Seeking advice for future cycle considerations


Well-known Member
I have a lot of time to plan and consider how to go about introducing AAS again and would like to get some advice and opinions based on my goals and situation. My hope is to get some solid info/advice so I can prepare before getting really specific about the exact plan. Then develop from there. I will do bloodwork closer to proposed cycle. This post may get long as I try to give a much detail so you can better help me if you choose to do so. I unfortunately do not know how to write in point form very well. Thanks in advance guys.

The reason I have time is because I have just made enough of a recovery from two tears in my posterior shoulder tendon to be out of sports therapy in about 2 weeks. My injury was 14 months ago, so it was a long recovery period.
I want to be smart about progressing from here and regain a lot of strength, especially of the tendons, before I think about introducing AAS.

I have of course lost a lot of strength considering how long ago my injury was but therapy has got me to a good point now where I finally be able to get back to work in the next 2 weeks or so. No modified duties, but full capacity. I have been in therapy for some time, but have ramped up to 3 days a week for close to 4 months after making the switch to a specialized sports therapist. I plan to carry that routine forward into the gym then eventually progress to 4 days a week and so on.

Im 37 years olds and have been lifting off and on since I was 14. Slowed down in that in the last 3-4 years but have stayed fit through sport and other activity. I have only ever attempted aas once about 8yrs ago. I had everything in place and developed a cycle as per a general excepted first cycle by this forum. Unfortunately I had to abandon the cycle at 4 weeks and ran my PCT.

6’3” 225-228 lbs- athletic build as my primary goals in the gym were related to sport.
Since my injury I have maintained my weight within 5 pounds but with a recomposition towards more fat.
If I am realistic about my estimated bf% I unfortunately must say it is probably close to 20%. I posted a pic about a month ago in the general forum.

With all of that here are a couple of my questions

How long would it be advisable to be back in the gym to regain strength and toughen up the tendons before aas?

Based on my first experience what type of cycle would be your suggestion? My goals are to keep gains reasonable, limit sides and avoid re-injury. My new understanding and mentality is that I could achieve a lot with less and am spitballing the idea of around 300-350 mg/week of total compound for 12-14 weeks.
-Keeping in mind that this would basically be my first cycle, could I do a TRT type level of test and another compound? DHB, for instance, has really caught my interest (I am not fearful of the reported pip)

My 1st experience with aas was:
-500mg test e/week
-50mg anavar per day
Both were stopped at end of week 4.
Based on my side effects the general consensus of the forum was that my Anavar must have been faked, at the time it was very common for it to be faked with the D-bol apparently. This of course would have added a lot more to my amortization than I was prepared for. Also, if I remember correctly I front-load my test. I had started my adex on day 2 or 3 but some guys felt it must have either been faked or under dosed. Unfortunately I did not understand the importance of Pharm grade ancillaries at the time.

Thanks fellas, I look forward to gaining some knowledge from your experience.
to be brutally honest at 20 percent you should be asking diet advice. you have all this time, get lean, then toss in some AAS and begin hitting the gym again.

Training, Diet, AAS. They are the least important factor of looking good
to be brutally honest at 20 percent you should be asking diet advice. you have all this time, get lean, then toss in some AAS and begin hitting the gym again.

Training, Diet, AAS. They are the least important factor of looking good
Agreed. This is why I seek advice and suggestions for when to even consider my “proposed cycle” with a lot of time in advance. My plan is spend the next number of months training and getting back in shape, as I mentioned. Keep in mind I have been out for 14 months with injury.

If you read my post you’ll see that my plan did not suggest starting aas to get somewhere, but to get somewhere prior. I have many years of training behind me.
I did things different... I did a recomp at a higher bf with 23 percent bf. I have no regrets. I was happy with my progress but I was nearly isocaloric. Some people may even advise 300mg weekly to find a sweet spot where you don't need an AI.

You can cut now but there are countless stories where people fuck up and get fat, bloated, worse.

My questions are. Are you an actual TRT guy or was that something you just mentioned?

Any blood work?

Even starting test your muscle memory is insane about how fast you will build up too...
@Cridi887 I remember seeing your scans and changes in body composition a while back. It really was impressive.

A big reason I don’t want to start any AAS until I get some good time back at gym is because of my injury. If I regain strength too fast I’m not sure my newly healed tendon will keep up and I risk re-injury.

So you would agree that a 300mg total could be sufficient?
My questions are. Are you an actual TRT guy or was that something you just mentioned?
I am not on TRT, rather looking for suggestions around the idea of a trt level of test along with another compound if it seems advisable
Any blood work?
Most recent blood work was prob 4 years ago, I can only remember my total test and it was around 650.
No current bloodwork yet, I definitely will before any cycle and would like to spend some time getting things on point in the gym and on my plate prior so I have a really clear idea of where I’m at once relatively back in shape.

Bloodwork, especially with the values I would want to see, are quite difficult to get in Canada. So saving that requisition from a doc
Even starting test your muscle memory is insane about how fast you will build up too...
Muscle memory is a wonderful thing, I have started to experience that even in therapy now that I’m at a point that weight has been introduced. I can only imagine how much that would be improved with test.
@Cridi887 I remember seeing your scans and changes in body composition a while back. It really was impressive.

A big reason I don’t want to start any AAS until I get some good time back at gym is because of my injury. If I regain strength too fast I’m not sure my newly healed tendon will keep up and I risk re-injury.

So you would agree that a 300mg total could be sufficient?

I am not on TRT, rather looking for suggestions around the idea of a trt level of test along with another compound if it seems advisable

Most recent blood work was prob 4 years ago, I can only remember my total test and it was around 650.
No current bloodwork yet, I definitely will before any cycle and would like to spend some time getting things on point in the gym and on my plate prior so I have a really clear idea of where I’m at once relatively back in shape.

Bloodwork, especially with the values I would want to see, are quite difficult to get in Canada. So saving that requisition from a doc

Muscle memory is a wonderful thing, I have started to experience that even in therapy now that I’m at a point that weight has been introduced. I can only imagine how much that would be improved with test.
Focus on strengthening tendons right now. Even 10-15 reps for a bit and proper nutrition your body can recomp naturally.

No point of going all out if you are limited by an injury.

I think even 300-400mg would yield great benefit.

I am a little different, I am still new. I have a different outlook on drugs.

I kind of look at AAS as medication. I would use max benefit vs risk ratio and add on another one I find tolerable. Multiple compounds at medium dosages sound more ideal to me.
But just to enter back in the game.. maybe even 350mg of test a week and seeing how you do on that could be good. If everything is great by week 8, you could increase the dose.

Don't follow off that reddit BS of 500mg
You bet @Cridi887, strengthening tendons is primary focus now in therapy. As well as strength all around. In two weeks I’m on my own and will try out the high rep ranges you suggest.

Thanks for the feedback, I am definitely of the mind of trying less drugs for desired results. Ironically enough the 500mg test for your 1st cycle was the gold standard here too back in 2014. Granted, I made the mistake of throwing in an oral at 50mg a day thinking anavar would be a mild addition. Ultimately bringing me up to 850mg/ week on my first cycle and my anavar was probably d-bol based on everything I experienced and knowledge from members at the time.
Agreed. This is why I seek advice and suggestions for when to even consider my “proposed cycle” with a lot of time in advance. My plan is spend the next number of months training and getting back in shape, as I mentioned. Keep in mind I have been out for 14 months with injury.

If you read my post you’ll see that my plan did not suggest starting aas to get somewhere, but to get somewhere prior. I have many years of training behind me.
but regardless of training, why is bf at 20? this is the perfect time to lower calories and focus on gettin bf where it should be. so when you are back in the gym blasting, you dot have to cut, you can gain, because your already lean. when I was injured and c couldn't train hard I made it a priority to lose all the fat so when it came time to train, I wouldn't need to diet I could grow.
but regardless of training, why is bf at 20? this is the perfect time to lower calories and focus on gettin bf where it should be. so when you are back in the gym blasting, you dot have to cut, you can gain, because your already lean. when I was injured and c couldn't train hard I made it a priority to lose all the fat so when it came time to train, I wouldn't need to diet I could grow.
Good question, I ate as close to my maintenance calories as possible because I figured a deficit could prolong healing, and healing was already so slow. Along with limited activity for over a year I definitely put on more fat than I like.

Just to confirm, I don’t plan to go to the gym blasting aas. I have only ever used them 4 weeks out of my entire 37yr life. I plan to be at the gym to start training for real again now that I will be out the other side of therapy in 2 weeks. Then after a number of month I will consider using aas again for a cycle.

Any thoughts on doing a re-comp naturally for my first few months? I have never had this type of body fat before and I contemplate the idea of running maintenance calories so as to utilize this extra fat for muscle gain. Usually to gain muscle I have to force-feed myself, maybe I can take advantage of this fat. Honestly I don’t know if I am 20%, it’s a conservative estimate. Top two abs are just mildly visible.
Good question, I ate as close to my maintenance calories as possible because I figured a deficit could prolong healing, and healing was already so slow. Along with limited activity for over a year I definitely put on more fat than I like.

Just to confirm, I don’t plan to go to the gym blasting aas. I have only ever used them 4 weeks out of my entire 37yr life. I plan to be at the gym to start training for real again now that I will be out the other side of therapy in 2 weeks. Then after a number of month I will consider using aas again for a cycle.

Any thoughts on doing a re-comp naturally for my first few months? I have never had this type of body fat before and I contemplate the idea of running maintenance calories so as to utilize this extra fat for muscle gain. Usually to gain muscle I have to force-feed myself, maybe I can take advantage of this fat. Honestly I don’t know if I am 20%, it’s a conservative estimate. Top two abs are just mildly visible.
unless your eating like 1500 calories I don't think it will affect healing, good nutrient dense food and you'll be fine. protein, fat, and carbs. PT is the main thing that will heal you and time, but being fit helps. picture a guy at 8 percent fit vs a guy at 20 percent, who is going to heal faster?

I cant advise you to recomp when you start because anyone at 20 percent I would say cut hard hard hard and fast, you may recomp, but 20 percent isn't fitness to me that has to change.

I would utilize this time to be on a perfect diet, be as active as possible, then when you can train again correctly and use AAS you will be lean and you can grow as you please, you will not need to worry about recomp or shredding fat. you will be lean mean and ready to go vs a fat guy looking to recomp.
I do have concerns about deca’s overly suppressive nature. Any thoughts on that on the low dose your suggesting?
I pretty much stay on deca year round now at 150mg my knees and elbows have never felt better.
I have multidirectional shoulder instability in my right shoulder it didn't much for the dislocations but it's not nagging 24/7 like it was before I started the nand
I do have concerns about deca’s overly suppressive nature. Any thoughts on that on the low dose your suggesting?
Sorry didn't read that you cycling through you were on trt b&c.

To add to above post at lower dosages it helps tremendous with my joints and tendons. My job is very extremely physical demanding, I believe deca bulletproof me and also make it easier to recover from huge physical stress on the body.
However at blast dosages or along with high testosterone does bad for my joint because of bodyweight increase.
Everyones different with test and it's smart to start out low to figure out how you respond but I resopnded best with a high test cycle... Not multiple compounds.500 test and 700 test cycles were my best ones. Wish I never wasted time on the little ass 300, 400 test cycles adding in orals or other oils. I have had good results adding in anavar though on high test. I know some people don't like high test because they get sides but I'm not one of those people.

Just my opinion, and take it with a grain of salt: Start off with 150-200mg of test only for 2-4 weeks and see how you respond. If you're doing okay, don't have sides, and feel good, add in another compound at a similar (mid-range) dose. Try and do bloodwork at the begging, middle, and end to track everything if your finances permit. When I first started TRT, I was only taking 200mg Test C per week (split into 2 dosages -- M/T). My doc later let me add in Nandrolone D and we decided on 100mg per week -- only 300mg total AAS p/w. Other than that I was taking HCG 500 2x per week. Nothing fancy, just "TRT+". That was more than enough to push me into normal ranges and actually make it look like I lift. In short, and in agreeance with @Cridi887, take the moderation approach.