a third dose to the day. At my max I was doing 100/200 mod grf/ipa 3-5x a day and didn’t have any issues beyond dropping fat and packing muscle.
Guy or girl? This is a fine protocol, but unless you’re a serious good responder to it I’d consider adding in a third dose to the day. At my max I was doing 100/200 mod grf/ipa 3-5x a day and didn’t have any issues beyond dropping fat and packing muscle.
Hey, thanks for responding. I’m a 22 year old guy. Did you test your IGF-1 before and after? I’m curious what type of increase you had. I don’t know anything about mod grf but my goal is to learn all about peptides so I’ll read up on it.
Hey, thanks for responding. I’m a 22 year old guy. Did you test your IGF-1 before and after? I’m curious what type of increase you had. I don’t know anything about mod grf but my goal is to learn all about peptides so I’ll read up on it.
CJC1295 Without DAC = Mod GRF (1-29)
Cjc is the broscience name, grf its scientific name.

I got around a 20% increase on my igf after 3-4 months. It has been more potent on my partner (female) than for me (male). She got something like 35% higher than baseline. I respond much better to hgh and she seemingly responds much better to ghrp/ghrh
I got around a 20% increase on my igf after 3-4 months. It has been more potent on my partner (female) than for me (male). She got something like 35% higher than baseline. I respond much better to hgh and she seemingly responds much better to ghrp/ghrh

Are there any theories on this? What tests should we be doing to see if GH or IGF-1 analogues might be better.
CJC1295 Without DAC = Mod GRF (1-29)
Cjc is the broscience name, grf its scientific name.

I got around a 20% increase on my igf after 3-4 months. It has been more potent on my partner (female) than for me (male). She got something like 35% higher than baseline. I respond much better to hgh and she seemingly responds much better to ghrp/ghrh
Thanks for making that naming distinction for me.

The 20% increase for you is interesting. Idk why but I expected more. Seeing as I’m IGF-1 deficient, I wonder if I can expect a greater response to the peptides because I’m at 96 (82-470). A 20% increase would only land me at 120. I guess we’ll find out. Thanks again for the info man.
Thanks for making that naming distinction for me.

The 20% increase for you is interesting. Idk why but I expected more. Seeing as I’m IGF-1 deficient, I wonder if I can expect a greater response to the peptides because I’m at 96 (82-470). A 20% increase would only land me at 120. I guess we’ll find out. Thanks again for the info man.
My baseline was 180ish as I recall which may be why
Are there any theories on this? What tests should we be doing to see if GH or IGF-1 analogues might be better.
Just standard igf-1 tests and tracking them are what revealed this. Type-IIX has discussed issues with rhGH and women on hormonal birth control decreasing the impact of the gh on their igf-1 and downstream effects. I suspect this is why endogenous supplementation works better for her then gh itself. Her feels report is also better on secretagogues then on the real deal.

For me there’s no fucking question, my igf-1 is over double what it was at baseline with 3.6iu of Chinese generics. My feels report is “oh my god I feel young again” on the GH. IPA/grf did give me insanely good sleep tho.
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Just standard igf-1 tests and tracking them are what revealed this. Type-IIX has discussed issues with rhGH and women on hormonal birth control decreasing the impact of the gh on their igf-1 and downstream effects. I suspect this is why endogenous supplementation works better for her then gh itself. Her feels report is also better on secretagogues then on the real deal.

For me there’s no fucking question, my igf-1 is over double what it was at baseline with 3.6iu of Chinese generics. My feels report is “oh my god I feel young again” on the GH. IPA/grf did give me insanely good sleep tho.
Apologies for all the questions, but what’s your IGF-1 level on 3.6IU of HGH?
Ok so almost at the top of the reference range. That’s good to know in case mod grf/Ipa don’t work for me. Then I’ll try hGH and my goal would be the top of the physiological range or when I get carpal tunnel. Whichever comes first.
I have very very little sides beyond slightly numb hands in the morning that go away when I flex my hand into a fist. That seems to be very individual tho and everyone has a different experience. I’m lucky in that the sides are virtually nonexistent for me even at a decent hgh dose.
I would say 20%-30% is typical of IGF-1 response in most people using IPA/CJC peptides (I experienced the same). It "works" but it is nowhere near GH results, pharma or generic. Not sure how much a 20-30% bump even helps in body comp/performance/appearance. For me, I felt like I was losing ground (albeit slower) upon switching to IPA/CJC during my brief breaks from GH. For the money, generic GH is a better value IMO.
@OldGHGuy Isn't Gh riskier? CJC/IPA has no side effects.
According to who or what? GH has about a thousand times more medical literature on it (not joking, there is virtually no medical information on Cjc/ipa compared to hgh) and I’d imagine a similar level in the difference in the amount of people using the two drugs (way way way more patients are on hgh than other gh peptides).. You’re listening to health clinic marketing over an abundance of medical science to claim these peptides have no side effects and is somehow less risky than hgh. It seems little more than broscience rather than anything serious claiming secretagogue are magically safe or something. Just because datbtrue, the guy who pioneered selling these peptides, said it was safe categorically does not make it so.

Also, you’ll get way better results at a better cost point using gh than using peptides from personal experience.
@OldGHGuy Isn't Gh riskier? CJC/IPA has no side effects

@OldGHGuy Isn't Gh riskier? CJC/IPA has no side effects.
Apple Juice also has no side effects.

My personal experience with side effects with GH are it has none with low dose (2-3iu).

So no side effects with IpA/CJC which will boost IGF- 1 from 200 to 240.

Or no side effects with GH which at 2-3iu boost me from 200 to over 400.

And for less money on generic GH than the peptides.
The information about HGH scares me. Two people in my family died of cancer. I suffer from bone and cartilage damage in my foot and have very flexible ligaments. I need to avoid another operation. Does anyone have another recommendation?
Recommendation for what? What is your goal? The best you can always do is a great diet, rest, and a good exercise/PT plan.
@OldGHGuy I have bone and cartilage damage in my ankle. The feet are also very flexible - my biggest problem. I can't train my calves the way I want. I go to the gym three times and I cycle a lot in the summer. I can't really build up any muscles because my diet is bad. what do you mean by PT`? my English is bad. have it translated via google) german to english.
Physical Therapy.

I feel for ypu but get all the basics in order first (diet, rest, exercise, etc) before you turn to drugs. Also, AAS/peptides/GH will never be a substitute for surgery. So if surgery is needed, you should also get that done before PEDs