Steroid absorption in scarred tissue


New Member
I think this is a topic i dont see very often, dont see many literature discussing this issue and this is a perfect place to compare experience.
Backstory. I’ve been blast and cruising for better part of decade and to make this as convinient and practical, i would switch between left and right ventrogluteus injection, injecting once a week. So i figured each pin point gets 2 weeks of rest and i ocassionaly pin few inches left and right to prevent overuse. Well, it doesnt actually work. When i squeeze my fingers onto the pin area you can feel the hard tissue underneath, guessing thats scarr tissue. I can still inject, but i think injecting into this tissue affects absorption of injected steroid. I mostly think that because when i inject, i usually get strong erection and libido after 12 hours of injection, i guess its testosterone absorbing into blood and hormones are spiking. When i inject into area thats hard under fingers i dont get that peak. I guess steroids eventually fully absorb into blood making this not a big issue becuase even though you lose out on spike, your blood levels are still fine, but part of me wonders if injecting this way may not be ideal and cause you to miss out on your dose, at least partially. Could you please share your experience with me, especially if you have medical knowledge about this issue.
Also, do you think suplementing potassium would reduce water retention you get from testosterone. I am low bf, eat clean, and still get some water retention, and i am particularly bothered by facial water retention.
You have already started a thread here today, no reason to start a new one asking the same questions.

Hey thats the second one i made, after i realized that part of forum is more appropriate for this kind of topic. I cant delete this post otherwise i would, maybe mods can do it. Sorry.
I think this is a topic i dont see very often, dont see many literature discussing this issue and this is a perfect place to compare experience.
Backstory. I’ve been blast and cruising for better part of decade and to make this as convinient and practical, i would switch between left and right ventrogluteus injection, injecting once a week. So i figured each pin point gets 2 weeks of rest and i ocassionaly pin few inches left and right to prevent overuse. Well, it doesnt actually work. When i squeeze my fingers onto the pin area you can feel the hard tissue underneath, guessing thats scarr tissue. I can still inject, but i think injecting into this tissue affects absorption of injected steroid. I mostly think that because when i inject, i usually get strong erection and libido after 12 hours of injection, i guess its testosterone absorbing into blood and hormones are spiking. When i inject into area thats hard under fingers i dont get that peak. I guess steroids eventually fully absorb into blood making this not a big issue becuase even though you lose out on spike, your blood levels are still fine, but part of me wonders if injecting this way may not be ideal and cause you to miss out on your dose, at least partially. Could you please share your experience with me, especially if you have medical knowledge about this issue.
Also, do you think suplementing potassium would reduce water retention you get from testosterone. I am low bf, eat clean, and still get some water retention, and i am particularly bothered by facial water retention.
I always wondered the same thing I haven’t read any literature on this either. Good question friend.
It would make sense that absorption would be slowed if you're injecting into a lump

Heating and massaging the area should speed up the process, but ideally you don't want to inject into scar tissue.

There's plenty of glute to hit, doesn't have to always be the same spot, or rotate injections sites more.

I do glutes/lats/delts personally
It would make sense that absorption would be slowed if you're injecting into a lump

Heating and massaging the area should speed up the process, but ideally you don't want to inject into scar tissue.

There's plenty of glute to hit, doesn't have to always be the same spot, or rotate injections sites more.

I do glutes/lats/delts personally
I wouldnt call it bump per se, but underneath the skin it is definitely not as smooth as some muscles that dont get injected. I move around that area, few inches left and right but its always ventrogluteus injection, i find dorsogluteus hard to self administer (if its possible). I used to inject into quads but pip and muscle twitch got me avoiding it, and with bigger volumes of injection (2ml+) i always do ventrogluteus. This leaves me wondering if the injected steroid is fully absoring and at what rate. It sucks that i cant just do ventrogluteus without causing scarr tissue even with 27 g needle.
Message gun or graston technique. 10 years and u never heard of it?

I rotate 8 spots with a 25ga pinn, if I'm running a few mls.Cruise it's not really nessisary.
Glutes, ventras, quad , and delt. I would try lats but I could bairly get the needle in but not reach the plunger.

Also if your really injecting into bad scar tissue it will sound like rice crispies or pop rocks going in.

But yea makes sence you might not absorb the gear aswell in scar tissue, probably not much blood flow. I've heard that's how some people get infections or abscess from pockets of oil not absorbing.
Message gun or graston technique. 10 years and u never heard of it?

I rotate 8 spots with a 25ga pinn, if I'm running a few mls.Cruise it's not really nessisary.
Glutes, ventras, quad , and delt. I would try lats but I could bairly get the needle in but not reach the plunger.

Also if your really injecting into bad scar tissue it will sound like rice crispies or pop rocks going in.

But yea makes sence you might not absorb the gear aswell in scar tissue, probably not much blood flow. I've heard that's how some people get infections or abscess from pockets of oil not absorbing.
I heard about it, but wasnt sure if its effective for scarr tissue. I will try the graston technique and see if it helps. Thank you.