Separation of CHURCH and STATE.

The problem with riding bareback is that it feels so good compared to using a condom.

Condom sex sucks, but you gotta do it.
Agree, condoms suck I haven't used one in years lol. But I make sure I pull out. And if anything goes wrong, im offering her to pay for the aborting not betting her to have my baby. Im all for Supreme Court rulings that piss off the woke left wingers, but why im pro abortion..

1. To many people having babies that shouldn't
2. Im not religious
3. Single moms = welfare moms married to the govt many times (my taxes)
4. World is already populated enough
5. I have a pregnant co-worker, she looks miserable and lost her looks. Wouldn't force anyone to go through that because one of us bros didn't pull out right or the rubber busted
6. Gotta be consistent. Antivax means im for body autonomy.
Im as far from a woke liberal as they come but don't agree with this. You aren't having the baby its not your body, let her abort it. If you actually cared you wouldn't raw dog and risk knocking them up lol.

You'd actually want to rate a baby on your own? Id rather just kick out the $ for child support.
Yes everyone involved should be responsible for their own contraception but that doesnt always happen in which case there should be regulation because people will act selfishly unless told otherwise and a human life is too big of a decision to slump off. Yes, I have full custody of three kids. I have largely done it on my own. Ive been a father since 21 so its just a role ive assumed and its something I enjoy. Im sorry but when you involve yourself in the most basic biological function of reproduction your body now belongs to the child or the potential child as some would believe. It takes two people to make a child, right now anyways, in which case the other person involved has vested interest to say the least so I believe in fathers rights from the day of conception. My body, my choice is a gross negligence of biological facts.
Yes everyone involved should be responsible for their own contraception but that doesnt always happen in which case there should be regulation because people will act selfishly unless told otherwise and a human life is too big of a decision to slump off. Yes, I have full custody of three kids. I have largely done it on my own. Ive been a father since 21 so its just a role ive assumed and its something I enjoy. Im sorry but when you involve yourself in the most basic biological function of reproduction your body now belongs to the child or the potential child as some would believe. It takes two people to make a child, right now anyways, in which case the other person involved has vested interest to say the least so I believe in fathers rights from the day of conception. My body, my choice is a gross negligence of biological facts.
We have moved past biology in many respects.

When you fly in an airplane, you are moving past your biology.

When you look through a telescope to see far back into the universe you are moving far past the ability of your unaided eyes.

If you treat cancer with modern medicine in an attempt to survive you have moved past biology.

Drilling for oil and making millions of products from it is beyond our biology.

Using anabolic steroids is moving beyond ones biology.

Using frozen embryos to artificially inseminate is beyond biology.

I could basically go on all day long with this.
Most opposition to abortion rests on the idea that a fetus is a "being" in the process of "becoming" and that we all are in the process of becoming until we die. Yes it would make sense from biology that we were all in this early phase of development once and we are all in the process of developing as we age.

The problem is, this places priority to the fetus in early development phase when the fetal development isn't far enough along to have a CNS. If you don't have a CNS and you abort. Yes you have aborted a being in the process of becoming, but you haven't aborted a being with sentience before 5 weeks. This would force very early detection of unwanted pregnancies, hyper diligence on the part of the sexually active female with weekly pregnancy urine testing, with most urine pregnancy tests showing positive in 7 days of conception.

If I make laws that are so draconian that all life must be protected at all cost, where does it end? Can I not come up to you and tell you to give me a kidney if mine is in failure?

Perhaps you have cancer and I happen to be a perfect match for you through a tissue data bank. You will need monthly donations of bone marrow to survive, but I don't want to donate for various reasons. Does the government have the right to force me to donate because you might die?

You do have a right to life, but you don't have the right at the expense of someone else's body.

Unwanted pregnancies aren't a good thing. Unfit parents are a tragedy for the children that must grow up in this environment. We have all seen when well off parents that are highly educated raise kids to be the same thing....Doctors having children that go onto be Doctors. We have also seen when poor families with little education raise kids to be just like them, poor education, pregnant at an early age and the vicious cycle continues.

Most of these single moms that are young aren't looking at this issue with any depth, because they are incapable of deep philosophical thought, they are at a station in life where they simply shouldn't be parents in an age where we have hyper competition for jobs and resources, if you aren't in the top 50% you're not doing well and your progeny statistically have little chance of doing well either. We shouldn't just be concerned with economics as there are other issues, but who wants to be on the bottom kicked around made to suffer for most of your life when we live in a capitalistic society that strongly looks down on all forms of socialism, even if we do spend heavily, but we mostly spend on the elderly on their way out.
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We have moved past biology in many respects.

When you fly in an airplane, you are moving past your biology.

When you look through a telescope to see far back into the universe you are moving far past the ability of your unaided eyes.

If you treat cancer with modern medicine in an attempt to survive you have moved past biology.

Drilling for oil and making millions of products from it is beyond our biology.

Using anabolic steroids is moving beyond ones biology.

Using frozen embryos to artificially inseminate is beyond biology.

I could basically go on all day long with this.
Most opposition to abortion rests on the idea that a fetus is a "being" in the process of "becoming" and that we all are in the process of becoming until we die. Yes it would make sense from biology that we were all in this early phase of development once and we are all in the process of developing as we age.

The problem is, this places priority to the fetus in early development phase when the fetal development isn't far enough along to have a CNS. If you don't have a CNS and you abort. Yes you have aborted a being in the process of becoming, but you haven't aborted a being with sentience before 5 weeks. This would force very early detection of unwanted pregnancies, hyper diligence on the part of the sexually active female with weekly pregnancy urine testing, with most urine pregnancy tests showing positive in 7 days of conception.

If I make laws that are so draconian that all life must be protected at all cost, where does it end? Can I not come up to you and tell you to give me a kidney if mine is in failure?

Perhaps you have cancer and I happen to be a perfect match for you through a tissue data bank. You will need monthly donations of bone marrow to survive, but I don't want to donate for various reasons. Does the government have the right to force me to donate because you might die?

You do have a right to life, but you don't have the right at the expense of someone else's body.

Unwanted pregnancies aren't a good thing. Unfit parents are a tragedy for the children that must grow up in this environment. We have all seen when well off parents that are highly educated raise kids to be the same thing....Doctors having children that go onto be Doctors. We have also seen when poor families with little education raise kids to be just like them, poor education, pregnant at an early age and the vicious cycle continues.

Most of these single moms that are young aren't looking at this issue with any depth, because they are incapable of deep philosophical thought, they are at a station in life where they simply shouldn't be parents in an age where we have hyper competition for jobs and resources, if you aren't in the top 50% you're not doing well and your progeny statistically have little chance of doing well either. We shouldn't just be concerned with economics as there are other issues, but who wants to be on the bottom kicked around made to suffer for most of your life when we live in a capitalistic society that strongly looks down on all forms of socialism, even if we do spend heavily, but we mostly spend on the elderly on their way out.
Im talking about human pregnancy and human life. Doesnt always one for all we can be intentional and specific which in the case of human birth is very necessary. The fact is there are people of all classes and back ground that raise shitty ass human beings what does that matter we are all here and we deserve to be here, for the most part anyways haha. People donate organs willingly and sometimes at great expense to themselves, sometimes it costs their life for another. This goodwill doesnt seem to translate when it comes to birth. That is wrong. The same value should be placed their. That is why regulations are necessary. You will always need some form of government or laws to protect people from themselves. People want to do good most of the time and we will never see perfection but thats the very reason we checks like laws because we are selfish if not intentionally harmful at times. I dont support the over turn but I wouldve supported greater strictures instead. When did we decide women were exempt from the law? Sorry but when your gender is largely responsible for the preservation of the human race people are going to get involved.
Im talking about human pregnancy and human life. Doesnt always one for all we can be intentional and specific which in the case of human birth is very necessary. The fact is there are people of all classes and back ground that raise shitty ass human beings what does that matter we are all here and we deserve to be here, for the most part anyways haha. People donate organs willingly and sometimes at great expense to themselves, sometimes it costs their life for another. This goodwill doesnt seem to translate when it comes to birth. That is wrong. The same value should be placed their. That is why regulations are necessary. You will always need some form of government or laws to protect people from themselves. People want to do good most of the time and we will never see perfection but thats the very reason we checks like laws because we are selfish if not intentionally harmful at times. I dont support the over turn but I wouldve supported greater strictures instead. When did we decide women were exempt from the law? Sorry but when your gender is largely responsible for the preservation of the human race people are going to get involved.
We are far past needing women to carry on the human race.

We have a surplus at this point grossly in excess of what this planet can sustain with everyone from the 3rd world wanting to pile into 1st world to gain access to a higher standard of living.

This issue is extremely complex, but overpopulation is a real problem. We are basically shitting in our own nest and most creatures prefer not to do that.

We have very few built in population controls, other than the cost of reproduction and raising kids being beyond the budgets of most young people today.

If women are here to breed then it would be logical to outlaw contraception on all levels. It would be wise to outlaw letting a single ovulation leave a women's body without being fertilized. Masturbation for men should also be made illegal so they save their sauce for impregnating.

Once you go down this rabbit hole you could spend all day long punching holes in the obsession with fetuses and wombs.

If I fertilize an egg in a petridish and destroy that fertilized egg, have I aborted a baby, or is it only in the womb that it is considered an abortion, because we can grow animals in an artificial womb. If abortion is too much for people to stomach perhaps removing the fetus and placing it in an artificial womb would be the answer and then someone can pick up the baby when it's done with gestation.
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Yes everyone involved should be responsible for their own contraception but that doesnt always happen in which case there should be regulation because people will act selfishly unless told otherwise and a human life is too big of a decision to slump off. Yes, I have full custody of three kids. I have largely done it on my own. Ive been a father since 21 so its just a role ive assumed and its something I enjoy. Im sorry but when you involve yourself in the most basic biological function of reproduction your body now belongs to the child or the potential child as some would believe. It takes two people to make a child, right now anyways, in which case the other person involved has vested interest to say the least so I believe in fathers rights from the day of conception. My body, my choice is a gross negligence of biological facts.
Damn, congrats on being a good single father. We should have more like you especially in our inner city ghetto culture where no one knows their daddy. Im just not made out for parenting. And agree to disagree on the birth at conception and the baby owning her body. I just put myself in her shoes, no one owns my body but me. Im a man and not a liberal so I don't believe men can get preggo, but if I did, oh hell no. Im just not of the mindset to sacrifice my life for anyone, I got x amount of years im going to live them as I please.
We are far past needing women to carry on the human race.

We have a surplus at this point grossly in excess of what this planet can sustain with everyone from the 3rd world wanting to pile into 1st world to gain access to a higher standard of living.

This issue is extremely complex, but overpopulation is a real problem. We are basically shitting in our own nest and most creatures prefer not to do that.

We have very few built in population controls, other than the cost of reproduction and raising kids being beyond the budgets of most young people today.

If women are here to breed then it would be logical to outlaw contraception on all levels. It would be wise to outlaw letting a single ovulation leave a women's body without being fertilized. Masturbation for men should also be made illegal so they save their sauce for impregnating.

Once you go down this rabbit hole you could spend all day long punching holes in the obsession with fetuses and wombs.

If I fertilize an egg in a petridish and destroy that fertilized egg, have I aborted a baby, or is it only in the womb that it is considered an abortion, because we can grow animals in an artificial womb. If abortion is too much for people to stomach perhaps removing the fetus and placing it in an artificial womb would be the answer and then someone can pick up the baby when it's done with gestation.

I agree about over population. We had "the pandemic" or so they say, but I feel like we need something big to happen or overpopulation will destroy. We have out technologies survival of the fittest, so poor and people who aren't productive are reproducing, surviving, and spreading their genetics. Entitlement + technology is you can be basically worthless and live because everyone's forced to take care of you. completely illogical from a biological standpoint.
I agree about over population. We had "the pandemic" or so they say, but I feel like we need something big to happen or overpopulation will destroy. We have out technologies survival of the fittest, so poor and people who aren't productive are reproducing, surviving, and spreading their genetics. Entitlement + technology is you can be basically worthless and live because everyone's forced to take care of you. completely illogical from a biological standpoint.
Overpopulation is often looked upon as ideological or religious.

It's a much more complex topic and it has sweeping effect on our world far past pollution and climate change.

It effects how we view one another, as the population density increases more laws are created, more and more restrictions are created to eliminate freedoms as you would expect as people are piled on each other.

Political climates aren't optimal when you have high population density. People don't hold hands and sing songs, they are at each others throats, social organization is set up to allow those on the top to take a greater share and it requires a police state to keep this system in place.

If you got back 40,000 years when people lived in small tribes of say 25 to 50, there was no politics, it was resources, hunt and survive.

The ideas of overpopulation have changed scales many times since civilization 10,000 years in the past, but one thing is certain, as you increase population, you increase competition, and the misery index. Overpopulation has been the reason many ancient civilizations collapsed when resources could no longer support, this led to wars when they looked for new land, this lead to disease and death.

Mankind has never needed anything past water, food, shelter, clothing, tools, some basic medicine. That's all that is needed for survival.

I wouldn't call people worthless based on how much they work or are paid at the end of the year. Much of the work people do today is pointless. Bullshit jobs. Plenty of very high income earners contribute absolutely nothing at all. Plenty of people work in sectors that don't provide resources needed to live. I personally feel my 25 years working in medical labs was a drain on resources. It's my view that healthcare wages and salaries need to be drastically cut. We waste so much money on sectors of our economy that are worthless, but my views are considered extreme. There are many that work in these jobs that feel they do contribute, but if you flushed them down the toilet we would get by without them. Cut, Cut, Cut. We don't need near as many people employed as we currently have. Places of employment for the most part are little more than half way houses where the government mandates employers to keep track of you, keeping you on the straight and narrow, paying taxes like a good slave.
Overpopulation is often looked upon as ideological or religious.

It's a much more complex topic and it has sweeping effect on our world far past pollution and climate change.

It effects how we view one another, as the population density increases more laws are created, more and more restrictions are created to eliminate freedoms as you would expect as people are piled on each other.

Political climates aren't optimal when you have high population density. People don't hold hands and sing songs, they are at each others throats, social organization is set up to allow those on the top to take a greater share and it requires a police state to keep this system in place.

If you got back 40,000 years when people lived in small tribes of say 25 to 50, there was no politics, it was resources, hunt and survive.

The ideas of overpopulation have changed scales many times since civilization 10,000 years in the past, but one thing is certain, as you increase population, you increase competition, and the misery index. Overpopulation has been the reason many ancient civilizations collapsed when resources could no longer support, this led to wars when they looked for new land, this lead to disease and death.

Mankind has never needed anything past water, food, shelter, clothing, tools, some basic medicine. That's all that is needed for survival.

I wouldn't call people worthless based on how much they work or are paid at the end of the year. Much of the work people do today is pointless. Bullshit jobs. Plenty of very high income earners contribute absolutely nothing at all. Plenty of people work in sectors that don't provide resources needed to live. I personally feel my 25 years working in medical labs was a drain on resources. It's my view that healthcare wages and salaries need to be drastically cut. We waste so much money on sectors of our economy that are worthless, but my views are considered extreme. There are many that work in these jobs that feel they do contribute, but if you flushed them down the toilet we would get by without them. Cut, Cut, Cut. We don't need near as many people employed as we currently have. Places of employment for the most part are little more than half way houses where the government mandates employers to keep track of you, keeping you on the straight and narrow, paying taxes like a good slave.
Pretty much agree, a few minor differences in opinion (or you may agree)

I am capitalist so think you are worth what you can make. If a stripper can make 300 night getting naked for Horney men, good for her. They don't need her to survive but they pay her money she can buy what she wants with and in turn they see her, free exchange.

Im sick of this minimum wage. Minimum wage is welfare. If someone can't make 15 an hour on an open market, its because their labor isn't worth it. LOL at everyone thinking they are underpaid. Everyone is paid appropriately except minimum wage workers who are essentially subsidized by the rest of us, yet they still complain.

We incentivize breeding with welfare, and tax breaks. We need less breeding but we reinforce it, its the opposite of logic. We should incentivize not having kids (although there are built in incentives to not have to deal with kids but its not enough as population increases).

Many thought covid wold cause a population drop, but all it did was make drug companies a ton of money, give the government reasons to take away freedom, and make ugly people feel comfortable wearing a mask for the rest of their life. Basically a 100% survival rate.

So like you said, eventually I think we will hit that threshold were the world becomes too population dense.
Pretty much agree, a few minor differences in opinion (or you may agree)

I am capitalist so think you are worth what you can make. If a stripper can make 300 night getting naked for Horney men, good for her. They don't need her to survive but they pay her money she can buy what she wants with and in turn they see her, free exchange.

Im sick of this minimum wage. Minimum wage is welfare. If someone can't make 15 an hour on an open market, its because their labor isn't worth it. LOL at everyone thinking they are underpaid. Everyone is paid appropriately except minimum wage workers who are essentially subsidized by the rest of us, yet they still complain.

We incentivize breeding with welfare, and tax breaks. We need less breeding but we reinforce it, its the opposite of logic. We should incentivize not having kids (although there are built in incentives to not have to deal with kids but its not enough as population increases).

Many thought covid wold cause a population drop, but all it did was make drug companies a ton of money, give the government reasons to take away freedom, and make ugly people feel comfortable wearing a mask for the rest of their life. Basically a 100% survival rate.

So like you said, eventually I think we will hit that threshold were the world becomes too population dense.
From a utility standpoint capitalism and communism are both completely worthless. They will cause us to devour our resources. Both are extreme and dangerous.

Most of the higher income workers are where they are in life thanks to gatekeepers that set up obstacles to keep the undesirables out. There is no level playing field. We would like to think we live in a meritocracy, but even the idea that you get what you need from merit is bullshit. Merit is just a way to pacify the masses that sit back and watch the well off, telling themselves they deserve their lot in life due to their relentless programming and propaganda.

Our economy is completely fake, it's digits on financial reports, it has completely detached from reality, but the scariest thing is that it has turned people into prey for parasites that buy up all the land and housing and rent or resale at grossly inflated prices. The gatekeepers make sure it's as hard as possible to have even 20% of what Americans had 50 years ago with one full time job.

Capitalism has turned Americans into slaves with a few masters sitting at the top laughing their asses off sadistically.

Almost every empire has fallen apart because the people at the top had total disregard for those on the bottom. Ancient Greece, Roman Empire, French Revolution. Every time those that sat at the top wallowed in arrogance until the people gave up and left or started chopping heads.
As we all know SCOTUS has returned back to the states the right to decide for themselves on all sorts of matters and I suspect many more matters in the future. Knowing full well most states are ruled by people incapable of deep philosophical questioning, but instead ruled by supernatural and childish ways of viewing the world.

Now most of these matters are mostly to do with things that wrinkle the panties of the religious minded that are obsessed with where you stick your sexual organs and what you do with your womb, or how you express your religious clown show in public.

We are clearly and out in the open controlled by religious groups that have been frothing and foaming to gain state control. Does state control mean more freedom, closer to direct democracy, or does it mean being stuck with decisions made by those with agendas formed through their low IQ and incompetence.

We now have SCOTUS that rules you can use your public HS to pray(Christian only please) on the football field and by default use intimidation tactics for atheists like myself that see this sort of stuff as a method to set apart those of us that don't believe. Make no mistake grown men and women standing around holding hands praying to a blood thirsty middle eastern God of war isn't benign, it is to make sure those of us standing off to the side, pissed off waiting for the game to begin and for the shit show to stop, will be identified and ostracized if you're unlucky enough to live surrounded by fucktards growing up, which is about 80% of America as crazy loves company, there is nothing more satisfying then meeting someone that is crazy just like you to reassure you that you aren't the only one.

The divide between church and state was and has always been the enemy of those that want to grow the influence of Christianity specifically, as I have never seen Christians champion Satan worship and rituals performed on football fields before the big game. Freedom of speech, though championed, was always and has always been the right to shove religion down peoples throats, never the right to openly question and criticize supernatural thinking, as I can attest someone that did question and was often met with extreme rage and even threats of violence growing up.

With appointments to SCOTUS always going to someone of "deep faith" whether that be Christian/Catholic or Jewish, we have in fact introduced a clear bias. If I develop an AI and I program it to be impartial and rational, but I drop in a program for religion that will cause the program to strongly influence ways of thinking, what do I have in that case? I have a shitty AI program is what I have, it's a virus at that point I'm gonna have to remove or send the AI to the scrap heap.

If separation of Church and State is the objective, there can be only one group that should be Supreme Court Justices and those are people that have no religion at all. How else could you possibly pretend there is no bias towards your decisions. And clearly playing dumb by returning it back to the states when they are run by bumble fucks is gonna have a forgone conclusion(certainty/inevitable) that will always go in the direction of theocracy.
The irony in your “low IQ” insults while posting this dribble is astounding.
Half of what you said is so beyond stupid that I’m not sure if you’re trolling or you genuinely believe this garbage.

I highly recommend not pretending to be some superior intellect amongst men if you insist on saying stupid things like this in the same comment.
The problem with riding bareback is that it feels so good compared to using a condom.

Condom sex sucks, but you gotta do it.
A lot of things in life that the laws have touched on actually worsen the quality of life, but you have to do it because the law requires it :)