Sema/Thriz/Reta choices


New Member
Currently I’m on Sema, up to 1.25mg/week and have been losing an average of 1lb/week or less. I started at a medspa, just shifted to Skye and now researching China direct. My inflammation can vary widely so the scale jumps all over the place. Sema has helped with inflammation and I’m looking into running BPC/TB for. 6-8 week protocol to see if it helps more and than a series of Thymosin Alpha 1 after that.

My question is with the lower pricing of China direct Tirz/Reta is more affordable so it has become and option. Sema makes me SO tired and I feel like some weeks it works really well and other weeks not as much. If you were to change what would you choose? I’ve researched all of them pretty extensively so I know the pro/cons but looking for people who have switched and what they liked or don’t like.
I only know my personal experience as a woman. I was following a 1st Phorm lifting program 6 days a week plus doing light cardio 7 days. I tracked ever morsel of food, eating very clean, for a year and I gained and lost the same 5 pounds. I started Sema and I instantly, I mean within 3 days, lost inflammation like crazy. My face shrunk considerably to the point the doc was shocked. Something more than willpower over my eating going on.

So many new studies coming out about how GLP1s act on inflammation in the body. its crazy how much more they do than just glucose control and weightless

So many new studies coming out about how GLP1s act on inflammation in the body. its crazy how much more they do than just glucose control and weightless
This right here is why I started down the peptide journey. I really knew nothing about peptides but when my inflammation was eased I wanted to know what else was out there.

Recently I started a new batch Sema from Skype peptides and I have had the worst hip and back pain. My inflammation has come back, maybe not the degree as before but definitely back, and I don’t think it is a good batch. I micro dosed Reta for the first time, also from Skye, and it definitely worked. Got the cold sensation and felt some anxiety after taking it. Can’t wait for my new batch, China direct vendor, to come in so I can get on Tirz and see what it does for inflammation. Very disappointed in Skye at the moment though.