just tried 15mg actually, definitely legit. pumped as i’m typing. only working with what i got at home though, this shits going to be insane at 40mg back in the gym. 100% vouch for his halo

Always been interested in this product, but only hear power lifter talking about it. Mind if I ask how are you utilizing it? What what objective in mind?
Always been interested in this product, but only hear power lifter talking about it. Mind if I ask how are you utilizing it? What what objective in mind?
end of physique based cycle, this will be my first time using it. supposed to greatly help keep muscles full and round in caloric deficit as well as really bring out lots of vascularity and dryness from what i’ve seen. also seen it can add endurance and great pumps in the deficit too. i know there’s other options offering basically the same but over time i’ve read a lot of good things for halo as a finisher and decided to try it. i took 15mg about 30 minutes before i did some basic shit here at home to just get a feel for it. used more weight in movements i normally do without feeling anywhere near as fatigued as i would without it and got a much better pump than i was expecting doing what i am at home. pretty impressed with the stuff really, can’t wait for the gyms to open back up and really give everything in the arsenal a go
Sounds a lot like SuperDrol..not to jump all over the place, but any experience with SDrol?
i’ve ran some of TGI’s in the past... didn’t really care too much for it. i noticed some strength increase but that was about it. it did although fuck my blood pressure and messed with my stomach a bit too- lost a good amount of appetite with slight occasional nausea an hour after taking it. i did feel some lethargy with SD but this halo definitely didn’t leave me with a crashing feeling. it’s not a stimulant feeling by any means but my body felt great doing more weight with same rep ranges as usual. now that that was a decent amount of hours ago although i do feel more sore than i normally would too. i’ve read you should be careful not to actually increase weight too much more than the normal as you are more likely for injury pushing weight on halo. saw a post on here the other day about a guy combing the two together...
Has anyone actually heard from stan regarding an order lately? I've been waiting close to three weeks. My fault for ordering from someone with known TA issues but I'd at least appreciate an update.
Has anyone actually heard from stan regarding an order lately? I've been waiting close to three weeks. My fault for ordering from someone with known TA issues but I'd at least appreciate an update.

I made an order in January, got an update and promise of extras in mid March but so far no new updates or TD.
I gotta say, pretty disappointed with my most recent and final order with stan. After a few days deliberating after my package seizure, I decided to have stan reship my order. I'm torn between being upset or not. I'm not a deservant individual usually, but after my initial order floated in limbo for 3 weeks, then got seized, stan promised substantial extras to my order. Reship landed today. 10 days after it was placed. Original order all accounted for but not a single extra.

I cant be too upset, I got what I ordered, albeit a month late. I have 0 reason to place another order when there are other more solid options. Wish stan nothing but the best but I will not be returning.
You've got every right to be disappointed and pissed off and you're making the right decision by taking your business elsewhere. Wheels are starting to fall off with this guy and at least you'll get out with what you paid for.
I’m on day 22 since confirmation. All I’m looking for is a response, yes or no if it’s been shipped. I can’t get that via email or pm. I’m an easy dude if it’s not shipped fine but, Jesus just tell me man.
I’m on day 22 since confirmation. All I’m looking for is a response, yes or no if it’s been shipped. I can’t get that via email or pm. I’m an easy dude if it’s not shipped fine but, Jesus just tell me man.
Is that all.. I’m on day 37 myself. At least I did get one reply by email a ways back but still nothing yet.
I generally don’t post at all but I’ll say:

do you guys not realize what is happening in the world??

Wait 60 days before y’all start whining. You’re buying illegal shit from a one man operation and you expect good customer service. He’s always pulled through for me, but I don’t expect consistency. I expect a good product to arrive eventually and that is all.
I generally don’t post at all but I’ll say:

do you guys not realize what is happening in the world??

Wait 60 days before y’all start whining. You’re buying illegal shit from a one man operation and you expect good customer service. He’s always pulled through for me, but I don’t expect consistency. I expect a good product to arrive eventually and that is all.

I’m just looking for an answer to my question which isn’t a hard thing to do. He had time to come in here and respond to the halo post, why not answer my PM?

I’m not expecting anything out of the ordinary here.
I’m just looking for an answer to my question which isn’t a hard thing to do. He had time to come in here and respond to the halo post, why not answer my PM?

I’m not expecting anything out of the ordinary here.
Last time I ordered he had a separate email guy. I’m sure you’ve sent him private message and tagged him in a post
I generally don’t post at all but I’ll say:

do you guys not realize what is happening in the world??

Wait 60 days before y’all start whining. You’re buying illegal shit from a one man operation and you expect good customer service. He’s always pulled through for me, but I don’t expect consistency. I expect a good product to arrive eventually and that is all.

That's swell that he's always pulled through for you. i guess that makes things all better.

You guys that have been waiting for a month or more, chill out. Stan took care of two post Charlie here, so no reason to worry. Just keep waiting. What's another month or two, right?

Despite what's going on in the world, other domestic sources aren't missing a beat. They probably just don't watch the news or something? SHHH, No one tell those other sources what's going on or their service might go to shit too. Keep it a secret!