Sry Lab (Peptides, SARMS,Steroids)-International & Domestic Shipping

I agree. Pastebins (or privatebins etc) are much more convenient. Vendors are missing out on low-hanging fruit by not doing this.
I tried to do this in the earliest thread but it was deleted and said that it was not allowed to post price lists, so I thought it was not allowed. Please let me know if I can do this
Thank you! As I told you in private message, I will give you extra compensation next time I order, because I know it was delayed for a few days.
Thanks but that's not necessary It still made it in a reasonable amount of time so I'm happy. It was FedEx that fucked up not you guys.
I tried to do this in the earliest thread but it was deleted and said that it was not allowed to post price lists, so I thought it was not allowed. Please let me know if I can do this
you are allowed only if you do it in the form of a pastebin or privatebin
Jesus christ at least now I can place an order. Thanks for the pastebins.

Also, chill with the dermorphin. Your competitors will try to get you banned for that shit.
What is dermorphin?

You can also join their discord, convenient communication .
Dermorphin isn't centrally active unless you pump it into your spinal column. It's WAY too large to cross the BBB from your bloodstream. You have to shuttle it right into spinal fluid to get to the central mu receptor sites.

It's one of the peptides inside of Kambo (Frog poison, Amazonian medicine) as well. It's quite the opposite of euphoric, lol. It's great at upregulating endogenous endorphin and enkephalin production though, great for healing from addiction.

It just makes you get really hot and puke if used transdermally, sub q, or orally through peripheral receptor activation.

Same kinda deal as loperamide (Imodium) and why it's OTC. Powerful opioid, way too large to get into the brain though.
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It’s great to hear people get in touchdownz . I put an order in I believe it was the 13th. Communication has been great anytime I had a question. I was told it look like it’s close to landing soon. My fingers are crossed for this weeek. I got a mix of items mainly for some friends. But did get the Stan 50mg tabs and 10iu gh for myself .