I completely get it. Gotta keep the sources feet to the fire. I dont ever expect to be the exception. I'll always try and be forthcoming when I can be. My t/a really did take a deep dive off a cliff and that was most of the reason i went in the direction i did and not be 100% public. I'm very sorry i didn't meet your expectations as well as the others that I failed. I got in way over my head and took steps to fix that. I dont mean anything nefarious by being quasi private and out of respect to the board I dont post my list, test reports and such.
Bro no more of “Magic Toms”?
Cialis is out of stock right now. Plan on ordering more within the next 2 days. Then there's shipping and testing so might be a little while. Sorry.
Its all good bro.. tempting to try ur primo .. especially now .. ur promo is sick! I remember i used ur dhb for almost a year… no pip like whst so ever … never ever i used primo .. wonder if i see any diff then dhb at the same dose at 600 per week
Its all good bro.. tempting to try ur primo .. especially now .. ur promo is sick! I remember i used ur dhb for almost a year… no pip like whst so ever … never ever i used primo .. wonder if i see any diff then dhb at the same dose at 600 per week
Wish I could help. Never used either. Never been a better time to see what primos all about, though, lol.
No doubt at one time it took a while. I was just commenting on the product. I can’t speak on the turn around as of now as I’m no longer a customer.
I used to be a customer also but I never had a long ta and even during Christmas it was like no longer than 2 weeks. He also sent me a free npp and said merry Christmas
People requesting the list and asking about a "sale" or "promo", the list has the prices built in. It's the new list. For instance, Primo being $50 a vial on the list. That is the final price. Doesn't matter how many you buy. 1 or 50. That is the price. Thank you.
People requesting the list and asking about a "sale" or "promo", the list has the prices built in. It's the new list. For instance, Primo being $50 a vial on the list. That is the final price. Doesn't matter how many you buy. 1 or 50. That is the price. Thank you.

Do you have any sales or promo's going?
If i buy 50 vials of Primo, will you take a couple bucks off?