Starting pct too early or too late


New Member

I am going to run test prop. People have told me to start pct 3 days after some even say 5 days. I would like to know the problems with running pct too early/late. Somebody once told me if i start too early it will not give enough time for me to shock the body into producing test. I would like your opinions on the matter.

Too Early - ASIH!

Too Late - Nothing!

Of course, all will mean what you mean by PCT. And, the AAS cycle.

Pct will be amorasin + Nolva + Clomid for a test prop + dbol + HCG 8 week cycle

The time is takes for test prop to clear is 3 days, so if i wait for example 5 days it will not be a problem? The only problem would be minimal muscle loss if any?