Shoulder swollen after pin advice please

So pinned my other delt and it did the same thing swole up a lot and was sore for like 3-4 days then did my quad and it's been the worst swole up a lot and could barely walk or bend my leg felt so tight. It's been 4 days still kinda swollen and now it's red! Also I either have test flu or bad reaction to this gear. Any thoughts in the leg being red should I stop or try to push through?IMG_20161017_131246080-1600x1200.jpg
I always inject in my quads because it's a less sensitive area and a bigger muscle so I have less pip. I think if you inject in a small muscle it will be more sore when you are using it and delts get a lot of use. Try going shallower and if pip continues for more than 3 days with swelling it could be infected! I had that once. No visible signs on the surface but inside there was puss that needed to be drained. Even though I took all sanitary precautions it still happened. That's also why I prefer ampules over vials. No contamination since they are one use. Bacteria can be introduced into a vial from bacteria in the air in the needle even if you don't put air in the vial it still gets in its unavoidable bacause air has to go in to replace the liquid you took out.
@Ryno1980 nah I didn't heat the oil and my shoulders not warm or red so I think I'm good and that was my thoughts too that some may have seeped back bc I didn't massage it much after like I usually do so maybe that's all it is. Just wanted second opinions before I continued injecting. Thanks guys

Are you sure you have good gear that is sterile? If not I would get on antibiotics ASAP. Could be an abscess. If it doesn't get better after 48 hours I would get it checked out by a doc. It can't hurt and it doesn't matter what you tell them. Ive been straight with my doctor about AAS use. That way he can monitor you and you can get regular blood work (about once every 3 months). You should never have to heat up anything that you inject. Were not talking about dope here.
Might want to soak it in the bath or use a heating pad.don't known if this was already asked but what oil is used in the gear your running?might just be allergic.and for some reason I would get the same crippling effect from pinning my quads also.every time I'd inject I'd have a damn dead leg for days!
Might want to soak it in the bath or use a heating pad.don't known if this was already asked but what oil is used in the gear your running?might just be allergic.and for some reason I would get the same crippling effect from pinning my quads also.every time I'd inject I'd have a damn dead leg for days!
Exactly I mean. My leg was so tight I couldn't hardly bend it I was like wtf but it's pharmacom test e 300 it doesn't say what oil is used I'll have to look it up but I can deal with the swelling and shit for a few weeks and see if my body gets used to it I was just worried when I got home from work and it was red
Is this your first cycle or something? You guys are being so nice haha. It's 300 so it should have a higher ba level which makes it is more irritating to the muscle. Propionate is also irritating. If your hand is steady, you are sterilizing properly (let the alcohol dry!) and you aren't hitting veins and nerves then it's most likely that your muscles just aren't used to the injections. For me glutes are the easiest/get the least sore. Then shoulders. Then chest or lats. And quads are the worst. But yeah. Basically just deal with the pain, and in a week or two you'll be fine.
Is this your first cycle or something? You guys are being so nice haha. It's 300 so it should have a higher ba level which makes it is more irritating to the muscle. Propionate is also irritating. If your hand is steady, you are sterilizing properly (let the alcohol dry!) and you aren't hitting veins and nerves then it's most likely that your muscles just aren't used to the injections. For me glutes are the easiest/get the least sore. Then shoulders. Then chest or lats. And quads are the worst. But yeah. Basically just deal with the pain, and in a week or two you'll be fine.[/QUOTEm
Is this your first cycle or something? You guys are being so nice haha. It's 300 so it should have a higher ba level which makes it is more irritating to the muscle. Propionate is also irritating. If your hand is steady, you are sterilizing properly (let the alcohol dry!) and you aren't hitting veins and nerves then it's most likely that your muscles just aren't used to the injections. For me glutes are the easiest/get the least sore. Then shoulders. Then chest or lats. And quads are the worst. But yeah. Basically just deal with the pain, and in a week or two you'll be fine.
My second cycle I didn't know that extra 50 mg per ml would make that much difference bc first cycle I had pip right after injection for like 2 hrs then it was all good this is for three days and swelling and shit and today leg was real red so I was just making sure it's good to continue I don't mind the pain just wanted to be safe.
My second cycle I didn't know that extra 50 mg per ml would make that much difference bc first cycle I had pip right after injection for like 2 hrs then it was all good this is for three days and swelling and shit and today leg was real red so I was just making sure it's good to continue I don't mind the pain just wanted to be safe.

As long as you don't get a fever or see it spreading down to your calf or up to your torso I'd say it's not infected and you'll be fine. But I'm no doc so if you're really concerned you can get it checked.
As long as you don't get a fever or see it spreading down to your calf or up to your torso I'd say it's not infected and you'll be fine. But I'm no doc so if you're really concerned you can get it checked.
Well I have had a fever last couple days I figured might be test flu but I'll keep an eye on it thanks for ur input though
Well I have had a fever last couple days I figured might be test flu but I'll keep an eye on it thanks for ur input though

Bro if you are running a fever you had better get your ass to the hospital ASAP. Because you have an infection. It won't be a big deal if you deal with it now. But if you leave it be its not likely to get better on its own and you could potentially have this shit get into your bones and then you're fucked. Trust me on this. Go to the ER and tell them what happened and they will lance it and drain it and pack it with gauze and send you home with some antibiotics and pain killers. And throw that vial away. Deal with the problem the right way and you'll be fine. No one is going to call the cops or judge you. And if they do judge you FUCK THEM!! Let us know what happens. It will be OK, just be a man and deal with the consequences of using gear because this is one of them. And don't reuse that same gear.
Yea its definitely bad gear I just went to the doctor they prescribed me some keflex to get rid of it
I would throw it out. Just because the dr gave you antibiotics to get rid of it didn't mean you can keep using it. If your source reputible they will make good if they don't find a new one
I would throw it out. Just because the dr gave you antibiotics to get rid of it didn't mean you can keep using it. If your source reputible they will make good if they don't find a new one
How is his source going to make it good? Send him more of the bad gear? Fuck that shit. Find another source op.
Yes I'm talking to my source now honestly just letting him know it's bad but he is saying it's my fault bc I shot a whole 1.25 ml of a high concentrated drug lol it's not like it's a mix or test 500 or something.and he sells so many and only has had two complaints (source is drugsgear) but will definitely toss this vial and prolly the other two bc I'm afraid to try them now so I'll go with a diff source in the future
Yes I'm talking to my source now honestly just letting him know it's bad but he is saying it's my fault bc I shot a whole 1.25 ml of a high concentrated drug lol it's not like it's a mix or test 500 or something.and he sells so many and only has had two complaints (source is drugsgear) but will definitely toss this vial and prolly the other two bc I'm afraid to try them now so I'll go with a diff source in the future
Hope you get everything sorted out bro. There are more knowledgeable brothers and lots of threads to read in regards to sources. Best of luck.:)
Hope you get everything sorted out bro. There are more knowledgeable brothers and lots of threads to read in regards to sources. Best of luck.:)
Thanks man I know there are no guarantees with sources but at least I have more experience now haha
I appreciate everyone who gave advice in this thread it really helped convince me to go to the doctor and I'm glad I did thanks everyone.
When I said make good I meant make good by it.. money back or a different batch.. if his source dosnt carry more than one brand test find another..Hence the word REPUTABLE SOURCE.. And yes I hope it all works oUT.


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