Separation of CHURCH and STATE.


New Member
As we all know SCOTUS has returned back to the states the right to decide for themselves on all sorts of matters and I suspect many more matters in the future. Knowing full well most states are ruled by people incapable of deep philosophical questioning, but instead ruled by supernatural and childish ways of viewing the world.

Now most of these matters are mostly to do with things that wrinkle the panties of the religious minded that are obsessed with where you stick your sexual organs and what you do with your womb, or how you express your religious clown show in public.

We are clearly and out in the open controlled by religious groups that have been frothing and foaming to gain state control. Does state control mean more freedom, closer to direct democracy, or does it mean being stuck with decisions made by those with agendas formed through their low IQ and incompetence.

We now have SCOTUS that rules you can use your public HS to pray(Christian only please) on the football field and by default use intimidation tactics for atheists like myself that see this sort of stuff as a method to set apart those of us that don't believe. Make no mistake grown men and women standing around holding hands praying to a blood thirsty middle eastern God of war isn't benign, it is to make sure those of us standing off to the side, pissed off waiting for the game to begin and for the shit show to stop, will be identified and ostracized if you're unlucky enough to live surrounded by fucktards growing up, which is about 80% of America as crazy loves company, there is nothing more satisfying then meeting someone that is crazy just like you to reassure you that you aren't the only one.

The divide between church and state was and has always been the enemy of those that want to grow the influence of Christianity specifically, as I have never seen Christians champion Satan worship and rituals performed on football fields before the big game. Freedom of speech, though championed, was always and has always been the right to shove religion down peoples throats, never the right to openly question and criticize supernatural thinking, as I can attest someone that did question and was often met with extreme rage and even threats of violence growing up.

With appointments to SCOTUS always going to someone of "deep faith" whether that be Christian/Catholic or Jewish, we have in fact introduced a clear bias. If I develop an AI and I program it to be impartial and rational, but I drop in a program for religion that will cause the program to strongly influence ways of thinking, what do I have in that case? I have a shitty AI program is what I have, it's a virus at that point I'm gonna have to remove or send the AI to the scrap heap.

If separation of Church and State is the objective, there can be only one group that should be Supreme Court Justices and those are people that have no religion at all. How else could you possibly pretend there is no bias towards your decisions. And clearly playing dumb by returning it back to the states when they are run by bumble fucks is gonna have a forgone conclusion(certainty/inevitable) that will always go in the direction of theocracy.
Didn't read. I am against the decision because I personally think we need less people not more (so im pro abortion and pro free body).

But if 1 person out there ever shamed anyone for not wanting Fauci's cold vaccine, and you are crying about this abortion law, you are a hypocrite and clown. Not saying anyone has these views but "my body my choice" goes to abotions and stupid drugs we don't need or want.
Didn't read. I am against the decision because I personally think we need less people not more (so im pro abortion and pro free body).

But if 1 person out there ever shamed anyone for not wanting Fauci's cold vaccine, and you are crying about this abortion law, you are a hypocrite and clown. Not saying anyone has these views but "my body my choice" goes to abotions and stupid drugs we don't need or want.
The left and right have lost their ability to be consistent. They instead compartmentalize beliefs and have no problem if there views contradict.

The left wants abortion on demand, but they also want you to be forced to take the clot shot. They despise the government for taking away their ability to abort, but they love the government when they tell you "you're fired on X date if you don't get the shot".

The right is obsessed with the fetus, but not really obsessed making sure the baby is gonna have a decent life. They care so much about the fetus that they won't even allow you to abort 5 minutes after conception even if it was your dad that raped you. These whacks are over the top sick in the head and they're showing their ass on this one. Just like 3rd term abortions are extreme, not allowing someone to take a pill to abort a few weeks after conception simply isn't gonna stand for long before women go ape shit.

And we all know how this ends. Any time Abortion rights are threatened women turn out in droves to vote and they vote democrat.

I personally am sick of both the left and right. Libertarian is the closest we can come to a party that lets you make your own decisions and you pay for it so the government doesn't have to. That's a healthy balance where the government minds it's own business, and you pay for whatever you want yourself and of course if there are poor women that can't afford service there can always been donors, charities to pick up the cost.

As for the religious. It seems both the right and the left want to inject their own crazy beliefs. Church people are always trying to sneak their shit into school with before and after school programs, with prayers in the locker room. And the left is bringing in LGBTQ propaganda when it was never asked for.

The bottom line is unsolicited exposure to religion or bizarre sexual information has no place around captive audiences such as schools. If someone wants to engage in these activities then let them find it on their own, there's no need in exploiting the weakness of a child's mind that lacks the ability to argue and debate ideas.
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Racism, homophobia, misogyny, bigotry, etc. prohibited.
We now have SCOTUS that rules you can use your public HS to pray(Christian only please) on the football field and by default use intimidation tactics for atheists like myself that see this sort of stuff as a method to set apart those of us that don't believe.
imagine being a such weak timid insecure faggot that you get intimidated by some dyel boomer in polo shirt because he stopped what he was doing to pray.
No one is forcing you to do anything, loser. No cares if you pray or not. You're not that important.
imagine being a such weak timid insecure faggot that you get intimidated by some dyel boomer in polo shirt because he stopped what he was doing to pray.
No one is forcing you to do anything, loser. No cares if you pray or not. You're not that important.
The problem is this wasn't a private moment to yourself to reflect on your sky daddy nailed to a popsicle.

It was an exhibition, it turned into a spectacle with the crowd coming down the stands to come and hold hands in mass to conduct a prayer service.

I've seen these fuckers when they are allowed to work like this and the sort of intimidation they can put on those they are over. If your employer or boss starts shoving religious shit down your throat it can get extremely intimidating if you have to pay your bills. Of course you can leave your employer, but you sure as hell can't leave your school whenever you chose.

I'm all for freedom of speech, but there has to be tolerance on both ends. If they can start a huddle with 50 people praying to attract attention to themselves, then I can whip my cock out and start stroking it in public if that's how we're gonna roll. After all my God demands a jizz offering and who are you or anyone else to deny "my" God when it's his feeding time as he gets very cranky when he doesn't get his spunk.
Didn't read. I am against the decision because I personally think we need less people not more (so im pro abortion and pro free body).

But if 1 person out there ever shamed anyone for not wanting Fauci's cold vaccine, and you are crying about this abortion law, you are a hypocrite and clown. Not saying anyone has these views but "my body my choice" goes to abotions and stupid drugs we don't need or want.
Of all groups, I used to think bodybuilders would be the most likely to adopt the body autonomy philosophy and apply it consistently across situations. Bodybuilders, as a marginalized minority, who believe they should have the absolute right to create bodies of their own choosing using necessary means of body modification not the least of which is the unfettered use of pharmaceuticals. But just like the left, the right, and most any other group, few are that principled and only support these concepts when it is convenient.

To apply the body autonomy philosophy consistently would mean not only does a bodybuilder have an absolute right to bodily control, it also means they are free from government intervention in what they consume towards those goals e.g. the freedom to use AAS and other drugs. It is practically an identical argument to why trans individuals should have the same absolute freedom as bodybuilders if anyone is truly pro body autonomy.

By the same token, it also means that the government should not force anyone to consume any drugs whether it is for any reason. The government should not legally compel anyone to use their body for the public good (forced vaccination, forced blood donation, forced organ donation, forced sterilization, or as forced incubators).

However, there is a significant difference between individuals shaming others' behaviors and the government legally compelling control over what someone does with their bodies.
By the same token, it also means that the government should not force anyone to consume any drugs whether it is for any reason. The government should not legally compel anyone to use their body for the public good (forced vaccination, forced blood donation, forced organ donation, forced sterilization, or as forced incubators).

However, there is a significant difference between individuals shaming others' behaviors and the government legally compelling control over what someone does with their bodies.
Body autonomy goes out the window when it concerns the pro life debate.

1. A girl/women could be given a 12 pack of urine pregnancy tests if she is sexually active and told to run the test every 30 days, marking it on her calendar.

2. A girl/women is given progesterone blocking medication at home to take if the pregnancy test is positive. If the pregnancy is within this window of testing then it can't be more than 40 days since conception, and one dose of Mifepristone is all that is needed, if it's up to 11 weeks two doses might be needed. This medication has a 11 week cut off for use, on rare occasions a 3rd dose might be necessary.

This seems to be a compromise that any sane person can agree to so it doesn't upset those that are obsessed with the fetus.

Sure the idea of late term abortion was going to enrage the pro-life crowd and for good reason as babies can survive at 22 weeks with millions of dollars of intensive care(who pays for this). Normally in nature this would be a miscarry as fetal lung development isn't far enough along. And most women that have early contractions will be put on total bed rest and magnesium IV to prevent contractions until fetal lung development is far enough along to deliver(this can also cost $$$$).

What would a total ban on all forms of abortion mean, it would be like Brazil where abortion is totally banned and women have to spend 2 months wages to get their hands on progesterone blocking medication and if they get caught they can spend 3 years in prison.

And then there is those Christian/Catholic groups that also want to ban contraception for women.

Before abortions were legal there were hundreds of thousands performed in the United States every year. If a women does it herself she could end up dead from sepsis or if she uses any number of home chemical concoctions pumped into her uterus she could also die a horrendous death.

This is really a matter for a medical doctor and the patient.

These matters have grave consequences and the far right religious, while having their views and that's fine, don't have the right to step in between the doctor/patient relationship.

Abortion rights ultimately center around the sin of sex outside of marriage for the religious minded. It is the obsession with the nuclear family needed to build a healthy civilization, the only problem is our society isn't set up for a nuclear family anymore as there are few stay at home moms and women often make more income than men.

As for the difference between Government Law and Public Shaming. They both go hand and hand. Law is formed through legislation, legislators often times have extreme dogmatic beliefs.

There is nothing objective about the philosophy of law, it is and has always been just a matter of personal opinion, there is no science to it at all, even if the legal clowns want you to believe there is.

Law can be made in a secular, rational, reasoned, thoughtful manner, it can also be created by Islamic goons that bury women up to their necks and bash their brains in with rocks. This is why I have so many problems with jurisprudence, it reeks of religion and has always had that rotting stench where a group can impose their will on others using biased presuppositions based on circular arguments with no ultimate authority except an imaginary supernatural force.
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What this all comes down to is Abrahamic Religions subscribe to strongly held convictions towards blind obedience to commands and purity through eliminating competing ideas, joined to Federal, State and even Corporations as a means of forcing their will.

Freedom of Speech is critical, but that speech is only allowed to go so far when people are scared of going to hell.

For years the New Atheists as they were called did a very good job debating Theists and most people thought the job was done. However when these atheists either aged out, died or went onto other things it allowed an opening, a chance for the infestation to over populate and now it looks like it's time to cull the religious herd once again to return the balance of power.
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I've seen these fuckers when they are allowed to work like this and the sort of intimidation they can put on those they are over. If your employer or boss starts shoving religious shit down your throat it can get extremely intimidating if you have to pay your bills. Of course you can leave your employer, but you sure as hell can't leave your school whenever you chose.
And when has any of this happened to you except in your imagination?
I dont have any issue with abortion except for in the circumstance where its just a matter of sexual freedom or convenience to lifestyle. I think its a rediculous concept to become pregnant then decide neh not right now. Biologically, sex is for reproduction so I think its rediculous when people try to circumvent natural biology when it comes to reproduction. Its a stark contrast between what a bb does and a pregnant woman does. If I wanna go against my biology and become huge that doesnt effect anyone but me. You abort a baby or a cellular mass that would become a baby that is not a choice I believe we should be able to make unrestricted based off a convenience of lifestyle. Life is about the human experience together. You need people for that. How many do you need? Not our decision. Who fucking cares. We live and we die. We always solve the problem: survival. We will continue to solve that problem over and over again. People are so disconnected from nature. Its always takes what its owed in the end though so why fight it
And when has any of this happened to you except in your imagination?
I grew up immersed in religion. My parents were Pentecostal, talking in tongues, seeing visions of Jesus.

I questioned god from the age of 5 and was constantly threatened with violence because my relentless rejection of all things God.

Having worked in many hospital labs for 25 years I worked around religious nutters and atheists. The religious assholes were constantly trying to inject religion into every interaction. Naturally when I first started I was in a subordinate position to those that had been supervisors for many years, those with power and were hyper religious would do everything they can to push religion on you.

Naturally in a school situation if you were a football player and you were an atheist and your entire team is over there in a huddle tickling Jesus's balls and you're sitting off to the sidelines watching this shit show going on all the time and then they start asking you why you're no joining in. It's a matter of being ostracized and outcasted. Any idiot would know this is what is going to happen as one of the basic tennets of Christianity is to be yolked with others that believe, not people like me that fight back and are capable of tearing the bible to shreds verse by verse.

There's simply no reason to pray on a football field, take a knee, have masses of people come down from the stands and pray. This is a form of proselytizing, advertising your religion. The coach could have easily prayed in private at home before he arrived at the game, but he didn't want to do that, he wanted to use this opportunity to sell religion to kids in a powerless position.

Religion is powerful, in the hands of those with power it is a weapon of tyranny. There's a reason our founding fathers were Deists and not Christians, they wanted to believe in a God, but one without scriptures. That's not necessarily a bad thing(it's not good either), it becomes a menace when it has scriptures that have to be obeyed and we see this shit with Christians and Muslims that are mandated according to their religion to spread the gospel.
I dont have any issue with abortion except for in the circumstance where its just a matter of sexual freedom or convenience to lifestyle. I think its a rediculous concept to become pregnant then decide neh not right now. Biologically, sex is for reproduction so I think its rediculous when people try to circumvent natural biology when it comes to reproduction. Its a stark contrast between what a bb does and a pregnant woman does. If I wanna go against my biology and become huge that doesnt effect anyone but me. You abort a baby or a cellular mass that would become a baby that is not a choice I believe we should be able to make unrestricted based off a convenience of lifestyle. Life is about the human experience together. You need people for that. How many do you need? Not our decision. Who fucking cares. We live and we die. We always solve the problem: survival. We will continue to solve that problem over and over again. People are so disconnected from nature. Its always takes what its owed in the end though so why fight it
Young and dumb will make mistakes.

Some women are mindlessly reckless with regards to pregnancy.

The issue is simple if pregnancy is caught quickly.

It's also simple if you are a person of means no matter if it's illegal or not as the rich will get what they want.

The problem is we don't live in a simple time anymore with extended families to take care of children. Single mothers are lousy at raising kids and sons in particular.

The real problem is when a young girl becomes pregnant as naturally happens and then she fears her parents and waits too long to tell her parents, or doesn't even know she's pregnant until it's too far along.

I'd love to live in a perfect world where sexual activity was always done in such a manner to make sure unwanted pregnancies didn't happen. I think education is important, access to testing and contraception are very important and obviously if one slips through the abortion pill is available.

That said as a man I really have absolutely no right at all to tell a women what to do. Just like men and women have absolutely no right to tell us that we can't use anabolics as we see fit.

I do see a connection on some level, even though the issue of unwanted pregnancy is far far more complex than someone using steroids.
I grew up immersed in religion. My parents were Pentecostal, talking in tongues, seeing visions of Jesus.

I questioned god from the age of 5 and was constantly threatened with violence because my relentless rejection of all things God.

I cant tell if you're larping or just psychotic.
I cant tell if you're larping or just psychotic.
I was raised by a mom that swears she saw Jesus and he talked to her.

I can assure you I've seen things like hundreds of people doing cartwheels in church, rolling around on the floor, crying their eyes out.

They would come up to me and ask me why I'm not praying, as I was forced to go to church against my will until I started jumping out of my bedroom window Sunday morning when I was 12 years old and riding off on my bike as my mom chased me down the street on foot, and let me tell you, when she was young she could run like the wind, damn near caught me a time or two to beat my ass.

This was my life until I was too big to control:

Now you'll understand why I'm a hardcore atheist and won't give Christianity any slack as the stuff is dangerous and warps children's minds.
Pretty much agree with what everyone says, we should have control of our own body.

1. Want to abort? Knock yourself out (especially if you lean left, please do anything that removes your genes from the pool).

2. Vaccines? I wont take a vaccine that I don't need because you think covid may kill you. If you think covid may kill you (or it does), thats your problem.

3. LGBT stuff? Sure knock yourself out, change gender, date a dude. I am not against it but I will call it what I think it is (gross).
Young and dumb will make mistakes.

Some women are mindlessly reckless with regards to pregnancy.

The issue is simple if pregnancy is caught quickly.

It's also simple if you are a person of means no matter if it's illegal or not as the rich will get what they want.

The problem is we don't live in a simple time anymore with extended families to take care of children. Single mothers are lousy at raising kids and sons in particular.

The real problem is when a young girl becomes pregnant as naturally happens and then she fears her parents and waits too long to tell her parents, or doesn't even know she's pregnant until it's too far along.

I'd love to live in a perfect world where sexual activity was always done in such a manner to make sure unwanted pregnancies didn't happen. I think education is important, access to testing and contraception are very important and obviously if one slips through the abortion pill is available.

That said as a man I really have absolutely no right at all to tell a women what to do. Just like men and women have absolutely no right to tell us that we can't use anabolics as we see fit.

I do see a connection on some level, even though the issue of unwanted pregnancy is far far more complex than someone using steroids.
My sperm my choice too haha. Thats what I dont like. I have a few potential kids out there but maybe not. Maybe they got "dealt" with. Was never contacted but it hurts me to think of that as a possibility. If the woman doesnt want the baby the dood should get the option to raise the child. Its not fair for a woman to make that decision to terminate a pregnancy
Assuming the father isn't a rapist or the childs uncle or grandfather as well as the father, there are 3 people who should be involved in the decision.

I think the future person would choose to be born and take his chances in life.
My sperm my choice too haha. Thats what I dont like. I have a few potential kids out there but maybe not. Maybe they got "dealt" with. Was never contacted but it hurts me to think of that as a possibility. If the woman doesnt want the baby the dood should get the option to raise the child. Its not fair for a woman to make that decision to terminate a pregnancy
Im as far from a woke liberal as they come but don't agree with this. You aren't having the baby its not your body, let her abort it. If you actually cared you wouldn't raw dog and risk knocking them up lol.

You'd actually want to rate a baby on your own? Id rather just kick out the $ for child support.
Assuming the father isn't a rapist or the childs uncle or grandfather as well as the father, there are 3 people who should be involved in the decision.

I think the future person would choose to be born and take his chances in life.
Not really if the pregnancy is caught early in the first 11 weeks and can be aborted via pill.

I don't look as any different than an ejaculation shot across the room. It would be silly if a women laid claim to be balls, how and why should I lay claim to her womb?

My balls, may body.

Her womb and eggs, don't become my body when I bust a nut in her, it's still her body no matter what.
Im as far from a woke liberal as they come but don't agree with this. You aren't having the baby its not your body, let her abort it. If you actually cared you wouldn't raw dog and risk knocking them up lol.

You'd actually want to rate a baby on your own? Id rather just kick out the $ for child support.
The problem with riding bareback is that it feels so good compared to using a condom.

Condom sex sucks, but you gotta do it.