Stan doesn't care that's the bottom line. Why should he, has all these Cuck customers that will take it in the ass." Long as they get their stuff" Stan should be held accountable but there's to many bitches on meso now.
Dude you haven't even been on meso very long yourself so stfu..
My sincere apologies if I offended you somehow. I wasn’t “talking down” to you or anyone else. Especially in a steroid forum on the internet full of people I don’t even know. I don’t think I am better than anyone. I was just stating my opinion on the topic of a higher minimum. Thank you for the insults though
you're fine friend, I was taking the piss. modaf had kicked in and I was extra spicy, sorry for being a cunt.
If 500 Test puts me at 2400 Total T and e2 at 72 what kind of Test / Primo ratio would you run?

Those numbers were with 0.5mg Anastrozole E3.5D
I’m picturing a Stanford reseller business. They’d buy in bulk every time he opens the window, start a thread on here as a reseller, mark everything up 10% or whatever the margin would be, and never cap order volume. I’m joking but I’m also surprised nobody has bothered trying this.
They'd probably have to buy his entire stock of stuff every time in order to never cap order volume.
If 500 Test puts me at 2400 Total T and e2 at 72 what kind of Test / Primo ratio would you run?

Those numbers were with 0.5mg Anastrozole E3.5D
I would start with a 1:1 ratio without an ai and see where that puts you and then adjust from there.

You could probably get away with 600mg of primo with the 500 test and pull bloods and see what’s up.

My last cycle was 400 test 600 primo and it was too much primo:test
I would start with a 1:1 ratio without an ai and see where that puts you and then adjust from there.

You could probably get away with 600mg of primo with the 500 test and pull bloods and see what’s up.

My last cycle was 400 test 600 primo and it was too much primo:test
Thanks. I was actually thinking 500 Test / 600 Primo because the concentrations of the gear I have makes that 3ml E3.5D to pin which is about the max amount of oil I’m looking to pin at a time.
Lmfao. What are you even talking about. I’m a bodybuilder, I’m not rolling in the dough nor have I ever claimed to be. If I did I still wouldn’t set a fucking alarm to order steroids to beat the crowd.

Are you talking about my joke about investing in gorilla cum coin?

Sorry I hurt your feelings bro.

Nor did I ever bitch about being out of gear, because I’m not.

No I’m not waiting on an order because right now because I wouldn’t put an order in during a shit show like this. Which is the point that I’m making, a source needs to be held to higher standards.

and the only one who is coming across like a whiny little bitch is you. So shut the fuck up and go cry somewhere else because you can’t afford 400$ of gear at a time.

Also implying Stanford is going to burn anyone who orders from him once he raises his minimum is pretty stupid.

You sound like a disgruntled woman grasping at straws. Give it a rest
You can't remember "hey I need to get an order in around midnight?" How are you even complaining about that, are you retarded?

This is an anonymous black market based solely on reputation. At any point any seller can run off with cash never to be heard of again. $400 is a full days worth of work. You are simultaneously saying you don't make a lot of money and then acting like $400 is nothing so which is it? I buy domestic because its more discrete, cheap, and fairly flexible. At those prices I may as well get pharma gear.

It goes without saying there are multiple sources on this board. That's not the great revelation you think it is. Stan has a very high reputation and is doing a lot of things right. I gave him my input as a customer. I am hardly the only person with this or a similar opinion. Cry about it.
I decided to pin somewhere other than the quad for the first time. Did subq for the first time. Absolutely perfect with Stan’s test! It appears my problem may not have been too thick liquid at all since it went through subq just fine- there was something wrong with how I was pinning my quad, even though I never had problems the previous three months I was on pharma test. Weird, just bad timing I guess! Now I do have a strangely large lump from the last time I pinned my quad that seems to have been around longer than usual, so I’m a bit worried about that but it will probably be fine.