Sigma Audley Inc. - Your source for peptides, ancillaries, AAS, and more!

$700 is a lot to lose. That's bad.
Can I ask why you need/want to go on that particular discord?
I have not seen it.

As for peopys - they are pretty large - thousands of regulars. Anyways if I complete the last three instructionals on how to use their discord, I’ll be part of two groups: peptide testing and peptide lab. There’s a third one I signed up for too that’s called: private source discussion. They’ve got sources for longevity, nootropics, hormones, peptides, and some other categories.

No clue how much it’s gonna cost to participate in the testing group - but it would be so nice to be able to send in a few things I really want tested and then have the group divide up the bill from Jano.
I'm just curious how you know it was bunk? Did you have it tested?
Thanks for asking. I received 3 unlabeled products and one labeled ms10. I didn’t order any of those things. But yes I tried them and they did nothing. You can tell when a glp-1 isn’t working bc you’re all the sudden starving and constantly thinking about food.

Previously I had been shorted 3 products, and before that suspected my hgh and bpc were bunk. As you can guess, sigma likes to get creative and mix up their scamming quite a bit.

Hey sigma - ray quit responding to my emails. I’d like to get the stuff you owe me either sent out or refunded, and if you do, you’ll never hear from me again. Otherwise, I’ll stick around and continue complaining every day.
Yeah like I sai
I have the same question. Every fourth batch is good, but the rest are bad? That's a lot of scheming and scamming, sir. It's easier to be honest.

Yeah like I said, this last one came with 3 UNLABELED kits and the fourth kit was something I never ordered (MS10, a cheap energy drink additive). Ray didn’t even try to deny there was a mixup or mistake bc this was supposed to be replacing the products I was shorted in order 2. Sigh…

And order 2 also came with a kit containing only one vial of something I didn’t order - cjc was on the label. What sucks for sigma is I retired at 27, I have all day and all night to complain. I won’t stop either bc I absolutely detest getting burned.