I peeked in here checking out the domestic scene.
Re the bitcoin cashout: Trying to sell a MILLION bitcoin would not be easy. All the exchanges have daily,weekly, monthly limits. GDAX for example has a $10k/day limit, but that's likely plenty for the poor blokes around here.
Ability to trade is still tricky. Trading bitcoin to other coins is fairly easy, but getting out to USD has limited options. Note, if you fuck up a transfer, you can easily send your "money" to nowhere, never to see it again. An estimated $50 billion in bitcoin is already forever lost.
If you just want to dip your foot in the game, then Coinbase is the simplest. Link it to your bank account and do an ACH deposit. Note it takes about 1 week to transfer the funds. Don't do a direct buy to a coin, because you can't sell it for that week if things go to shit.
Also, I wouldn't bother unless you can spare at least $1000. Also note, bitcoin trades are currently expensive...$20+ or so per transaction. Ether and Litecoin are far more economical to trade currently. Some of the other big potential money to be made on lesser coins is a trickier and requires other exchanges. IOW, it's a big fucking hassle but doable if you're serious about it. Stick with the 3 on Coinbase for a while until you're comfortable with the process.