From my own experience with Anadrol/oxymethelone, albeit many years ago, if you've gotten zero results then you've been sold bunk. Same with side effects. Nothing on this planet bloated me up like Anadrol. It's the strongest oral steroid ever made. And very hard on the liver.
Almost makes you wonder why anyone would take it. I'll tell you why, at least from my own point of view. I've never experienced such dramatic, even outrageous increases in strength and mass like when I took Anadrol. And I'm still suffering the effects of it. I took it as a teenager and in my early twenties. My strength shot up like a rocket. So fast, in fact, that my tendons, ligaments, connective tissue couldn't hope to keep up. I went from benching maybe my weight plus 30% to benching close to three times my weight in less than four months. Not exaggerating.
Results? Hugely strong, massive increase in muscle tissue. Most I've ever seen in such a short period of time.
Oh yeah, and partial shoulder separations on both sides, with wrecked AC joints and hosed rotator cuffs. Even today (I'm 60), whenever a doctor sees an x-ray of my shoulders, the first thing out of his mouth is "what the hell happened to your AC joints?"
All a result of my chest muscles pulling harder than the joints and connective tissue could withstand. This developed into permanent arthritis of the shoulders. I was never able to bench heavy again. It was only that one movement, pushing weights in a path perpendicular to my body axis that hurt (e.g. conventional bench press). Inclines weren't/aren't quite as painful. And at my strongest and very best in bodybuilding I was able to do seated overhead press with a barbell of around 255 for eight to ten repetitions. This at a weight of around 195 off season, and 170 in contest season. But I was never able to do flat press again with anything more than 70 lb dumbells. And a lot less weight if using barbells. Not that my pecs ever suffered. For whatever reason they remained the second best part of my physique after my thighs.
No, my shoulders have never "gotten better" after using Anadrol and there was never really any chance of it. But if I was fresh to the game and needed a massive increase in strength in a short period of time, I would immediately start taking Anadrol. And, for fuck's sake, it only takes one to two tablets daily of the stuff (50 mg) not ten. Unless you want to look in the toilet one day and see pieces of your liver in there. You should also have a plan of GRADUAL increases in the weight you lift and stick to it. You may feel much stronger than that but don't trust it. Just keep in mind that it takes a lot longer for ligaments and tendons to strengthen than muscles.
This is supposedly the drug that both Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Columbu were taking when they got drunk one night in NYC and went down the street, rearranging the cars parked at the curb into cute designs.
So, as I said, if you've experienced no benefits from this so-called Anadrol that you took, in my opinion it had to be bunk unless there's just something really hormonally weird about your system. Hope you get your hands on the real stuff. Just be very, very careful with it.