[Source] Sasquatch Labs - Intro/Sale (US Domestic)

Ok I was only looking for some input. Thanks anyways

[emoji106][emoji50] Take the thumb out of your mouth and do the BASIC reading first. Then come back with a proposed cycle layout and we can help you out if you need it. Nobody’s going to layout a cycle for you and honestly you shouldn’t accept that even if they did. It’s your body. Your health. Become an expert so that you don’t fuck yourself up.

The fact you did several oral only cycles tells us you don’t have the slightest clue and we’re not going to hold your soft hand.
I don’t think he will get past the whole fear of needles part. That’s generally the reason for the oral only cycles.
There are 1000’s of AAS users that started with oral only cycles including myself. For some it’s a natural progression towards IM cycles. I too was uneducated not necessarily afraid. That’s why helping people and educating them is far more effective then the old steroid boot camp method of telling people to just do there own research.

I wish someone had steered me in the right direction so I hadn’t wasted my time and money.

As far as the opioid addiction comment.
I believe a opioid addiction sub forum should be in place in the men’s health section. It long overdue and would be beneficial for ex addicts to tell there story and help one another through education and support. What Meso really needs is a house PSYCHOLOGIST! o_O
There are 1000’s of AAS users that started with oral only cycles including myself. For some it’s a natural progression towards IM cycles. I too was uneducated not necessarily afraid. That’s why helping people and educating them is far more effective then the old steroid boot camp method of telling people to just do there own research.

I wish someone had steered me in the right direction so I hadn’t wasted my time and money.

As far as the opioid addiction comment.
I believe a opioid addiction sub forum should be in place in the men’s health section. It long overdue and would be beneficial for ex addicts to tell there story and help one another through education and support. What Meso really needs is a house PSYCHOLOGIST! o_O
You didnt have google back then old timer?:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p
There are 1000’s of AAS users that started with oral only cycles including myself. For some it’s a natural progression towards IM cycles. I too was uneducated not necessarily afraid. That’s why helping people and educating them is far more effective then the old steroid boot camp method of telling people to just do there own research.

I wish someone had steered me in the right direction so I hadn’t wasted my time and money.

As far as the opioid addiction comment.
I believe a opioid addiction sub forum should be in place in the men’s health section. It long overdue and would be beneficial for ex addicts to tell there story and help one another through education and support. What Meso really needs is a house PSYCHOLOGIST! o_O
I wasn't so concerned with the oral only cycles as he needs to learn about ai's, the effects of test and orals, give stats and goals, than ask anything he wants.
So going a little further off topic hurts? I mean hell, we had 3 pages of ass talk.

At least talking about helping someone build a cycle is helpful

A little? Helping junior out with his cycle is a thread within itself, and has a proper place to be discussed. Instead, let's keep shitting up threads with back and forth about where junior should go for help. After 20 pages of that, we'll all stick our fingers in our belly buttons, then take another 20 pages to describe the treasures we find in there.
A little? Helping junior out with his cycle is a thread within itself, and has a proper place to be discussed. Instead, let's keep shitting up threads with back and forth about where junior should go for help. After 20 pages of that, we'll all stick our fingers in our belly buttons, then take another 20 pages to describe the treasures we find in there.

My point exactly.

All threads get junked up anyways from talking about turds being on tongues to cycles to anything in between.

But when we junk it up with banter and ass holes it’s all good in a source thread.

But Cycle advice is off the limits in a source thread. Especially if it’s a noob asking questions.
My point exactly.

All threads get junked up anyways from talking about turds being on tongues to cycles to anything in between.

But when we junk it up with banter and ass holes it’s all good in a source thread.

But Cycle advice is off the limits in a source thread. Especially if it’s a noob asking questions.

It's the principal of keeping a thread worthy subject out of a thread that's already been watered down with enough off topic banter.

With that said, i took a poke at my belly button. i found a small piece of lint, two small hairs and an M&M, plain, not peanut... Didn't taste very good.

