Sema/Thriz/Reta choices


Currently I’m on Sema, up to 1.25mg/week and have been losing an average of 1lb/week or less. I started at a medspa, just shifted to Skye and now researching China direct. My inflammation can vary widely so the scale jumps all over the place. Sema has helped with inflammation and I’m looking into running BPC/TB for. 6-8 week protocol to see if it helps more and than a series of Thymosin Alpha 1 after that.

My question is with the lower pricing of China direct Tirz/Reta is more affordable so it has become and option. Sema makes me SO tired and I feel like some weeks it works really well and other weeks not as much. If you were to change what would you choose? I’ve researched all of them pretty extensively so I know the pro/cons but looking for people who have switched and what they liked or don’t like.
where i am too.. maint phase.. just enough tirz to keep the 'noise' down.. especially at night

These GLP hormones are doing so much more for you than keeping appetite down. Within a few years it'll become apparent weight loss is a side effect and everyone's health will benefit, even at non-weight loss related doses. At some point in the near future we'll be down to monthly, and even annual injections.
These GLP hormones are doing so much more for you than keeping appetite down. Within a few years it'll become apparent weight loss is a side effect and everyone's health will benefit, even at non-weight loss related doses. At some point in the near future we'll be down to monthly, and even annual injections.
fully agree... my endurance is so much better... and also my energy... just feel better overall.
fully agree... my endurance is so much better... and also my energy... just feel better overall.

And your liver silently clearing fat in the background, blood vessel inflammation cooling down preventing plaque buildup, heart remodeling reversal...reverting to a younger state, neuroprotective antioxidant production boosted preserving vision, accelerated neurogenesis...etc etc. Now we know what all the GLP / GIP receptors in those tissues are for.

-so sayeth GLP Jesus.
And your liver silently clearing fat in the background, blood vessel inflammation cooling down preventing plaque buildup, heart remodeling reversal...reverting to a younger state, neuroprotective antioxidant production boosted preserving vision, accelerated neurogenesis...etc etc. Now we know what all the GLP / GIP receptors in those tissues are for.

-so sayeth GLP Jesus.
Who has more of these benefits? Reta or Tirz?
The majority in that list are attributable to GLP receptor activation. The liver fat clearance and scar reversal are due to GIP activation. I don't know what, if any benefits beyond appetite satiation glucagon receptor activation provides.

Sema: GLP
Reta: GLP/GIP/Glucagon
So tirz/reta and below sema.
So tirz/reta and below sema.

Yes although it may not be so simple.

If glucagon provides strong appetite suppression, you may be getting less GLP / GIP, and losing some benefit. Even Sema might be better at providing some of these benefits than Tirz, but Tirz is the big winner for fatty liver, and they say so many have Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease now, without knowing it, it's an epidemic.
And your liver silently clearing fat in the background, blood vessel inflammation cooling down preventing plaque buildup, heart remodeling reversal...reverting to a younger state, neuroprotective antioxidant production boosted preserving vision, accelerated neurogenesis...etc etc. Now we know what all the GLP / GIP receptors in those tissues are for.

-so sayeth GLP Jesus.
and i am seeing all of those 'effects' ... good stuff ghoul!
And your liver silently clearing fat in the background, blood vessel inflammation cooling down preventing plaque buildup, heart remodeling reversal...reverting to a younger state, neuroprotective antioxidant production boosted preserving vision, accelerated neurogenesis...etc etc. Now we know what all the GLP / GIP receptors in those tissues are for.

-so sayeth GLP Jesus.

Any benefit from naturally lean guys who don't even need GLPs to get lean?

Would a micro dose of tirz or something be anti-aging?
Any benefit from naturally lean guys who don't even need GLPs to get lean?

Would a micro dose of tirz or something be anti-aging?
I have never needed tirzepatide and sema to get lean, but I have tried them as a cutting aid before a couple of times. Both made me feel sick to varying degrees, like bad indigestion type of sick. That was the end of that experiment. I am not a big fat of clen or other stimulant class drugs either.

Basically cutting drugs like these are an attempt to control appetite, and it would appear by obesity metrics that most Americans suck royal dick in being able to pull this off on their own. For these people they are not really cutting drugs at all. Its not like they are being cycled. People are stuck on them for their rest of their life presumably or they will be fat all over again. They are basically suffering from a chronic disease like Diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc. to hear them describe it. The power of KFC and McDonalds is simply insurmountable.
Any benefit from naturally lean guys who don't even need GLPs to get lean?

Would a micro dose of tirz or something be anti-aging?

Very, very likely. One weakness if current research is that most participants have been diabetic or obese. They're just now starting to untangle the benefits resulting from weight loss, and those directly coming via receptor activation. A major portion of animal and in vitro research, demonstrates most of the protective and repair effects of GLP benefits have nothing to do with weight loss, just the receptors.

In one of the first human trials specifically including "normal BMI" subjects and the repair of cardiac tissue:

" in patients with normal or low BMI, GLP-1RA may directly improve atrial remodeling through GLP-1 receptors in atrial tissue."
I have never needed tirzepatide and sema to get lean, but I have tried them as a cutting aid before a couple of times. Both made me feel sick to varying degrees, like bad indigestion type of sick. That was the end of that experiment. I am not a big fat of clen or other stimulant class drugs either.

Basically cutting drugs like these are an attempt to control appetite, and it would appear by obesity metrics that most Americans suck royal dick in being able to pull this off on their own. For these people they are not really cutting drugs at all. Its not like they are being cycled. People are stuck on them for their rest of their life presumably or they will be fat all over again. They are basically suffering from a chronic disease like Diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc. to hear them describe it. The power of KFC and McDonalds is simply insurmountable.

Listening to this it's like some people refuse to move into the current century, and steadfastly ignore the insurmountable evidence energy intake and metabolism are not primarily issues of morality or "willpower", which they of course, possess and those beneath them don't, but a tightly regulated system that has more influence over human behavior than any other biological function.

Amazing how simply increasing the presence of a naturally produced hormone, suddenly puts people into the position to more easily exert control over their diet choices. It's as if they have a deficiency compared to those who've never struggled, or even, find it difficult to eat enough to maintain the weight they want.

I keep being forced to use this example, but it never goes answered.

Why are there so many on MESO desperately seeking appetite stimulants, because they physically can't. consume enough calories to reach their goals?

Are they lacking "willpower"? Why can't they just put the fucking food in their mouth and chew? Why are they so weak? "But I'll throw up, i can't do it!". Bullshit, there's no system that has potent control over energy homeostasis controlling their behavior, right? Plenty of 500 Pound Lifers out there...they exhibit the pinnacle of "self control" compared to all the weaklings needing compounds to boost appetite; right?

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From what i understand about the 3 Tirz is the most effective overall but reta is better for weightloss alone...not hunger suppression. So i guess theoretically you would shred MORE weight on reta alone but be ravenously hungry.

Tirz would be better for the over eaters but reta would be a better choice for someone who just has a slow metabolism.
I’m going to give my unpopular take on this one. I don’t think Reta is going to get approved. My rhr went from low 60s to 90s. Imagine running clen year round?

But also what makes GLPs useful is giving people the ability to not be hungry. The compound that makes you the least hungry will make you lose the most weight. Let’s say hypothetically your right and reta say doubles your bmr (metabolism) which is physically impossible. Maybe burning an extra 500 calories a day at best? Still hungry all the time.. it’s pretty easy to eat 4k calories every day when you’re always hungry. I personally think it’s the least effective of the 3.
Very, very likely. One weakness if current research is that most participants have been diabetic or obese. They're just now starting to untangle the benefits resulting from weight loss, and those directly coming via receptor activation. A major portion of animal and in vitro research, demonstrates most of the protective and repair effects of GLP benefits have nothing to do with weight loss, just the receptors.

In one of the first human trials specifically including "normal BMI" subjects and the repair of cardiac tissue:

" in patients with normal or low BMI, GLP-1RA may directly improve atrial remodeling through GLP-1 receptors in atrial tissue."

I'm slowly keeping all of your GLP1 bank of knowledge facts for when im knee deep in another "fat people need to exercise not take a shot" argument.
Which happens at least 3 times a week.

Just got told by girl running an MLM pyramid scheme (selling weight loss drinks) that my Tirzepeptide is full of chemicals and years down the road they are going to find out the harmful long term effects.

well considering people have been using GLP1s for close to a decade now id say those harmful long term effects should be making their appearance by now shouldn't they?

The irony is that she claims her product is the "natural form of GLP1s" when the ingredient list is full of 7 different forms of caffeine. So you get hyped up on your special weight loss drink...shit yourself...lose 1/2 a pound and then crash giving you the illusion that the drink actually made you feel good when really you just feel WORSE than you did pre-drink.
And everyone pushing it is morbidly obese.
Great advertising
I’m going to give my unpopular take on this one. I don’t think Reta is going to get approved. My rhr went from low 60s to 90s. Imagine running clen year round?

But also what makes GLPs useful is giving people the ability to not be hungry. The compound that makes you the least hungry will make you lose the most weight. Let’s say hypothetically your right and reta say doubles your bmr (metabolism) which is physically impossible. Maybe burning an extra 500 calories a day at best? Still hungry all the time.. it’s pretty easy to eat 4k calories every day when you’re always hungry. I personally think it’s the least effective of the 3.
Maybe the increased heart rate is what upps the metabolism. Like how Phentermine works ( i think)

Phentermine is like legal speed. I lost 30 lbs from my heart racing 24.7
I see what your saying though. Reta would only cause someone to eat MORE which then makes up for the extra loss it may have originally caused. I never took reta on its own so i cant say if it was more effective or less effective. Paired with tirz it made a little difference.
The trials listed sema having an overall loss of 15% tirz was 2nd with 21% and reta was 25%. I dont think it will be approved either. Not anytime soon at least despite Eli Lilly claiming they have something in the works.
The increased heartrate thing is going to be an issue
I'm slowly keeping all of your GLP1 bank of knowledge facts for when im knee deep in another "fat people need to exercise not take a shot" argument.
Which happens at least 3 times a week.

Just got told by girl running an MLM pyramid scheme (selling weight loss drinks) that my Tirzepeptide is full of chemicals and years down the road they are going to find out the harmful long term effects.

well considering people have been using GLP1s for close to a decade now id say those harmful long term effects should be making their appearance by now shouldn't they?

The irony is that she claims her product is the "natural form of GLP1s" when the ingredient list is full of 7 different forms of caffeine. So you get hyped up on your special weight loss drink...shit yourself...lose 1/2 a pound and then crash giving you the illusion that the drink actually made you feel good when really you just feel WORSE than you did pre-drink.
And everyone pushing it is morbidly obese.
Great advertising
You can't argue with these MLM people. Just write reviews telling everyone her drink gave you genital warts or something
I think people are perfectly capable of controlling their dietary intake without GLP drugs. I mean, look around you on this very forum. You are not apt to find many places online where you have a more concentrated group of folks that are experts at manipulating their body composition at will. People that can't do this well and consistently struggle to bulk and cut when needed are probably not in the right venue. It's a learned skill, but a VERY critical one in this slice of the fitness world. You can't make much progress without it.

If people are planning on taking GLP1 drugs forever and are basically never going to come off of them so they can put on size then what the hell is the point in body building or trying to make serious strides towards strength and comp gains? You are not going to get them to any significant degree.

You going to run a Test/Mast/DBol cycle for 14 weeks. 1 or 1.2 g of protein per pound of body weight on a 3800-4000 cal per day bulk goal. 3 on 1 off indefinite lift rotation.

And you are still going to take a Tirzepatide and Sema stack the whole time? How does that make any sense?

