Quite frankly any domestic source who ever has been successful here has a 3-5 day ta. In fact every single source I’ve ever used has had a 3-5 day ta.

@Daddymcd a 4 week ta is not normal at all and quite frankly this is the only domestic source who has had a ta like that, so quite frankly no we do not expect 2-4 weeks when dealing with these types of things, only when dealing with Stan.
I understand. I’m only speaking about Stan, it’s worth the wait in my opinion… just order a month before you run out, which you should probably do anyways.
IMO he’s pretty successful, plenty of people still trying to order from him but he’s dealing with personal issues.
It could be mental health, a loss, etc, so imo just give the guy a break. He’s not ripping anyone off, and he’s been plugging everyone for the extra wait.
I understand. I’m only speaking about Stan, it’s worth the wait in my opinion… just order a month before you run out, which you should probably do anyways.
IMO he’s pretty successful, plenty of people still trying to order from him but he’s dealing with personal issues.
It could be mental health, a loss, etc, so imo just give the guy a break. He’s not ripping anyone off, and he’s been plugging everyone for the extra wait. he sent me three extra viwls in it wasn't a long wait the first time I used him LOL
He sent me 3 extras last time and wait wasn't even long around xmas.
All we really know is he is super busy, I don't blame any src for not wanting to bring people in to help with stuff the less people that know what ur doing and ur business the better off u are.... I don't think Stan has ever fucked anyone over, he's always had a bit longer of a ta cause people like his product cause it's made correctly and test well and works how it's suppose to.... Honestly he would probably be better taking some clients along with the ones he has now and going back private so he can handle the amount of orders.... Being he also does caps that can take up a bit of time especially if ur doing them right, which according to his last customer hplc testing of anavar he is....

He is working on something to make the tab process faster..... I'm okay waiting a cpl extra days knowing my primo, and mast anavar and other products are spot on clean and made and dosed properly... MSG is right Dom t.a should be 3-5.... Stan has always had alil extra t.a time recently it's been a bit longer.... Being he's doing alot on his own it's easy to get burnt out and stressed and run down and even catch a cold, we don't really know other then he isn't feeling well. To me health always comes first I'm sure any orders that were accepted will get there packs and products.... Hopefully he just needs some rest and a few days off and to also get caught up... Either way it might be worth taking a few soild clients plus the ones he already has and go back private and when he has decent amount of stock stassed up open up for a public sale kinda like he did when he first opened.... Either way I hope he is alright and not to sick at the end of the day Stan is still good person. There is enough death and destruction going on in the world... Prayers and speedy recovery.
I just wish I could get a response lol
He’s usually pretty good with responding.
I’ve had no issues other then the most recent message I sent has not been answered but my pack
is currently in transit so my question is already answered. Prior to that I was getting responses within a few to 24 hours.
I just wish I could get a response lol
He's around I spoke to him or to the assistant everything is fine, there just getting caught up, Stan got a bit run down and was exhausted and needed some sleep and a break. I believe something was mentioned about the rest of the last packs going out. Basically they got smashed with tons of orders... He did mention Stan and him will be back.... Hopefully when he gets back also idk but I would think some stuff raw wise has gone through and is on new batches of raws, so itd be good to get some updated raws or finished reports on some products.... Like test cyp, mast e, primo e, eq,tren ace, and oral caps anavar,tbol,and anadrol..... Maybe try and get some hplc testing on some products myself
it’s worth the wait in my opinion
I’ve heard nothing but good things about this source, so i plan on waiting as well so i can place my first ever order with stan (it would be my first time trying a new source in eight years, been using pharmacom) and if my first experience goes well, i plan on placing another order asap
I’ve heard nothing but good things about this source, so i plan on waiting as well so i can place my first ever order with stan (it would be my first time trying a new source in eight years, been using pharmacom) and if my first experience goes well, i plan on placing another order asap
as for the quality, it’s amazing for UGL. i have zero complaints and i’ve used just about every brand… hence why i’ve been using stan.

as for the t/a i have mixed feelings. no shit, it’s a longest t/a for a domestic i’ve ever had which would make it “unacceptable.” but again this isn’t fucking amazon prime. it’s the black market.

we do not know what his operation looks like or what it is like behind closed doors. with that said, stan should really stick closer to his words. if he says 1-2 weeks t/a he should stick to that and not exceed.

imo, people need to use the source and deal with t/a, or don’t use it and stfu. there’s dozens of other options at your disposal
as for the quality, it’s amazing for UGL.
this is what i was referring to when i said i’ve heard nothing but good things about this source, and that’s why i don’t mind waiting to place my first order
as for the t/a
imho, as far as this goes, the reason why i think t/a may be longer then other domestic sources is one, the price for his gear is pretty great (that’s what initially caught my eye tbh) so i assume there’s “a lot” of people placing orders for it

and correct me if i’m wrong but i am pretty sure i seen stan say something about him filling orders in the order they were received ?, so if thats true, i assume you’ll be waiting in line to get your pack filled and shipped out

so overall, i don’t think shipping alone takes more then two weeks, i think there are more factors to the longer t/a then just that, but i haven’t been able to place an order yet so i can’t really say if that’s a fact or not since i’m new to this source, but when i am able to place my first order, i will make sure to share my experience
All we really know is he is super busy, I don't blame any src for not wanting to bring people in to help with stuff the less people that know what ur doing and ur business the better off u are.... I don't think Stan has ever fucked anyone over, he's always had a bit longer of a ta cause people like his product cause it's made correctly and test well and works how it's suppose to.... Honestly he would probably be better taking some clients along with the ones he has now and going back private so he can handle the amount of orders.... Being he also does caps that can take up a bit of time especially if ur doing them right, which according to his last customer hplc testing of anavar he is....

He is working on something to make the tab process faster..... I'm okay waiting a cpl extra days knowing my primo, and mast anavar and other products are spot on clean and made and dosed properly... MSG is right Dom t.a should be 3-5.... Stan has always had alil extra t.a time recently it's been a bit longer.... Being he's doing alot on his own it's easy to get burnt out and stressed and run down and even catch a cold, we don't really know other then he isn't feeling well. To me health always comes first I'm sure any orders that were accepted will get there packs and products.... Hopefully he just needs some rest and a few days off and to also get caught up... Either way it might be worth taking a few soild clients plus the ones he already has and go back private and when he has decent amount of stock stassed up open up for a public sale kinda like he did when he first opened.... Either way I hope he is alright and not to sick at the end of the day Stan is still good person. There is enough death and destruction going on in the world... Prayers and speedy recovery.
Thanks tips but what you fail to realize is XCON doesn't give a flying fuck...period! Since day 1 his TA has been dog shit at best and this will never change. Noobs like you make this possible because you little squids will wait and wait and still take it dry. With a smile on your faces. lol Maybe grow some balls and put this clown lab on blast.


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