finally see my pack in informed delivery
At least I’m assuming as I don’t expect any other packages at the moment.

Ordered 2 weeks ago today and supposedly hitting by Monday
Why is everyone on him so hard? He’s not taking new orders so he can catch up… Should always expect 2-4 week shipping time from point a to point b when dealing with this stuff, you’re lucky you’re even getting it lol. Chill & be patient.

Nice way to set the bar low. Goodlyfe is tested and doesn't need 4 weeks. Stop making excuses for Stans shit T/A.
My order timeline:
• Put in order April 8th
• Sent Payment April 8th
• No reply for confirmation
• After 2 weeks, emailed and pm’d
• No response for a few days
• Package came on Day 21 (April 29th - 3 weeks)
• All looks good, just long T/A

Thanks Stan. Feel better!
Nice way to set the bar low. Goodlyfe is tested and doesn't need 4 weeks. Stop making excuses for Stans shit T/A.
I’m not setting the bar low. Just saying, it is what it is. Don’t order if you’re not ok with possibly having to wait that long.
This place has gone to shit. All these source cock suckers make me sick. Fuck this place.
I’m just happy with my order bro, that’s all. I’m not suckin him off lmao. I was wondering about shipping speed too, but no reason to get angry about it… you’ll get your product eventually.
Nice way to set the bar low. Goodlyfe is tested and doesn't need 4 weeks. Stop making excuses for Stans shit T/A.
Quite frankly any domestic source who ever has been successful here has a 3-5 day ta. In fact every single source I’ve ever used has had a 3-5 day ta.

@Daddymcd a 4 week ta is not normal at all and quite frankly this is the only domestic source who has had a ta like that, so quite frankly no we do not expect 2-4 weeks when dealing with these types of things, only when dealing with Stan.
this shit is hilarious. two or so weeks ago I get called a Karen by multiple members because Stan said he answered all email 2-3x and mine remained unanswered - so I post about it here.

now everyone flips back to "fuck Stan and his slow shit!"

I swear I can hear some of you walking down the street saying "left, right, left, right."