Sigma Audley Inc. - Your source for peptides, ancillaries, AAS, and more!

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To anyone else who says they choose the best vial or produce a special batch for testing, please refer to the results of this test again.

I’m tired of that misinformation being spread every time.
To anyone else who says they choose the best vial or produce a special batch for testing, please refer to the results of this test again.

I’m tired of that misinformation being spread every time.
that shit would be too costly to weed out id think. none of these chinese sources would go through all that. i commend SSA for posting these results regardless but we need fucking dimer tests added to any and all HGH testing
I would like to see 10iu hgh vials as the lowest iu option that test close to 11iu-12iu with closer to 99% purity than 96% and dimmer values included. That way not gonna get the 6iu kits by accident. Or do some people value the 6iu vials for a reason I'm not aware of?
Are you for real? Take it you have never ordered illegal meds from abroad before?
I have, yes, for many years; in addition, these were to come from the US warehouse. There has always been some type of identifying marker, especially when the supplier is as large as SA seems to be. I'm not knocking the supplier; I have only good things so far regarding orders and shipping.
Too bad about the HGH, i nearly ordered some. Do you think the HGH purity will improve in the future? Will you also test for dimer?
But look @ the 'Deus Medical' HGH tests, they're not really better but on another price level.
I think @SigmaAudley China Peptide Will need to unload these batches of HGH cheap and start fresh with a new batch. We're going to need better purity and dimer testing is mandatory. Do this and compete with QSC pricing and we've got a winner as far as customer service so far
To anyone else who says they choose the best vial or produce a special batch for testing, please refer to the results of this test again.

I’m tired of that misinformation being spread every time.
lol right. Like these companies could know which vial will test the best / can produce a single vial batch well above their typical production standards is ridiculous.

It’d be incredibly hard to cherry pick. Unless they sent in 20+ vials and chose the best result that came back but still.. intrabatch variation doesn’t deviate too far from the mean.
Still no Dimer on HGH, this is a mandatory addition to all HGH tests!

Clen and T3 are mandatory tests for expediting. as it stands there is pretty much NO reliably dosed T3 or Clen outside of pharma

And that really requires a full bottle, allowing a random sample chosen by Jano of 3 (5 would be better) tabs. Ask him to include pic of bottle or written confirmation in results. Because in this case, it's not bunk, or even underdosing that's the real concern, but variability. Even big pharma struggles to get below 10% variation from tab to tab with microgram dosing. FDA limit is 7.5% high or low, so even they acknowledge a 15% swing has to be accepted in the real world
And that really requires a full bottle, allowing a random sample chosen by Jano of 3 (5 would be better) tabs. Ask him to include pic of bottle or written confirmation in results. Because in this case, it's not bunk, or even underdosing that's the real concern, but variability. Even big pharma struggles to get below 10% variation from tab to tab with microgram dosing. FDA limit is 7.5% high or low, so even they acknowledge a 15% swing has to be accepted in the real world
ive gotten pretty good at homebrewing clen over the years. 100mg per liter (100mcg/ml) using an analytical scale. using a 1ml luer slin pin you can does at 1mcg per unit. i wouldnt try this without a nice calibrated ohaus that can at least get down to 1mg accuracy. seat of the pant feels always felt in comparison to indian pharma and im not dead so at least ive never wildly over dosed myself ha. i ran out of clen raw a few years back, not sure where to get it now days but you gotta be careful working with it. youll need gloves and a respirator, dont want to breath any particulate in or youll get sick as fuck puking/shakes/feel like dying for a day. pretty sure i got a nasal whiff of a few hundred mcg's about 20 years ago when i first started fucking with it.
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I am expecting HGH 15IU to arrive in a couple days, passed customs 2 days ago. Already have a quote with Jano to test for purity and Dimmer.

Sending it in immediately and posting results here. Will update asap. Hopefully purity reflects higher. I was hoping to place a decent size order to hoard away.
ive gotten pretty good at homebrewing clen over the years. 100mg per liter (100mcg/ml) using an analytical scale. using a 1ml luer slin pin you can does at 1mcg per unit. i wouldnt try this without a nice calibrated ohaus that can at least get down to 1mg accuracy. seat of the pant feels always felt in comparison to indian pharma and im not dead so at least ive never wildly over dosed myself ha. i ran out of clen raw a few years back, not sure where to get it now days but you gotta be careful working with it. youll need gloves and a respirator, dont want to breath any particulate in or youll get sick as fuck puking/shakes/feel like dying for a day. pretty sure i got a nasal whiff of a few hundred mcg's about 20 years ago when i first started fucking with it.
You, my friend, got balls to mess with this. I got some clen from buddy that send me to the ER for SVT years ago.

Now I get so anxious about clen I would rather do low dose dnp than using anything that mess with my heartbeat lol.
ill prob order like 10 btls of clen and t3 from one of these sources and get it tested to see how far out of whack they are. i would bet these china tabs are similar to indian pharma but wont know until i test it. i think they have better labs and analytical equipment then domestic UGL making this shit. at least when i make my own i know im pretty close dosing at 100mg per liter
That would be great. Also if you can test for dimer content in your HGH.

Still no Dimer on HGH, this is a mandatory addition to all HGH tests!

Clen and T3 are mandatory tests for expediting. as it stands there is pretty much NO reliably dosed T3 or Clen outside of pharma
Thank you for your feedback, and we would like to ask for your patience and understanding, we are a new company so we cannot do everything all at once and we are learning step by step, so wait and see how we grow!
I think @SigmaAudley China Peptide Will need to unload these batches of HGH cheap and start fresh with a new batch. We're going to need better purity and dimer testing is mandatory. Do this and compete with QSC pricing and we've got a winner as far as customer service so far
Stay tuned... ;)
Yep, no stims for this guy lol. Even a small bump in rhr with semaglutide scared me, I stopped it around 3 weeks in.

Yeah a search for "Clenbuterol toxicity NIH" a while back showed no shortage of hospital visits. Including a bag of raws not requiring proof one knows the difference between mcg and mg, a baby getting into a candy colored clen stash, suicide by clen attempts, and my favorite, "I'm going to stick with pharma grade Test Cyp just to be on the safe side" turning out to have been made using the Axle labs line clearing technique, which included boldenone, vitamin E, and a good dose of clen in the sealed ampules he brought with him.

Luckily even with insanely high doses heart damage was rarely detected, though the combination of HHR and very low BP definitely starved some muscle and they picked up metabolites of dead cells in their tests on a couple of occasions.
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