If I use gear to cut its tren and Winny
Tren gets
Gear actually makes up for bad diet and training I see it all the time
But you gotta have good gear like mine ..
That being said
Without the calories gear isn't going to do much for size
But it's alot easier to cut using gear
I've found tren still leaves a lower pouch in my lower abs while Winny takes it away
I also never cardio I'm sure I can get to single digits with that no problem
But my workouts are only 25min
Just raising the volume will have me more cut
No it doesn't make up for bad diet otherwise every fucking chump in the gym on gear would be huge and shredded. You're talking out your ass and don't be fucking pushing your gear here.
Anybody reading this be aware all the gear in the world won't allow for you to eat like a fatty. Not t3 not clen not hgh not this guys magical jizz either. Only thing I haven't tried personally is DNP. Manwhore GTFO