Starting first I’m 43 6.1 weight 210


New Member
I was going to run a cycle of test and deca 2:1 ratio on my second week my blood pressure shot up. I should have done more research and been prepared for it but I didn’t think it would be a problem but it was. I was under a lot of stress at work. I think the blood pressure and the stress was just too much for me. It sent me into a a fibrillation attack where my heart rate was jumping from 130 to 170 this is the first time I ever had to stay in the hospital never had any symptoms of irregular heartbeat prior to this. Now I’m just on trt which my doctor advised me to continue,my blood pressure is in check now what would you all suggest if I was to attempt another cycle.
I was going to run a cycle of test and deca 2:1 ratio on my second week my blood pressure shot up. I should have done more research and been prepared for it but I didn’t think it would be a problem but it was. I was under a lot of stress at work. I think the blood pressure and the stress was just too much for me. It sent me into a a fibrillation attack where my heart rate was jumping from 130 to 170 this is the first time I ever had to stay in the hospital never had any symptoms of irregular heartbeat prior to this. Now I’m just on trt which my doctor advised me to continue,my blood pressure is in check now what would you all suggest if I was to attempt another cycle.
Welcome to Meso brother.

At least you got the proper help you needed and nothing serious came out of it.

It’s great you’re working with a doc for your trt. If you ever decide to jump on a cycle again, I would say take advantage of all the information you can find here in Meso, the search function will immensely help you find what you need.

Good luck brother.
Welcome to Meso brother.

At least you got the proper help you needed and nothing serious came out of it.

It’s great you’re working with a doc for your trt. If you ever decide to jump on a cycle again, I would say take advantage of all the information you can find here in Meso, the search function will immensely help you find what you need.

Good luck brother.
I was going to run a cycle of test and deca 2:1 ratio on my second week my blood pressure shot up. I should have done more research and been prepared for it but I didn’t think it would be a problem but it was. I was under a lot of stress at work. I think the blood pressure and the stress was just too much for me. It sent me into a a fibrillation attack where my heart rate was jumping from 130 to 170 this is the first time I ever had to stay in the hospital never had any symptoms of irregular heartbeat prior to this. Now I’m just on trt which my doctor advised me to continue,my blood pressure is in check now what would you all suggest if I was to attempt another cycle.
More to this. Those doses and hormones are very unlikely to be the sole culprit. Stress… maybe. I don’t say this to question your integrity, but to point out other issues may be at play and you need to investigate.
I had A-Flutter prior to starting to fuck around with test and other aas, but I didn't know I had it at the time. I had just noticed periodically that my heart rate shot up really high occasionally. I thought there was something wrong with the cardio equipment, because I felt fine.

When I did start fucking around with aas, it triggered the a-flutter to start and not go away, this turned out to be a huge problem. I ended up having to get an ablation to fix it.

I'm fine now and have been blast and cruising for a few years, but just be aware that continuing to use steroids could worsen your A-Fib.
What’s your TRT dose right now? What’s your total test and e2 on that dose? How long you been running it?
I’m currently prescribed 100 mg per week of cyp but I switched myself to sus. 250 and now taking 75mg twice a week I go for labs in two weeks.
before hopping on a new cycle i would say get your blood work done check your lipids apo b and cac score make sure your heart is healthy and make sure you have bp meds on hand in case you need them and you can do some hiit cardio to get your heart working a bit more efficient
I had A-Flutter prior to starting to fuck around with test and other aas, but I didn't know I had it at the time. I had just noticed periodically that my heart rate shot up really high occasionally. I thought there was something wrong with the cardio equipment, because I felt fine.

When I did start fucking around with aas, it triggered the a-flutter to start and not go away, this turned out to be a huge problem. I ended up having to get an ablation to fix it.

I'm fine now and have been blast and cruising for a few years, but just be aware that continuing to use steroids could worsen your A-Fib.
What kind of cycle do you blast now I’m thinking the next time I try to start off with an ace and small doses then if everything is ok ramp it up slowly. I have some anavar and have been taking it on training days everything seems to be ok on it my blood pressure is good and my heart rate don’t change much. I really appreciate you sharing. How old are you
before hopping on a new cycle i would say get your blood work done check your lipids apo b and cac score make sure your heart is healthy and make sure you have bp meds on hand in case you need them and you can do some hiit cardio to get your heart working a bit more efficient
I had all my blood work done and an ultrasound done on my heart when at the hospital I go in a few days to the doctor to go over everything. Since then, I have been doing a lot off walking and mostly up mountains and still training 4 to 6 days a week. Thanks for the suggestions.
More to this. Those doses and hormones are very unlikely to be the sole culprit. Stress… maybe. I don’t say this to question your integrity, but to point out other issues may be at play and you need to investigate.
Years back I lived a different life and was reckless as fuck I got strung out for about 10 years been clean now for about 3.5 year and working out is a big part of my recovery. It could be due to all the drugs I have done in my past. I also had the flu B a week prior to the event and I was watching a video from HRT doc I was reading the comments and there was a guy said that he got a fib from the flu when looking into it 16% of people that get the flu get a fib cray right and some infection medicine can also cause it witch I was on. I’ll kno more about what happened once I go to my next doctors appointment.
What kind of cycle do you blast now I’m thinking the next time I try to start off with an ace and small doses then if everything is ok ramp it up slowly. I have some anavar and have been taking it on training days everything seems to be ok on it my blood pressure is good and my heart rate don’t change much. I really appreciate you sharing. How old are you
I'm 49.

Now that I've had an ablation, it's kinda like fixed, I can run whatever.

Best advice I have is to just keep a close eye on your blood pressure and heart rate, bloodwork...

How far you want to take this is going to depend on your risk tolerance and how much crap you're willing to take to deal with cardiovascular sides...

For example, I'm on blood pressure meds I could probably get off of or be on way less if I just did basic trt and let my test level get down to 600.

I'm on a statin and my cholesterol numbers look great now whatever I run. (I cleaned up my diet too though)

I'm on a beta blocker, and that also keeps my heart rate from going crazy, another thing I could probably lower or get off of if I stopped blasting.

My ablation I had done fixed my heart rate issues too. Without that, I wouldn't have lived very long no matter what I did.

So if you go down this road, be cognizant of how your body is responding and think about how much you're willing to do for the gains. A lot of people wouldn't want to take all the shit I take, but I'm pretty healthy today. My numbers look good. And I don't honestly know many other people my age that look as good as I do.
I'm 49.

Now that I've had an ablation, it's kinda like fixed, I can run whatever.

Best advice I have is to just keep a close eye on your blood pressure and heart rate, bloodwork...

How far you want to take this is going to depend on your risk tolerance and how much crap you're willing to take to deal with cardiovascular sides...

For example, I'm on blood pressure meds I could probably get off of or be on way less if I just did basic trt and let my test level get down to 600.

I'm on a statin and my cholesterol numbers look great now whatever I run. (I cleaned up my diet too though)

I'm on a beta blocker, and that also keeps my heart rate from going crazy, another thing I could probably lower or get off of if I stopped blasting.

My ablation I had done fixed my heart rate issues too. Without that, I wouldn't have lived very long no matter what I did.

So if you go down this road, be cognizant of how your body is responding and think about how much you're willing to do for the gains. A lot of people wouldn't want to take all the shit I take, but I'm pretty healthy today. My numbers look good. And I don't honestly know many other people my age that look as good as I do.
How high did your heart rate go before the heart treatment? We’re you doing consistent cardio and what we’re the signs if there are any before the ablation.
How high did your heart rate go before the heart treatment? We’re you doing consistent cardio and what we’re the signs if there are any before the ablation.
My heart rate would be like 160-200 as soon as I got on a cardio machine, that was the initial thing I noticed, but it was never all the time at first, it was just like a weird thing I noticed periodically for a few years. Yes, I was doing consistent cardio.

When you're in a-flutter those aren't like "full" heartbeats either, they're like partial beats where you're not using your heart's full ejection fraction capacity.

When I got to where I was constantly in a-flutter, I was technically in heart failure. I think my ejection fraction was like 15-20% at its worst. It took a toll on me. Once I got it fixed (had an ablation), I stayed on trt doses of test, and it took me a year to recover to normal ejection fraction. I lifted and did cardio like normal during this time.

I was logging my workouts on ugbb through all of this. I pretty much documented the whole thing and recovery process on that site. It was a trip. My recovery has greatly exceeded my expectations though.