Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

he offers 5% above 500 and 10% above a 1000.

do we have any serious alternative? sadly not and you know how it works when there is no competition in a market, it becomes a monopoly.
I have used CM a couple of times for testing since the turnaround times are so much better since they are domestic. They don’t have the tenure or the reputation though obviously. Jano is always going to be the gold standard, dude is just crazy busy these days.

I have used CM a couple of times for testing since the turnaround times are so much better since they are domestic. They don’t have the tenure or the reputation though obviously. Jano is always going to be the gold standard, dude is just crazy busy these days.

I'm not from the US. So they are not feasible for me.
How would you filter dimer from rhgh?

You wouldn't. I was speculating that one might be able to choose a filter that would pass the monomeric form and filter the dimeric form, but given that the monomeric molecule is around 2-5nm and the dimeric molecule is 5-10nm, no conventional filter that I know of would be sufficient.

Or in simpler terms, I was wildly mistaken, at least about HGH, now onto aggregated proteins in peptides.

I manage nerds for a living.
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I'm sure I've written this before, but I've made a career out of exploiting intelligent people. Critical to my success has been the need for me to identify intellectual capability and the various pathologies that go along with it. I have limited data with which to diagnose the guy completely, but many of the patterns he exhibits are familiar.

While I don't believe he's a narcissist, there are obviously plenty of insecurities there, and I'd rather spill as few words on the topic as possible in an effort to avoid feeding them or the need for attention.

So you think he was bullied as a kid which is why he tells anyone who calls him out to ignore him, so the "bullying" will stop.
So you think he was bullied as a kid which is why he tells anyone who calls him out to ignore him, so the "bullying" will stop.

LOL, here we go with the amateur analysis again.

First of all, not one of these clowns has "called me out" on any substantive factual basis.

The attacks are based on their annoyance.

I tell them to ignore me, because that's the sensible thing to do if I truly irritate them so fucking much, and provide nothing of value. But they can't. Loath the admit it, they won't deny themselves access to what I write.

Just like the firestorm over GLPs, it's purely ad hominem insults from, let's be honest here, the intellectual trash bin of MESO. Not one of those jerkoffs can put together a coherent idea, let alone bring anything novel to the discussion.

Outside of this thread, they're universally out of their depth. Look at their post histories. At best they can repeat common knowledge they heard elsewhere, or some mundane account of personal experience from their boring lives.

You won't see any of their names on a MESO front page article in this lifetime. It's unlikely any of them have ever read even one.

Not a spark of intellect. No wit. These guys are on par with the regular occupants you'd find in a dive bar.

I refrained from responding for a little while to watch those morons spin their wheels, expend their best efforts, so dismantling their idiocy will be that much more enjoyable.

Have you ever noticed the people who claim someone was "bullied" are, without fail, lower class losers? You never hear a white collar professional using that as a dig. There's a common diagnosis behind that behavior any psychologist could easily dig their teeth into.

Every one of these guys occupies a low rung in society, guaranteed, and someone "acting smart" draws their fury.

And it's the same dynamic every time. A low value, but regular user with the slightest name recognition comes out swinging like he's tough, and a bunch of twerps who've been here a few weeks, or who post a single sentence with poor grammar and no punctuation every three months clings to his dick and follows his lead.

It gives them a sense of belonging. Probably daddy issues, coming from single mother welfare households, or beta fathers, and find Narta's tough talk makes them tingle inside.
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Most of us are just meatheads trying to be safe, not kill ourselves.

I appreciate when other people put in the work and research. Makes it easier for me.

And yes, one of the purposes of meso is harm reduction. But, it's still a steroid forum. It's not think dot com.

We've always had smart people on meso. Doctors, scientists, researchers... they come and go.

Meatheads, bodybuilders, some that might need to be strong for their low rung blue collared work, because it could mean life or death if they weren't. They're here to stay.

Even with the influx of new people cuz of GLPs. They are still the minority here.

I welcome them. But it's still a steroid/bodybuilding/powerlifting community. Always will be.
You got me there. I forgot to mention the other common behavior.

A bunch of substandard intellects pathetically echoing each other to create the illusion of one functional brain between you.
And you’re a genius? Because of what you post? Think again boy.

Anyone who can’t get lean even when using glps for more than seven years and claim to be trained by an ex ifbb pro, is rich and has access to pharma drugs is either dumb or lazy.

If us dumb knuckle draggers have the brain and competence to follow a diet and training program to be in healthy weight range then what makes a self proclaimed genius like you still obese and unhealthy then?

Stop with all your bullshit and be real, come back when you’re at least below 25% bf.
Have you ever noticed the people who claim someone was "bullied" are, without fail, lower class losers? You never hear a white collar professional using that as a dig. There's a common diagnosis behind that behavior any psychologist could easily dig their teeth into.
The brush with which you stereotype people never fails to be a glaring weakness in your perspective of the world around you. It belies a weak intellect with a capacity to deal with the details that are extant rather than the patterns to which you have become accustomed.

It transforms you into one of those lower class losers that you loathe so much and compromises your credibility. I’ve asked you repeatedly not to do that.
Ok, I typed “pricelist” in the search and chose “this thread.” The results are random, not newest-oldest. I then went back 20 pages and can’t find a list. I do leave the door open to me being retarded. If I’m wrong, by all means, shit on me, but, at least provide a list. Thank you.
Ok, I typed “pricelist” in the search and chose “this thread.” The results are random, not newest-oldest. I then went back 20 pages and can’t find a list. I do leave the door open to me being retarded. If I’m wrong, by all means, shit on me, but, at least provide a list. Thank you.


Stop off topic please!

let them fight, enjoy the show
