Thanks tips but what you fail to realize is XCON doesn't give a flying fuck...period! Since day 1 his TA has been dog shit at best and this will never change. Noobs like you make this possible because you little squids will wait and wait and still take it dry. With a smile on your faces. lol Maybe grow some balls and put this clown lab on blast.
Lmao …. You’re clown ass called someone a noob so you are in the first grade and that guy was kindergarten??
I’m running it now. 6iu split 3x a day. CTS in the morning and night. No bloat.
His Test Sus hurts like a bitch though. Pip and swollen for days.
Yeah the PIP from the Sust is unbearable for me. Sucks I bought so much of it and can't even use it. Live and learn I guess.
Thanks tips but what you fail to realize is XCON doesn't give a flying fuck...period! Since day 1 his TA has been dog shit at best and this will never change. Noobs like you make this possible because you little squids will wait and wait and still take it dry. With a smile on your faces. lol Maybe grow some balls and put this clown lab on blast.
I have no problem blasting a lab when it's due, but I also understand what goes into this and the risk these labs take getting raws and all the other supplies and the fact they also have another life, if u can't stand the ta and u hate the lab so much why even bother commenting in the thread... There's plenty of other Dom srcs I'd it not happy with Stan. And for a good period his ta time was good, but when he opened up and had a low minimum along with the cheapest prices on all products expecially on primo along with testing reports he got swamped with orders any one would be able to under stand that. Even with a high minimum he still gets alot of orders, he should just go back to being private.... And it's not as easy as well just hire some help. The more u let people know what ur doing the more chance u risk getting in trouble or something happening. So the less people u can involve the better off u are. The guy is basically doing everything.... Other then the ta time his product is better then 99 percent of the srcs out there along with him doing more then 99 percent of the srcs out there... Other srcs u deal with floaters underdosed gear.... If u don't like the t.a don't order. And most of the time if u had to wait he will compensate you for the time uv had to wait.... Now 22 days is a bit long I can see 10-12 days.... But I also dk what he has going on his life and with family and everything else that goes into life and this game... I do know Stan always gets everyone there packs. I got my stuff I don't need to blast anyone if u are in happy go ahead I order ahead of time and get enough to cover myself for awhile.... There plenty of labs giving out bunk underdosed gear with amazing ta times, I'd rather wait alil and get properly made.amd dosed gear, then the garbage some other of these ugls are making....
Thanks tips but what you fail to realize is XCON doesn't give a flying fuck...period! Since day 1 his TA has been dog shit at best and this will never change. Noobs like you make this possible because you little squids will wait and wait and still take it dry. With a smile on your faces. lol Maybe grow some balls and put this clown lab on blast.
you mad brother?
Thanks tips but what you fail to realize is XCON doesn't give a flying fuck...period! Since day 1 his TA has been dog shit at best and this will never change. Noobs like you make this possible because you little squids will wait and wait and still take it dry. With a smile on your faces. lol Maybe grow some balls and put this clown lab on blast.
My first 2 orders came within a week. this was 4+ months ago. maybe this is how it normally is but he clearly hasnt always been this way.
Yes, I still love you guys. Hoping to get rest of packs out tomorrow, but I have a doc appointment so it may be hard to do both. I know some guys have waited up to 3 weeks. That's unacceptable. I'm gonna need to take some time off once packs are shipped for health reasons. Hopefully it won't be too long. Maybe a few weeks depending on the issue. Struggling on whether I should post the results publicly or not. I know a level of anonymity is necessary for security. Sorry I haven't been very active. Really struggling here. Hopefully tomorrow I'll know more.
Yes, I still love you guys. Hoping to get rest of packs out tomorrow, but I have a doc appointment so it may be hard to do both. I know some guys have waited up to 3 weeks. That's unacceptable. I'm gonna need to take some time off once packs are shipped for health reasons. Hopefully it won't be too long. Maybe a few weeks depending on the issue. Struggling on whether I should post the results publicly or not. I know a level of anonymity is necessary for security. Sorry I haven't been very active. Really struggling here. Hopefully tomorrow I'll know more.
Crazy coincidence, I just saw a thread on 4chan today where some guy went to the hospital after strapping a radioactive plate to his nuts to make gains. We got your back Stan, we understand you gotta take risks sometimes to leave humanity behind.
Didn’t ole trips go out with a medical issue?

Fuck. Why can’t we have nice things
I was also wondering what it is about being a drug dealer that causes medical issues. Look at (or better yet don't) Dyna's thread about health issues. I know there is one or two more that I cannot think of.

Also, this isn't very Heisenberg. He started dealing drugs to pay for his medical bills.
Got bloods back today
Running Stan’s Test E, NPP, Primo
3 weeks in on Stan’s gear
Feeling great, making good gains, excellent recovery. 6on/1off
Test @ 350/week Has my total T @ 1640
Primo @ 475/week
NPP @ 225/week
Time to drop the AI (anastrozole E3.5)
Started feeling low E2 this week, primo is doing its job
Sensitive Estrodiol is 18
And prolactin is 6
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I was also wondering what it is about being a drug dealer that causes medical issues. Look at (or better yet don't) Dyna's thread about health issues. I know there is one or two more that I cannot think of.

Also, this isn't very Heisenberg. He started dealing drugs to pay for his medical bills.
Well, I'm not burning any body so im not making an excuse why folks are getting burned. Also, we're human. I mean, if I take a vacation, get sick or anything it's not like I have anyone to fill my shoes while I'm gone/down. If I get sick once every few years I think that's somewhat normal. I'm not a youngster any more.
Well, I'm not burning any body so im not making an excuse why folks are getting burned. Also, we're human. I mean, if I take a vacation, get sick or anything it's not like I have anyone to fill my shoes while I'm gone/down. If I get sick once every few years I think that's somewhat normal. I'm not a youngster any more.
I think you took my comment wrong, I wasn’t comparing you to anyone else aside from the getting sick part. It genuinely does baffle me. If I was trying to be shitty about it, I wouldn’t veil it.
I think you took my comment wrong, I wasn’t comparing you to anyone else aside from the getting sick part. It genuinely does baffle me. If I was trying to be shitty about it, I wouldn’t veil it.
I didn't think you were. It's just maybe how I feel people see it. I feel bad in my head that I got sick like I'm letting people down by having to close for a bit. I didn't take your post as if you were being negative towards me. You seem like a straight up person.
For what it’s worth, Stan did reach out to me last night to let me know my order was shipped.

He also sent me feet pics. Not sure why....I am an ass guy.