Anyways I’m done with this thread you guys say whatever you want I’ve been using what I was sent by Stanford and the blood results are real I don’t really care if anyone believes it I will try 1 or 2 more places maybe and if I don’t get any real testosterone I will just keep lifting natural see you guys
The way you’re acting you might just be such a heavy aromatizer that it coverts to 190mg of E2
I don’t really care that much I just want some real testosterone that doesn’t have shit floating all through it but hopefully someone sees the blood work and it might save someone their time and money
His Tren is fire, his primo is great, and halo is insane, HCG is stellar, Cialis 20s were smooth. Btw only roids I’ve had that actually gave me hella acne and hair loss. Strongest androgenic response I’ve seen, his stuff is strong and potent mg by mg. Always get this different vibe on Stan’s gear. Hope to make many more orders in the future, thank you for all you do Stan. Also hope you sell those media vials of Test in the future, hopefully won’t miss out next time!
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Can someone refresh my memory and remind me if he’s currently selling primo 200mg in MCT or was that a ‘coming soon’ thing and I got mixed up?
Can someone refresh my memory and remind me if he’s currently selling primo 200mg in MCT or was that a ‘coming soon’ thing and I got mixed up?

Test e 250mg mct
Primo 200 mct

You guys will need to specify if you want the mct stuff. If not it will be gso. Same prices

Test e 250mg mct
Test cyp 250mg mct
Primo e 200mg mct

Will have primo 150 and 200 in gso. Those are Permanent. The mct line will be here for a bit but probably not Permanent.
Got my first order in from Stan. There was a bit of a delay, which I was fine with. He threw in an extra primo 200 to make up for it which was not necessary at all. Stand up guy, will be back.
I only use BD syringes so that can’t be the culprit … regardless I promise you the Koreandude having TRT issues did not think about his weekly MG dosage that way, so let’s see what he says his actual weekly dosage may be… but that’s acknowledging this is even worth arguing about, which is a step further than I was ever willing to take this conversation
You are now the 3rd I’ve read person recommending BD pins. Must be the best brand out.
BTW any SubQ guys here?
You are now the 3rd I’ve read person recommending BD pins. Must be the best brand out.
BTW any SubQ guys here?

Here's some BD porn. The thin walls mean the needle flows like a larger gauge. It's sharpened on two more surfaces than usual to slide in with less resistance. Going from these back to standard you can really feel the others grab and resist going in.


Since we’re on the dragon blood topic. Does it actually work? Not saying Stan’s stuff isn’t good. Just there are mixed clinical science behind it. Would like to hear from anyone that’s used it and results
Sorry to drag up this old post, haven’t been on here for a while and it popped up in a search
Where Dragons Blood really shines is in a cut. Yes it works. That’s why almost all pros use clen or Albuterol in their cuting regimen.
Does it give energy, yes it can, but for a preworkout for lifing actual pre workout might be better because preworkout is not the reason why Clen and Albuterol are used.
They are used to increase the amount of fat cells that are used for energy verses carbs in a cardio setting mainly but also in normal expenditure.
The advantage of Stan’s Albuterol vs. Clen is, unless taken in the evening, Albuterol will do the same thing as Clen but it will be out of your system at night and less likely to disturb sleep
Hope that helps. Question may of already been answered, I didn’t read all the post after but figured I would share this information