Sources or no sources

Should we allow sources

  • Yes

    Votes: 72 78.3%
  • No

    Votes: 20 21.7%

  • Total voters
We always had to drive to Hartford to score, the longest ride of my life some days. If you weren't completely falling apart we could do it in one shot. Otherwise we would stop in Holyoke to get well and finnish the trip.
Hartford was safe compared to the 3hours of nodding out on the trip back.
It's been almost 15years now abd i can't remember the name of the street, Appleton maybe?
Albany ave.
The YES vote has reached 80%.....

I just shifted that with a no vote. I highly doubt any opinion matters around here anymore as I think there are too many different perspectives on the handling of this matter. This place will remain the equivalent of the wild wild west.

I came to meso to share experiences originally. Never had any intention on using a source from here. It figures thats what this place will remain and was originally intended with its rules in place of origin.
By the way there is way too much fucking hate in this thread. Alot of you do not get tired of getting the same point across. Too many educated members losing focus.

This is why we don't reach anywhere.

On the same note.... your biggest enemy and downfall is your mouth @MANWHORE
Wow the bad old days!
If we came together this nicely
About the matter at hand as we do about our addictions.
And understand that we all created this mess.
The matter at hand would be resolved.
We all have conflict of interest but can come together as the comunity we are.
I am not saying I don't like white guys
and it's not all of you, but seriously you guys are way too sensitive for me..

This is the reason a lot of black women don't date white guys
Some people hate hearing the truth
Truth? WTF would you know about truth? You just can't stop running off at he mouth. A smart person would have just dropped it and moved on. Chronic diarrhea of the mouth in your case is apparently incurable.
Overly sensitive? Naw, I'm probably one of the callous individuals you'd ever meet, but just have a low tolerance for continous, dribbling BS.
But, there again, you have the right to continue your inane posts, as I have the right to post my replies. Carry on MW!
I am not saying I don't like white guys
and it's not all of you, but seriously you guys are way too sensitive for me..

This is the reason a lot of black women don't date white guys
Wow it's been a while since someone has injected race into a conversation.