
So this girl I really like asked me to go skydiving with her. Something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time anyway.

I signed up today for the jump and there is a weight limit.
I just finished a three month cut and very low body fat. I two weeks into a bulk. I’m still above the weight limit slightly lol. They are very strict about it. I asked.
So I’ll be cutting again for the next six weeks. Well barely cutting more like maintaining and losing 5-10 lbs
I’m cool with it though

Permacutter lol
So this girl I really like asked me to go skydiving with her. Something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time anyway.

I signed up today for the jump and there is a weight limit.
I just finished a three month cut and very low body fat. I two weeks into a bulk. I’m still above the weight limit slightly lol. They are very strict about it. I asked.
So I’ll be cutting again for the next six weeks. Well barely cutting more like maintaining and losing 5-10 lbs
I’m cool with it though

Permacutter lol
What is the weight limit?
I went a few years back with my wife. Weight cap was 230. We did the 14k ft jump. She and her instructor only weighed a total of 250lbs, while my instructor and myself was 445 lbs.. my wife jumped about 15 seconds before me, and we landed before them lol.

Pretty cool experience, but I don’t think I need to do it again. Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane on purpose I feel only warrants so many mulligans with nothing going wrong lol.
I went a few years back with my wife. Weight cap was 230. We did the 14k ft jump. She and her instructor only weighed a total of 250lbs, while my instructor and myself was 445 lbs.. my wife jumped about 15 seconds before me, and we landed before them lol.

Pretty cool experience, but I don’t think I need to do it again. Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane on purpose I feel only warrants so many mulligans with nothing going wrong lol.
Yeah I’m so glad I just cut for three months
I was close to 250 and no way I could cut 25 lbs in six weeks without losing a bunch of muscle
Yeah that’s what I’m doing 14k. Glad y’all had a good time
I’m looking forward to it for sure
yea I went to Vegas a while back and wanted to do the helicopter tour even for that there was a limit I think it was 250 pounds or u pay for a double ticket. I was a few pounds over I said f it I’m not paying double.
Yeah screw double pay for a couple lbs
Good decision lol
im with Lee, i wouldn't do it again, not worth it, for the amount of time you are in the air. the free fall, yaaa, if you have trouble breathing from the get go... expect even less oxygen getting in, it feel like your holding your breath... the amount of air blowing again't you face, is crazy. i also wouldn't do it... if your not flexiable, having to tuck your knees in and then straight out 'at the right time".. is crucial... so your not flip flopping over the intructors..and no landing is soft landing, even if you have fat ass.... the ground is hard and that's what your landind on. so any disc issues... stay away from this thought of doing it.
I lost consciousness during a sky drive in Nevada on vacation. Like the other user said, it's very very hard to breathe. Most hold their breath temporarily and I didn't try to but I couldn't breathe out. Try doing that while your adrenaline is pumping. I fully agree with the other user, to me it is not fun nor with the risk of injuring your back or something. Yes of course deaths are rare but landing injuries are common according to my instructor, which is why you have 60 forms saying you won't sue them beforehand. Never had to fill out any form to play putt putt with a chick or go to the park, Didn't have to starve myself either.
I lost consciousness during a sky drive in Nevada on vacation. Like the other user said, it's very very hard to breathe. Most hold their breath temporarily and I didn't try to but I couldn't breathe out. Try doing that while your adrenaline is pumping. I fully agree with the other user, to me it is not fun nor with the risk of injuring your back or something. Yes of course deaths are rare but landing injuries are common according to my instructor, which is why you have 60 forms saying you won't sue them beforehand. Never had to fill out any form to play putt putt with a chick or go to the park, Didn't have to starve myself either.
yet this is what i don't get, some of the instrutors juming with you, have full helmets.
yea I went to Vegas a while back and wanted to do the helicopter tour even for that there was a limit I think it was 250 pounds or u pay for a double ticket. I was a few pounds over I said f it I’m not paying double.
The major airlines need to do this. I can't stand being squished in between two obese passengers
Absolutely I agree , but 5 pounds over at 6’3 255 not like I was 5’2 300 pounds lol , u know there’s a difference.

You are 6'3.
They thought you were going to get your head through the roof, or something.
Nevermind the weight.

I stand 1ft 1inch below you.
I need to grab a tape measure to figure this out.
How tall is your wife?
You are 6'3.
They thought you were going to get your head through the roof, or something.
Nevermind the weight.

I stand 1ft 1inch below you.
I need to grab a tape measure to figure this out.
How tall is your wife?
lol right or clip my head on the rotor.

Tbh I’m one of the smallest guys in my family I think I only know of 2 smaller than me. Heck My mom was 5’11, My baby brother is like 6’6 300 pounds and not fat.

Sheesh ur a little shorty too lol. My wife says she is 5’1 but I doubt it I gota pull the tape measure out like u said lol, but she is probably 5’0 with shoes on. Us Americans and our stupid measurements and fractions, once in a while we get materials from eu Italy and other spots and we have to covert the metric stuff to our measuring system.

I remember being young a lot of the tall girls had crushes on me probably mainly just because they felt more comfortable standing by my side lol, but I’ve had women tell me straight up if I was shorter they would have no interest. I guess I’m a bit bias on that as well. Especially in the bb scene, like the average Mr o. Is only like 5’7? Every one of my 5 sisters is taller than that lmao. When u have short little arms and legs it’s a heck of a lot easier to pack muscle on. The guys 5’11 6’0 and over I respect it much more.
Is ur husband tall?
lol right or clip my head on the rotor.
Now you see why the double charge.

Tbh I’m one of the smallest guys in my family I think I only know of 2 smaller than me. Heck My mom was 5’11, My baby brother is like 6’6 300 pounds and not fat.

Couldn't you spare an inch or two for your wife and i?
All those inches for yourselves.
No bueno.
Your wife and I are quite resentful.
Keep that in mind.

Sheesh ur a little shorty too lol. My wife says she is 5’1 but I doubt it I gota pull the tape measure out like u said lol, but she is probably 5’0 with shoes on.

the two of us are nearing midget territory.
With all due respect to your wife.

Us Americans and our stupid measurements and fractions, once in a while we get materials from eu Italy and other spots and we have to covert the metric stuff to our measuring system.

Tbh, I use metric. But in the US and the UK they don't so I go with the crowd.

I remember being young a lot of the tall girls had crushes on me probably mainly just because they felt more comfortable standing by my side lol, but I’ve had women tell me straight up if I was shorter they would have no interest. I guess I’m a bit bias on that as well

Yeah, a tall woman certainly needs someone taller than she is.
Didn't go that way for the ones that married Tom Cruise.
I suppose the Hollywood cred made up for it.
Still, it's a no.
Tall guys always look better.

. Especially in the bb scene, like the average Mr o. Is only like 5’7?

and the wider they get, the shorter they look.
5ft6 and have to walk sideways through the door, it ain't a good proposition, irl.

When u have short little arms and legs it’s a heck of a lot easier to pack muscle on.
You are right.
but then you may also end up looking like ET (the alien)
Short arms and legs kind of reminds me of that.
The guys 5’11 6’0 and over I respect it much more.

Agree. Awesome physical presence.

Is ur husband tall?

Zero husband.
If you don't look you don't find. And I never look.
I am sure it's a very difficult endeavour, finding a decent human you can call marriage material.
I don't mind being on my own.
But it's been so beautiful seeing how some of you guys here speak so tenderly about your wives, even after having been together for a long time.
Can't really say I come across much of that, in every day life.
So, it's super cute. But also rare, I think.
You and your wife must be fabulous.

Thanks for the message, you are always so kind and so much fun.
I shall "see you" in a few days.
I think I have written enough rubbish here, today, to last a few months...
Now you see why the double charge.

Couldn't you spare an inch or two for your wife and i?
All those inches for yourselves.
No bueno.
Your wife and I are quite resentful.
Keep that in mind.

the two of us are nearing midget territory.
With all due respect to your wife.

Tbh, I use metric. But in the US and the UK they don't so I go with the crowd.

Yeah, a tall woman certainly needs someone taller than she is.
Didn't go that way for the ones that married Tom Cruise.
I suppose the Hollywood cred made up for it.
Still, it's a no.
Tall guys always look better.

and the wider they get, the shorter they look.
5ft6 and have to walk sideways through the door, it ain't a good proposition, irl.

You are right.
but then you may also end up looking like ET (the alien)
Short arms and legs kind of reminds me of that.

Agree. Awesome physical presence.

Zero husband.
If you don't look you don't find. And I never look.
I am sure it's a very difficult endeavour, finding a decent human you can call marriage material.
I don't mind being on my own.
But it's been so beautiful seeing how some of you guys here speak so tenderly about your wives, even after having been together for a long time.
Can't really say I come across much of that, in every day life.
So, it's super cute. But also rare, I think.
You and your wife must be fabulous.

Thanks for the message, you are always so kind and so much fun.
I shall "see you" in a few days.
I think I have written enough rubbish here, today, to last a few months...

This post will probably have you flooded with private messages of marriage proposals in no time . . .
This post will probably have you flooded with private messages of marriage proposals in no time . . .
That’s what I was just thinking. She’s gana be elite in no time lol.

hopefully they are nice and respectful about it. She’s a sweat heart. If it gets bad Millard is just a click away lol, and he doesn’t play.

In the savant words of the hot guru from Canada, Mahatma Declan

But also, if you have already done it,
I’ve been very busy with work and moving this weekend but yes still alive lol
2 more weeks till jump!
Also joined a new gym today and I love it!!!
Hardcore powerlifting gym and it’s perfect in every way.
Hope y’all doing great I know I’ve been mia lately but still kickin lol