How was his primo btw?
He had it tested. Page 10 of testing forum. Came back at 153mg labeled 150mg. That was a while back. Latest recent lab results came back at 154mg labeled 150mg. And the price now is even better :) you get 1mg per ml more and $10 cheaper, lol.
He had it tested. Page 10 of testing forum. Came back at 153mg labeled 150mg. That was a while back. Latest recent lab results came back at 154mg labeled 150mg. And the price now is even better :) you get 1mg per ml more and $10 cheaper, lol.
Sounds like Christmas starting early!!!
This feels like you’re just taunting those of us who weren’t able to get on the private list. Now I feel like I’m in freshman year of high school all over again.
That's how Xkawn operates, he doesn't provide shit in regards too ospec and plays both sides of the fence. He's a little weasel and I don't understand why members put up with it.
So what the deal… Are you private or not? Your last few post insinuate you’re not.
I dont know, Mr @B Ware . I just try to do what make the most sense for SP and it's customers. I guess not 100% private. I mean, if I wanna take on a customer here or there I do so. I dont save customer info so if I need to make a statement or get ahold of someone I'll post on here. Fact of the matter is, no matter what i do some will be unhappy. Almost all of those that are unhappy are non customers. I don't mean to offend non customers, but at the same time they are not my priority. For instance, if I were to post tests results on here I'll piss don Julio off, but if I dont post test results I'll piss that same don julio off. It's the nature of the beast. I wish I could make everybody happy.
I dont know, Mr @B Ware . I just try to do what make the most sense for SP and it's customers. I guess not 100% private. I mean, if I wanna take on a customer here or there I do so. I dont save customer info so if I need to make a statement or get ahold of someone I'll post on here. Fact of the matter is, no matter what i do some will be unhappy. Almost all of those that are unhappy are non customers. I don't mean to offend non customers, but at the same time they are not my priority. For instance, if I were to post tests results on here I'll piss don Julio off, but if I dont post test results I'll piss that same don julio off. It's the nature of the beast. I wish I could make everybody happy.

Thanks for being transparent and honest. I asked the question not for myself but more for the community. I had just never seen a “private” source on the board making sales pitches.

No offense taken here but I’m of no concern to you these days. Quite the opposite if I’m being honest. I respect that you were once a respected member who learned all he could and shared that knowledge before deciding to make the leap to source. It’s Meso and you’ll probably always catch shit but to my knowledge other than ridiculously slow t/a some time ago you’ve been pretty solid.

Well, that was outta character for me but felt some credit was long overdue due.
Thanks for being transparent and honest. I asked the question not for myself but more for the community. I had just never seen a “private” source on the board making sales pitches.

No offense taken here but I’m of no concern to you these days. Quite the opposite if I’m being honest. I respect that you were once a respected member who learned all he could and shared that knowledge before deciding to make the leap to source. It’s Meso and you’ll probably always catch shit but to my knowledge other than ridiculously slow t/a some time ago you’ve been pretty solid.

Well, that was outta character for me but felt some credit was long overdue due.
I completely get it. Gotta keep the sources feet to the fire. I dont ever expect to be the exception. I'll always try and be forthcoming when I can be. My t/a really did take a deep dive off a cliff and that was most of the reason i went in the direction i did and not be 100% public. I'm very sorry i didn't meet your expectations as well as the others that I failed. I got in way over my head and took steps to fix that. I dont mean anything nefarious by being quasi private and out of respect to the board I dont post my list, test reports and such.