I’ve only spoken with the email guy... No td yet but shouldn’t be long. I’m sure all is good... but it’s different lol.
I haven’t been on in a while and I don’t remember when my last order was. I want to say close to a year ago. I just want to let you know that on 110-120mg week of stans test e. My test came back at a little over 1000. Bloods were pulled 8 days after last injection.
I have been on his test prop my shit came back 1500 at my check up with my TRT doctor. I’ll post it later got to take the wife out!
I haven’t been on in a while and I don’t remember when my last order was. I want to say close to a year ago. I just want to let you know that on 110-120mg week of stans test e. My test came back at a little over 1000. Bloods were pulled 8 days after last injection.

On 120 mgs a week and bloods pulled 8 days after previous injection u were still over 1000...... I don’t buy it .
I’m curious to know how you get away with running UGL while under care of a licensed physician
Easy actually! I pay out of pocket I don’t use my insurance. It’s a rejuvenating place that also does hair, lipo, and that women stuff like getting O shots in there moo moo!
On 120 mgs a week and bloods pulled 8 days after previous injection u were still over 1000...... I don’t buy it .
I have nothing to gain here, all I am telling you is what came up on my blood work as I have been to get my bloodwork And health in order so I have been on trt doses for over a year and I’m not even lifting much. I may cut the dose down some because it’s not “heathy” to be this high . You can look at all of my posts on this thread and other threads I’m no one here. Just Sharing results
Easy actually! I pay out of pocket I don’t use my insurance. It’s a rejuvenating place that also does hair, lipo, and that women stuff like getting O shots in there moo moo!
Sounds a lot like a certain "rejuvenation station" that is local to my rural area. I've done the very same at that place.
Easy actually! I pay out of pocket I don’t use my insurance. It’s a rejuvenating place that also does hair, lipo, and that women stuff like getting O shots in there moo moo!

So you still buy what he prescribes so that he thinks you are on his right?
How difficult was it to juggle 250mg doses to match what he would expect from what he prescribed at 200mg/ml? You are super lucky, most docs can spot that shit haha
Couldn't you just take 200mg on the shot before your appt to be pretty close
I’m curious to know how you get away with running UGL while under care of a licensed physician
I run full cycles while being under the care of an endocrinologist. I’ve even been running 500tren/150test/50var and had TRT labs drawn fairly normal. It’s easy to do if you know what compounds you can get away with or when to lower your dose / blast a cycle.