Anyone have issues with PIP on the Primo?

I have been running his primo for a quite some time, and when Covid first hit and all the gyms closed I come off cycle all compounds all together.. I figure some time off was long over due anyway. How would have thunk how long! In any case. Naturally I lost size, however I kept a surprisingly significant amount of dense tissue. I associate that to Primo. While I was on I was running 900 during blast and 300 when on a TRT cruising (150 test and 300 Primo).
I have been running his primo for a quite some time, and when Covid first hit and all the gyms closed I come off cycle all compounds all together.. I figure some time off was long over due anyway. How would have thunk how long! In any case. Naturally I lost size, however I kept a surprisingly significant amount of dense tissue. I associate that to Primo. While I was on I was running 900 during blast and 300 when on a TRT cruising (150 test and 300 Primo).
Good to see you, brother. Question. Was there any pip? A question I can't answer first hand so I have to rely on you guys. Thank you.
Good to see you, brother. Question. Was there any pip? A question I can't answer first hand so I have to rely on you guys. Thank you.

There was absolutely no pip from any of my primo and believe me there was a lot due to a clinical error lol
There was absolutely no pip from any of my primo and believe me there was a lot due to a clinical error lol
Stoopid clinical error. I kicked donkey square off in his bum bum for that one. Glad there was no pip or I would have cut his tail off.

All kidding aside. Thank you for the info. A lot of people ask and it's good to be able to give them this info.
I just pmd you, if you could take a look when your available
You better not post a touchdown post next week. I've got too much on my plate right now than to have to worry about the lynching mob (all due respect to any African American brothers or sisters out there that this saying might offend) to have to worry about them coming after me on here.
Oh lord”””
You better not post a touchdown post next week. I've got too much on my plate right now than to have to worry about the lynching mob (all due respect to any African American brothers or sisters out there that this saying might offend) to have to worry about them coming after me on here.
Those freaking guys, try to love ‘em but don’t hate ‘em lol “The Mob”
Does anyone know if he remains private only? Reached out to him for his email considering the post says open to the public. Getting mixed messages reading through the posts.
whatever you guys do, don't mix dragon's blood and tesamorelin in the same shot lol. Got a wild allergic reaction last night doing this. 4 benadryls later I was able to avoid a trip to urgent care. Tesa is known to cause itchiness, but adding the dragon's blood took this to an entirely new level. It wasn't a different source for Tesa or anything like that either, and I did both individually again this morning to gauge another potential reaction. I was just fine.

just don't mix them lmfao.
Does anyone know if he remains private only? Reached out to him for his email considering the post says open to the public. Getting mixed messages reading through the posts.

I get your confusion. He was open to the public, then he wasn’t, then he was and now he’s not somewhat. Guess you had to be there. Long story short, he’s not open to the public.