G.I. Bro
The immense vulnerability for my quest to figure this out is that I'm operating under the assumption (possibly flawed) that the sample was really a 200/70 E/phenyl blend. I see that, believe me.Karl is a lot of things but I wouldn't put "honest" on that list.
Whatever you guys want to believe is fine. I'm not a shill attacking AL. My post history is full of support for AL. It's just the internal email (which Millard verified) and some of the representations made tonight don't gel or add up. It was widely assumed every test cross referenced for other compounds by inherent design of the full analysis. Millard himself has all but said he had to request additional compounds (which matches the Dr's email) . But the sciroxx pdf lists like every compound possible. Millard requested all of those? Even the exotics, for a testosterone raw? Cmon. That doesn't even make sense. Nobody cuts the cheapest raw on market with primo. Other samples pdf list none as he himself pointed out "because he didn't request them." Does that not make any of you go, "wait, what?"
This is not an attack on Millard. At this point I feel like I'm just defending my own thought process for even raising questions. I really don't want to be labeled a hired gun for sciroxx because I'm not. The email I was shown got me asking questions and the more I asked, the more stuff didn't add up.
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