Steroid acne remedies

The concentration of dish soap is typically much higher than bathroom or washing machine soap, so it will have much more of a degreasing effect.
I can't remember. I think my old roommate told me about it years ago. I just used the dish soap my wife gets and it worked pretty fast.
I would just scrub my back with it first thing when I got in the shower, then would use my regular soap after.
It likely just dried out your skin and it was enough to stop your breakouts.
So throughout middle school and high school I always had moderate acne and at a couple of points during wrestling season it would turn to severe. Years later it seems to have subsided and then recently when I started my first steroid cycle I was extremely worried that it would come back. However it didn't. At least for a while. I did 5 weeks of test cyp @600 mg. Then for the second 5 weeks, 3 of which are over, I added sustanon at 200mg per week on top of the 600mg of cyp. Just this past week the acne has come back all over my chest and especially my back in a fierce way. No idea why this would happen at the end of a cycle all of a sudden. I've been taking accutane and since I'm breaking out this badly I assume the accutane was fake even though it came from the same place I got real gear. Anyone have this shit figured out?? It absolutely blows to work your ass off for a good physique and then not be able to show it because of bad acne. Also I guess I should note that a lot of the acne that has come back is not the bad cystic kind that I have struggled with in the past though some of it is. Also I should add I haven't been taking an ai. I started with arimidex .5 x 2 per week but then I kept lowering the dosage and still never had any gyno even when taking no arimidex at all so I haven't used it since the first couple weeks of my cycle. Please help. I'm especially worried because my cycle is over soon and then I start PCT and I've heard that's when the acne can get even worse because of estrogen rebounding and test dropping.
when did you start taking accutane?