Sources selling oral minoxidil that’s Jano tested?

Yes. There are two types of 5a reductase, the enzyme which converts testosterone to hair killing DHT, known as 1 & 2. Finasteride inhibits type 2 only, Dutasteride inhibits both. Type 1 is plentiful in the sebaceous (skin oil) glands in the scalp.

Dutasteride is MUCH more potent than Finasteride. That said, many men take doses far higher than those used for hair loss without side effects.

Start at the lowest dose, every other day, and see how it goes. If you can tolerate it, it's very effective at protecting hair, though finasteride is as well.

The combination of either with oral Minoxidil is the most effective treatment known for stopping and reversing (within limits) androgenic alopecia.
I think we both should start a Dut test. 0.5mg daily for 12 months see what happens.
Oral Minox 5mg on top is granted of course.
what is the maximum effective dose for oral minox? Is 5 mg that much better than 2.5 mg ED? How about using 2.5 mg oral in combination with the topical solution? thanks
what is the maximum effective dose for oral minox? Is 5 mg that much better than 2.5 mg ED? How about using 2.5 mg oral in combination with the topical solution? thanks

I wouldn't use topical with oral. Topical is a crapshoot as to what amount goes systemic, and nothing brings on sides (for all BP class meds) like fluctuating blood concentration levels.

5mg is unquestionably more effective than 2.5. However, 2.5 is still beneficial and no harm in starting with it. allowing sides, if any, to diminish over a month or so, and titrating up to 5mg later if you choose. Hair benefits diminish above 5mg. A single daily dose is my advice, though this is debatable given its half life. I'm in the camp that thinks a higher spike, and a long drop are better than a lower, but even level over 24 hours from 2 doses.

Regardless of dose, the key is discipline and patience.

Endure any sides (they're minor if you have any at all, and usually disappear completely for 99%.).

Endure the shedding phase. Look at it as a sign it's working.

Understand 6 months of daily use is required for the initial visible improvement. Hair grows slowly. I felt it in the texture of my hair before seeing it.
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