For those of you who play the 200mg test game and then add tons of anabolics on top, which do you use? I can't tolerate masteron at any dose.


I've tried to play this game of ToddleeMD twice now where I keep the test moderate and try to ramp up with masteron as he says (he calls it a neutral anabolic) but I cannot fooking take even a few mg of mast without being crippled by anxiety. I've tried it twice now and it destroys me even at low doses. No other drug does this for whatever reason. What is a good sub? EQ and especially primo both crash my E2... if I want to take 400 primo I need 600 test to stay in range... was thinking NPP but not sure how high is tolerable of a level on that or anadrol. Have used anavar and it's great. I can't even tell I'm on it from side effect perspective but it can't be run very long due to lipids. Perhaps it's best to just use more test like most guys do? Anyone run into this problem of what relatively neutral anabolic to stack on test that doesn't cause issues if it can't be masteron? As crazy as it sounds, I'm wondering I could tolerate 50-100mg of anadrol per day on top of 200mg of weekly test better than any other drug from a sides perspective. Anyone play test low and drop high for extended periods?
Best bulking cycle I loved was trt test and HIGH npp (700mg/wk)
I grew so easily on it, zero sides with keep e2 down.

Alot of recent threads are saying high test as the base is king though, which I have never tried high test bulking so I will be trying that early next year.