I get your confusion. He was open to the public, then he wasn’t, then he was and now he’s not somewhat. Guess you had to be there. Long story short, he’s not open to the public.

Thanks for the clarification brother.
I guess the real question is what would one do to be able do get in on this private action? I'm guessing wait it out

I tried to email Stanford quite a long time ago about getting list to place an order but I'm pretty sure he was private then too
Sent bitcoin on Oct 27

Pack Landed on Oct 30

Containments were SECURELY packaged and done in a professional manner.

Shipping was 10$.. however I believe Stan should at least offer free shipping if the Total order is over 300$.

All vials were there. Nothing is missing.
I can post Total Test bloodwork in 8 weeks if Stan will compensate?

Thanks Everyone + Stan for reading.

Sent bitcoin on Oct 27

Pack Landed on Oct 30

Containments were SECURELY packaged and done in a professional manner.

Shipping was 10$.. however I believe Stan should at least offer free shipping if the Total order is over 300$.

All vials were there. Nothing is missing.
I can post Total Test bloodwork in 8 weeks if Stan will compensate?

Thanks Everyone + Stan for reading.

Thank you, sir. I only compensate for hplc testing. Bloods really will only tell you if there is hormone in there. I would prefer an accurate account of contents via testing the actual product. Considering I test all products I pretty much know there's hormone in there. As for the free shipping the bigger the pack the more it costs to ship. I used to do that before I lowered the price. Now I have the prices and shipping fee pretty darn low. Prices are way lower than other sources. I'm doing my best to give you guys the best deal i can. I appreciate your order and you as a customer so I hope I dont come off as an ass.
Have a great weekend everybody. Going out on the town, lol. All packs for the week are ship minus a few late orders. I'll be back on here tomorrow.
Does Stanford send tracking? Last source took 3 days to deliver so I’m a little spoiled