At some point we’ve got to say enough is enough. That point should have already of came. For years it’s been the same on every page of his threads. “Where’s my pack? It’s been a month.” It’s a shame as Stan seriously may be the best brewer out there but he’s also clearly the laziest. So much money to be made but there is just no drive.
Hey, I'm not burned. I have a few issues. Still never received pill press so I'm still working with broken cap machine. Monday I'll be ordering a new cap machine and will be giving up on pill press delivery. I was told it was being rerouted a few weeks ago.

I'm working my butt off capping at half the speed due to it being broken. All orders should be out by Monday. Also having another issue with some of the orders I'm trying to get straightened out.

Sorry I haven't been on here in a few days. I'm really trying to make sure everybody is taken care of. Monday I'll start answering posts and pm's. I should be caught up by then.