I will say this...not in defense of Stan, but my own experience running 450/week Test-E. I never had an increase in sex drive at 450/week. My sex drive is the same whether I am at cruise (150/week) dose or "blast" dose. I did NOT get acne while on 450/week, but I DID get acne when I dropped my dosage down to 150/week. I did not have any gyno symptoms or high E2 symptoms at 450/week either. This was not on Stan's Test...this was on Pharmacom, and my blood work came back at over 4500 ng/dl for Total Testosterone. The gear was not bunk, according to my blood work...but I had the same result just as you did. No increase in sex drive, no acne and no gyno. Those are not determining factors on whether or not your gear is bunk.