Long stort short. 6 years ago, when I was researching steroids, hormones, drugs, how it all works and then of course I read lots of forums for personal experiences and all that interesting talk. I spent few months reading, then took a break and then returned in total spending almost a year educating and learning myself everything I could on paper before I started playing this game.
So, I read lots of posts from 2006-2016 and even older of various steroid talk forums including meso of course. I noticed that people where asking straightforward questions like how different should they eat and train. It was almost a prerequisite that you had put in the work for at least few years naturally and had a good muscular base and knowledge in training and nutrition.
Yes, some information is outdated by todays standards. But I noticed less beef, less flaming, less insults and all that unnecessary crap. Everyone seemed a lot more serious. The information/advice from veterans was very valued by others. Everyone had so much things to say and it was understandable and appreciated by readers, I was enjoying reading all that honestly.
Now in modern era, the 2020's we have kids left and right coming from social media or youtube and demanding us to confirm crap they heard from those influencers, if we disagree we are the bad guys and we don't know shit. It's like they multiply and it's not a one off. Every week there's new early 20's guy who thinks he's smarter than us. Soon they will all cycle estrogen instead of Testosterone because "bro estrogen is more anabolic".
Being already fit or muscular is no longer a requirement. It's okay for them to just jump the gun. Skip the natural gains, cuz it's waste of time they say.
No one even states their stats anymore, they don't even bother to google what's a decent bench press for a guy. Nothing, just a statement sort of - that he wants to cycle easy way, get huge gains and pls don't tell me shit to not do, I will do it regardless of what you all say...
We forum members with experience even bother to feed them information (that's available nowadays with just a bit of effort), they spit on it and we still comment. We make their threads popular and they burry some great threads with their childish behaviour.
Now, only a handful of guys truly come here and ask for genuine advice. Asks for some advice. He's serious and wants to do it right. But because of kids we are very wary and sometimes don't even bother to reply to people like him.
On the positive side we have improved a lot when it comes to sources, scam prevention, zero tolerance for bullshit.
I guess you can't help but miss it, how different it was back then. The atmosphere and vibe was totally different, communication was much more straightforward and people interested in drugs were not pushed to look a certain way by influencers and such.
They knew what they wanted and they came to get results. Nothing less nothing more, steroids were for serious people. Not bunch of dyel skinny twinks trying to look like at least they lift, cuz they think you can't get there naturally.
Now we have boys wanting to do tbol only cuz he's afraid of side effects that might not even be present. He wants fast gains. Says it can't be done naturally. While mentioning absolutely nothing about his experience, diet, training, lifts.
But it's not all bad, in fact it improved a lot in other ways. It is what I call a true evolution.
Meso especially came a long way and did what they could do best to unite us who are still passionate about what we do and provide us with possibly the best market for our needs, information and much, much more.
I remember @Jin23 words - it's the golden age of AAS. He's right. With such information and tools available, we indeed have it so good we sometimes forget to appreciate it.
Thanks to guys like @Millard , @Type-IIx , @PeterBond and many others who create or help to create this place what we all can call home. Their contributions are invaluable.
So, yes it's a rant in some way. But more so my observation and review over the years.
This was not meant to discriminate anyone or make them feel lesser. It was simply my observation how things have changed over a decade or two.
So, I read lots of posts from 2006-2016 and even older of various steroid talk forums including meso of course. I noticed that people where asking straightforward questions like how different should they eat and train. It was almost a prerequisite that you had put in the work for at least few years naturally and had a good muscular base and knowledge in training and nutrition.
Yes, some information is outdated by todays standards. But I noticed less beef, less flaming, less insults and all that unnecessary crap. Everyone seemed a lot more serious. The information/advice from veterans was very valued by others. Everyone had so much things to say and it was understandable and appreciated by readers, I was enjoying reading all that honestly.
Now in modern era, the 2020's we have kids left and right coming from social media or youtube and demanding us to confirm crap they heard from those influencers, if we disagree we are the bad guys and we don't know shit. It's like they multiply and it's not a one off. Every week there's new early 20's guy who thinks he's smarter than us. Soon they will all cycle estrogen instead of Testosterone because "bro estrogen is more anabolic".
Being already fit or muscular is no longer a requirement. It's okay for them to just jump the gun. Skip the natural gains, cuz it's waste of time they say.
No one even states their stats anymore, they don't even bother to google what's a decent bench press for a guy. Nothing, just a statement sort of - that he wants to cycle easy way, get huge gains and pls don't tell me shit to not do, I will do it regardless of what you all say...
We forum members with experience even bother to feed them information (that's available nowadays with just a bit of effort), they spit on it and we still comment. We make their threads popular and they burry some great threads with their childish behaviour.
Now, only a handful of guys truly come here and ask for genuine advice. Asks for some advice. He's serious and wants to do it right. But because of kids we are very wary and sometimes don't even bother to reply to people like him.
On the positive side we have improved a lot when it comes to sources, scam prevention, zero tolerance for bullshit.
I guess you can't help but miss it, how different it was back then. The atmosphere and vibe was totally different, communication was much more straightforward and people interested in drugs were not pushed to look a certain way by influencers and such.
They knew what they wanted and they came to get results. Nothing less nothing more, steroids were for serious people. Not bunch of dyel skinny twinks trying to look like at least they lift, cuz they think you can't get there naturally.
Now we have boys wanting to do tbol only cuz he's afraid of side effects that might not even be present. He wants fast gains. Says it can't be done naturally. While mentioning absolutely nothing about his experience, diet, training, lifts.
But it's not all bad, in fact it improved a lot in other ways. It is what I call a true evolution.
Meso especially came a long way and did what they could do best to unite us who are still passionate about what we do and provide us with possibly the best market for our needs, information and much, much more.
I remember @Jin23 words - it's the golden age of AAS. He's right. With such information and tools available, we indeed have it so good we sometimes forget to appreciate it.
Thanks to guys like @Millard , @Type-IIx , @PeterBond and many others who create or help to create this place what we all can call home. Their contributions are invaluable.
So, yes it's a rant in some way. But more so my observation and review over the years.
This was not meant to discriminate anyone or make them feel lesser. It was simply my observation how things have changed over a decade or two.