SARMS for pct ??


Well-known Member
What's up guys? Have never used SARMS before but understand the science behind it. Would like to use them to bridge the gap between now and my next cycle. That being said, since they attach to the same receptors as gear, would I be defeating the purpose of letting my receptors recover before my next cycle? Last thing I want is to keep my receptors saturated before my next cycle. Anyone with knowledge or experience on this I'd really appreciate your feedback.
What's up guys? Have never used SARMS before but understand the science behind it. Would like to use them to bridge the gap between now and my next cycle. That being said, since they attach to the same receptors as gear, would I be defeating the purpose of letting my receptors recover before my next cycle? Last thing I want is to keep my receptors saturated before my next cycle. Anyone with knowledge or experience on this I'd really appreciate your feedback.

Are you on TRT? If so, it wouldn't be a problem to "bridge" but will more than likely just end up being a waste of money. Do you get blood tests on a regular schedule throughout the year? If not, I suggest getting bloods done to try to get some idea of baseline values including liver values prior to SARM use.

Also, you can drop the idea of receptors needing to clear and/or recover. Its a non-issue.
Are you on TRT? If so, it wouldn't be a problem to "bridge" but will more than likely just end up being a waste of money. Do you get blood tests on a regular schedule throughout the year? If not, I suggest getting bloods done to try to get some idea of baseline values including liver values prior to SARM use.

Also, you can drop the idea of receptors needing to clear and/or recover. Its a non-issue.
Not on TRT. Test was 645 pre cycle and a 11 for unbound test. I ran test e for 11 weeks at 800 mg a week. Had visit with doctor this week and blood work was perfect. Zero issues. BP may be a little high at 132/78 but she said its fine. Will start clomid Monday. If you think its a waste I will trust your opinion. Glad to know I don't have to worry about receptors clearing themselves. Appreciate it bro.
Not on TRT. Test was 645 pre cycle and a 11 for unbound test. I ran test e for 11 weeks at 800 mg a week. Had visit with doctor this week and blood work was perfect. Zero issues. BP may be a little high at 132/78 but she said its fine. Will start clomid Monday. If you think its a waste I will trust your opinion. Glad to know I don't have to worry about receptors clearing themselves. Appreciate it bro.

As stated above, SARMs will suppress your HTPA, which is why I asked about being on TRT. So, don't use them for a "bridge" if you're trying to have a successful PCT protocol. In fact, IMO, don't use them at all. Stick to AAS since we have a better idea about how the body responds.
I wouldn't touch SARMS at any time. The vast majority have almost no scientific study of their effects on humans.

They're just as, and potentially much more dangerous than most AAS without all of the benefits.
As stated above, SARMs will suppress your HTPA, which is why I asked about being on TRT. So, don't use them for a "bridge" if you're trying to have a successful PCT protocol. In fact, IMO, don't use them at all. Stick to AAS since we have a better idea about how the body responds.
No SARMS it is.
Exactly man. Those type of forums are only there for one thing - to get your money, health be damned. Stick around Meso and you'll see we're a stark contrast from a place like Dylans board.
Yeah been here a little while now and everyone is cool as shit. I really appreciate you taking the time to shoot me some advice. Thanks.
What's up guys? Have never used SARMS before but understand the science behind it. Would like to use them to bridge the gap between now and my next cycle. That being said, since they attach to the same receptors as gear, would I be defeating the purpose of letting my receptors recover before my next cycle? Last thing I want is to keep my receptors saturated before my next cycle. Anyone with knowledge or experience on this I'd really appreciate your feedback.

Bc Ostra is the only SARM, with enough published evidence worthy of citing, also SUPPRESSED GONADOTROPIN secretion such compounds are best avoided as a bridge to, during or after PCT.

Fact is, on a comparative basis SARMs are PED weaklings, since the best results approximate that of legitimate TRT, based on the limited data available.

Id be VERY CARFUL purchasing any SARM bc once again these compounds are currently listed as supplements by the FDA , and that means the claims being made need not be substantiated
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Thanks Doc. Spent today researching SARMS and just doesn't seem like the holy grail that people were making them out to be. Don't know your views on pct but I am one of the few who believe in a 5 week pct. Clomid 150/150/100/100/50. Nolva 40/40/20/20/10. You ever try this. I have always done it that way. Am I being a stooge by doing that. Start pct Friday. Won't cycle again till January. Happy with my cycle but will come in under 14bf before I start my next one. Once I get closer to my next cycle I have a few questions I'd like to bounce off you for advice. I want to add another injectable compound with my test for next cycle but don't no where to begin on deciding which one. The only thing I can say is that EQ is not an option because of the huge spike in RBC and hematocrit. I've had a PE before. We will discuss my options later. Thanks for the feedback Doc.
Did you know in no trial (if there is one I've not seen it) did the initial come close to what you're suggesting, and were conducted in males and females for the same reasons as PCT, to increase gonadotropin levels?

I mean how many E-2 receptors can the pituitary (an endocrine gland roughly half the size of a pea) have.

It's because both Novladex and Clomid have been so well studied, compliance with well established medical therapeutics is the most reliable and safest course of action IMO.

In fact higher dosages, perhaps less a day or two of a loading dose, more often than not results in a greater frequency of adverse effects wo improving efficacy IME.
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