
I need an update on my pack. I’ve emailed 10 times and pm’d 3 times without a response. You also stated all packs went out Saturday. I have informed mail through usps and it shows 0 packages coming soon.
Looks like you started ordering in the beginning of May, got it narrowed down the beginning of April and officially ordered the 7th of April. Then just paid out of the blue at the end of April. Completely confusing. That's why I made the policy to just cancel order and reorder. Placing an order and paying weeks later out of the blue is confusing. And to be fair you emailed 10 times but most of those were before you placed order. I'll get you taken care of, but in the future please try and make things less confusing.
Looks like you started ordering in the beginning of May, got it narrowed down the beginning of April and officially ordered the 7th of April. Then just paid out of the blue at the end of April. Completely confusing. That's why I made the policy to just cancel order and reorder. Placing an order and paying weeks later out of the blue is confusing. And to be fair you emailed 10 times but most of those were before you placed order. I'll get you taken care of, but in the future please try and make things less confusing.
It was my first order so I apologize. I thought I could just purchase Bitcoin and send it to you right away. I purchased the Bitcoin on 4/7 but couldn’t transfer it to you until Coinbase released it on 4/24. I did however essentially reorder on 4/24 when the Bitcoin transferred. I emailed you again that day with my order. Next time I’ll have my Bitcoin ready to transfer on the day I submit my order.

This is why I was looking for a response. I’ll be looking at informed mail again now.
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Should’ve read the thread. Loose caps, month TA, and floaters are not new revelations for this source
from my experience, my caps (blue) weren’t loose and i also did not see any floaters in my vials (made sure to double check after seeing another member talk about it) and in regards to t/a, i ended up having a good experience.

and js, i wouldn’t care if t/a took a bit longer then normal to get to me, just as long as it gets to me, like i used to only order int, so i would have to wait “way” longer just for a pack to drop, so waiting for a pack from stan is no problem for me because i know it will get to me faster compared to any int order i place
Well what do u think of my bloodwork

I don't drink or smoke I recently came off cycle of 50mg dbol for 8 months and test and mast. I'm back on trt now. I had a stomach bud the day before I got this test done. I didn't know if people worried alot about the cholesterol numbers. That's why I was asking
I dont know bud, but this isn't the place to discuss it, clogging up the sources discussion page. Your markers are off, ones that should be higher are fine, markers that should be ok are high. You have something going on in your body.
It was my first order so I apologize. I thought I could just purchase Bitcoin and send it to you right away. I purchased the Bitcoin on 4/7 but couldn’t transfer it to you until Coinbase released it on 4/24. I did however essentially reorder on 4/24 when the Bitcoin transferred. I emailed you again that day with my order. Next time I’ll have my Bitcoin ready to transfer on the day I submit my order.

This is why I was looking for a response. I’ll be looking at informed mail again now.
Sorry if I came off as rude. Not my intention. Just want folks to understand if I have 30 people ordering but not paying until a few weeks later it's just very confusing. Hard to keep things organized and I meant to say March not May. Anyways, I'll definitely make sure you are good, sir. Looks like email guy missed the payment email. I believe I was closed when you paid. Thank you.
Sorry if I came off as rude. Not my intention. Just want folks to understand if I have 30 people ordering but not paying until a few weeks later it's just very confusing. Hard to keep things organized and I meant to say March not May. Anyways, I'll definitely make sure you are good, sir. Looks like email guy missed the payment email. I believe I was closed when you paid. Thank you.
In my opinion you handled this extremely well !!!! I think most if not all would agree with me. The OP forgot to mention any of that and just tried ripping you a new ass.
I have a couple people I was gonna ship today. I won't be able to make it today, but will definitely get those out tomorrow. Sorry for inconvenience.
Here’s the weird thing about receiving mail….In order to receive mail it has to be shipped first. This vendor takes peoples money but doesn’t ship until 3+ weeks later. Priority mail is 2-5 days everywhere in the county. It doesn’t regularly take 28 days to get a priority mail package. That’s why you don’t have your package. It’s not rocket science buddy
Don't ship till three weeks later? He/Stan confirmed pack was out by the 23rd.
I have a couple people I was gonna ship today. I won't be able to make it today, but will definitely get those out tomorrow. Sorry for inconvenience.
Hoping /trusting I'm one of these people. Appreciate the update, and communication despite your recent personal difficulties.
And I do genuinely apologize for my anxiety, 600$++ minimum for my first order was tough but confident the boatload of quality primo will be well worth it
Looks like you started ordering in the beginning of May, got it narrowed down the beginning of April and officially ordered the 7th of April. Then just paid out of the blue at the end of April. Completely confusing. That's why I made the policy to just cancel order and reorder. Placing an order and paying weeks later out of the blue is confusing. And to be fair you emailed 10 times but most of those were before you placed order. I'll get you taken care of, but in the future please try and make things less confusing.
hey brother. I have emailed you trying to place and order because the reputation you seem to uphold on here is the best that I have seen. If you can't fill any new people I totally understand, but if you can I promise that I wont waste your time.
hey brother. I have emailed you trying to place and order because the reputation you seem to uphold on here is the best that I have seen. If you can't fill any new people I totally understand, but if you can I promise that I wont waste your time.
Sorry, closed for 2 weeks.
I dont know bud, but this isn't the place to discuss it, clogging up the sources discussion page. Your markers are off, ones that should be higher are fine, markers that should be ok are high. You have something going on in your body.
I made a thread about my bloodwork and no one commented on it. This soirce is closed right now I'm not clogging up this page with my two posts about bloodwork.
I made a thread about my bloodwork and no one commented on it. This soirce is closed right now I'm not clogging up this page with my two posts about bloodwork.
From what I saw buddy you just need to get your cholesterol back in check and then let your cold run it’s course and your white bloods and neutrophils should get back in Check.

Your cholesterol is shitty but it’s not as bad as a lot of guys, clean up your diet, do some cardio and add in some general health supps like citrus berg and omega 3. Increase your healthy fats like your mono and poly unsaturated and reduce saturated fats and sugar content and focus on some good fiber intake for carbs
Hey Stanford !
I tried to reach out via email like 4times already , i made an order on may 8 and the funds has been sent on may 9 , i reached out to make sure you received the funds and the shipping address but haven’t heard back from you
I hope you can help me out thank you for your time
I am not new buddy , just not using the profile as i never had a problem before , so there was no reason to use it ordering from other sources from the past 3 years constantly, ordered from stan back in November didnt have a problem got answers , now i didnt thats why i worried as a read people receiveng orders from april , as last time i got mine in 3 days .
Obviously i dont want to wait a month to get my gear this time lol but thank you for your answer big member
Hey Stanford !
I tried to reach out via email like 4times already , i made an order on may 8 and the funds has been sent on may 9 , i reached out to make sure you received the funds and the shipping address but haven’t heard back from you
I hope you can help me out thank you for your time made an order on the 8th, sent the funds on the 9th....and today is the 10th and you've bugged him 4 times already? Come on man, read the thread to see how this works.
Recieved order from 4/14. One of the tops of my test prop came off but I put it back and used it anyway lol
You're the second person to comment within the past few days that the top on their Test has come off. Maybe something Stan should be looking into?