All the times I’ve had to abort after hitting a nerve or something makes me think that slamming a needle in with force is a bad idea or I’m terrible at site selection

The dart injection technique is not really slamming it in with force, but it does go quickly. I don't think I ever hit a nerve and my quads are basically pin cushions.
the irony is I got mine for needle anxiety. Haven't used it yet because the speed at which it sticks you is giving me anxiety lol
Don’t worry, man - I jabbed mine into my thigh and didn’t even feel it. I did take the safety cap off so I could watch the oil go in like a total weirdo, but if needles freak you out, just leave the cap on and let it do its thing. The irony is, by the time your brain processes what happened, it’s already over.
I first tried Stan’s Primo (both 150mg/ml and 200mg/ml) during my last off season last year and had no issues with it.

Ordered a couple more vials my last order with him when he reopened for this blast and his Primo 200mg/ml in MCT is still solid. No PIP whatsoever from pinning 0.5ml at a time. I don’t think I’ve gone to any other domestic source for Primo other than Stan - his Primo prices are also probably one of the best prices for domestic as well.
Looking to place an order for first time. How long is Stan’s shipping usually?
If he doesn’t publicly state that he’s backed up, then he usually ships it out within 2 days. You should get your package within 5-7 days from payment confirmation. Really depends on where you are in the US and if USPS is lagging or not.
I am a big time GSO fan. Have been for a while. Hopefully Stan keeps GSO forever, a lot of sources don’t even give the option. However I was thinking about giving Stan’s mct brew a try. I have this weird feeling my issues with mct (other sources) may have been the way it’s brewed not the “mct oil” itself like I previously thought. Next order I’m going to squeeze in a few mct products. Looks like ppl are loving them