Lol alright man. How about some common decency? I realize that it's a long shot but why not give it a shot? There's been people who have done it and they bounced back a bit. I realize that I'm not going to be back to normal but I want to at least try. Idk your story or why you decided to try and destroy all my hope, but you're not the one in your 20's dealing with this. I'm just looking for help. If I do it and it fails then where's the harm? I'm already fucked up, so there's not that problem. Thanks for your words and I'll keep them in mind but I'm going to try if it's alright with you.

I have a friend who had to start TRT in his 20's and he is as old as me. he says it was best thing he could of done. I'm just a realist, sometimes the truth hurts. doesn't hurt to try other options, but I'm sure it will come back to the option I've been preaching ;)

good luck :)