Steroid forums - how things have changed


Long stort short. 6 years ago, when I was researching steroids, hormones, drugs, how it all works and then of course I read lots of forums for personal experiences and all that interesting talk. I spent few months reading, then took a break and then returned in total spending almost a year educating and learning myself everything I could on paper before I started playing this game.

So, I read lots of posts from 2006-2016 and even older of various steroid talk forums including meso of course. I noticed that people where asking straightforward questions like how different should they eat and train. It was almost a prerequisite that you had put in the work for at least few years naturally and had a good muscular base and knowledge in training and nutrition.

Yes, some information is outdated by todays standards. But I noticed less beef, less flaming, less insults and all that unnecessary crap. Everyone seemed a lot more serious. The information/advice from veterans was very valued by others. Everyone had so much things to say and it was understandable and appreciated by readers, I was enjoying reading all that honestly.

Now in modern era, the 2020's we have kids left and right coming from social media or youtube and demanding us to confirm crap they heard from those influencers, if we disagree we are the bad guys and we don't know shit. It's like they multiply and it's not a one off. Every week there's new early 20's guy who thinks he's smarter than us. Soon they will all cycle estrogen instead of Testosterone because "bro estrogen is more anabolic".

Being already fit or muscular is no longer a requirement. It's okay for them to just jump the gun. Skip the natural gains, cuz it's waste of time they say.

No one even states their stats anymore, they don't even bother to google what's a decent bench press for a guy. Nothing, just a statement sort of - that he wants to cycle easy way, get huge gains and pls don't tell me shit to not do, I will do it regardless of what you all say...

We forum members with experience even bother to feed them information (that's available nowadays with just a bit of effort), they spit on it and we still comment. We make their threads popular and they burry some great threads with their childish behaviour.

Now, only a handful of guys truly come here and ask for genuine advice. Asks for some advice. He's serious and wants to do it right. But because of kids we are very wary and sometimes don't even bother to reply to people like him.

On the positive side we have improved a lot when it comes to sources, scam prevention, zero tolerance for bullshit.

I guess you can't help but miss it, how different it was back then. The atmosphere and vibe was totally different, communication was much more straightforward and people interested in drugs were not pushed to look a certain way by influencers and such.

They knew what they wanted and they came to get results. Nothing less nothing more, steroids were for serious people. Not bunch of dyel skinny twinks trying to look like at least they lift, cuz they think you can't get there naturally.

Now we have boys wanting to do tbol only cuz he's afraid of side effects that might not even be present. He wants fast gains. Says it can't be done naturally. While mentioning absolutely nothing about his experience, diet, training, lifts.

But it's not all bad, in fact it improved a lot in other ways. It is what I call a true evolution.

Meso especially came a long way and did what they could do best to unite us who are still passionate about what we do and provide us with possibly the best market for our needs, information and much, much more.

I remember @Jin23 words - it's the golden age of AAS. He's right. With such information and tools available, we indeed have it so good we sometimes forget to appreciate it.

Thanks to guys like @Millard , @Type-IIx , @PeterBond and many others who create or help to create this place what we all can call home. Their contributions are invaluable.

So, yes it's a rant in some way. But more so my observation and review over the years.

This was not meant to discriminate anyone or make them feel lesser. It was simply my observation how things have changed over a decade or two.
Times change. I started on the forums early 2000.

You had to pay your dues in order to have access to sources. Now you just have to have 2 working brain cells and google it.
You had to have some basic knowledge of lifting and diet. Today you don't, just do the drugs.
There was no TikTok Tren challenges. Granted there was bro science at it's best, but that was far less harmful than broccoli heads shooting anything the influencers push this week.

But, it is what it is. Live and let live.
Times change. I started on the forums early 2000.

You had to pay your dues in order to have access to sources. Now you just have to have 2 working brain cells and google it.
You had to have some basic knowledge of lifting and diet. Today you don't, just do the drugs.
There was no TikTok Tren challenges. Granted there was bro science at it's best, but that was far less harmful than broccoli heads shooting anything the influencers push this week.

But, it is what it is. Live and let live.
That's the way I like it.

I might be from a newer gen, but I'm kinda old school. Recently deleted social media, except for fb only to keep in touch with friends and some people. I feel like I cleaned my soul.
Long stort short. 6 years ago, when I was researching steroids, hormones, drugs, how it all works and then of course I read lots of forums for personal experiences and all that interesting talk. I spent few months reading, then took a break and then returned in total spending almost a year educating and learning myself everything I could on paper before I started playing this game.

So, I read lots of posts from 2006-2016 and even older of various steroid talk forums including meso of course. I noticed that people where asking straightforward questions like how different should they eat and train. It was almost a prerequisite that you had put in the work for at least few years naturally and had a good muscular base and knowledge in training and nutrition.

Yes, some information is outdated by todays standards. But I noticed less beef, less flaming, less insults and all that unnecessary crap. Everyone seemed a lot more serious. The information/advice from veterans was very valued by others. Everyone had so much things to say and it was understandable and appreciated by readers, I was enjoying reading all that honestly.

Now in modern era, the 2020's we have kids left and right coming from social media or youtube and demanding us to confirm crap they heard from those influencers, if we disagree we are the bad guys and we don't know shit. It's like they multiply and it's not a one off. Every week there's new early 20's guy who thinks he's smarter than us. Soon they will all cycle estrogen instead of Testosterone because "bro estrogen is more anabolic".

Being already fit or muscular is no longer a requirement. It's okay for them to just jump the gun. Skip the natural gains, cuz it's waste of time they say.

No one even states their stats anymore, they don't even bother to google what's a decent bench press for a guy. Nothing, just a statement sort of - that he wants to cycle easy way, get huge gains and pls don't tell me shit to not do, I will do it regardless of what you all say...

We forum members with experience even bother to feed them information (that's available nowadays with just a bit of effort), they spit on it and we still comment. We make their threads popular and they burry some great threads with their childish behaviour.

Now, only a handful of guys truly come here and ask for genuine advice. Asks for some advice. He's serious and wants to do it right. But because of kids we are very wary and sometimes don't even bother to reply to people like him.

On the positive side we have improved a lot when it comes to sources, scam prevention, zero tolerance for bullshit.

I guess you can't help but miss it, how different it was back then. The atmosphere and vibe was totally different, communication was much more straightforward and people interested in drugs were not pushed to look a certain way by influencers and such.

They knew what they wanted and they came to get results. Nothing less nothing more, steroids were for serious people. Not bunch of dyel skinny twinks trying to look like at least they lift, cuz they think you can't get there naturally.

Now we have boys wanting to do tbol only cuz he's afraid of side effects that might not even be present. He wants fast gains. Says it can't be done naturally. While mentioning absolutely nothing about his experience, diet, training, lifts.

But it's not all bad, in fact it improved a lot in other ways. It is what I call a true evolution.

Meso especially came a long way and did what they could do best to unite us who are still passionate about what we do and provide us with possibly the best market for our needs, information and much, much more.

I remember @Jin23 words - it's the golden age of AAS. He's right. With such information and tools available, we indeed have it so good we sometimes forget to appreciate it.

Thanks to guys like @Millard , @Type-IIx , @PeterBond and many others who create or help to create this place what we all can call home. Their contributions are invaluable.

So, yes it's a rant in some way. But more so my observation and review over the years.

This was not meant to discriminate anyone or make them feel lesser. It was simply my observation how things have changed over a decade or two.
I was vigorously nodding in agreement at this whole post. The OT thread in question, where I argue that OT is very very very mildly suppressive, is clearly misinterpreted by too many guys as expressing an opinion advocating for such a cycle. I too share your nostalgia for some of the older boards and the quality of discussions.

If readers, Vets especially, care to read back to this post:

You'll see that, on an analogous topic of metenolone (e.g., Primo Ace tabs), I elaborate more about the data vs. my opinion.

It is clearly not my opinion that Primo Ace tabs or OT solo are good cycles. C'mon.
I was vigorously nodding in agreement at this whole post. The OT thread in question, where I argue that OT is very very very mildly suppressive, is clearly misinterpreted by too many guys as expressing an opinion advocating for such a cycle. I too share your nostalgia for some of the older boards and the quality of discussions.

If readers, Vets especially, care to read back to this post:

You'll see that, on an analogous topic of metenolone (e.g., Primo Ace tabs), I elaborate more about the data vs. my opinion.

It is clearly not my opinion that Primo Ace tabs or OT solo are good cycles. C'mon.
I missed this thread, perhaps due to inactivity at that time. I will definitely check and read it. Your work is always intriguing and interesting.

I admit, I don't know things to such extent that oral tbol or primobolan ace tablets are not suppressive. I was always under impression that most steroids shut down natural T production. I will study more.
I was always under impression that most steroids shut down natural T production. I will study more.

They are, you just need to take enough and since we're talking about bodybuilding - bodybuilding relevant dosages should suppress most everybody. Ofc, as with everything, there are always outliers. Is 10mg of tbol going to cause significant suppression? Most probably not. Is 50mg? Yes, it would be quite strange if it didn't.
RAWS are everywhere, homebrewing is mainstream now. I logged of the forums around 2015, some boards ive been on are gone as well as the sources, but the common knowledge was never to discuss or even post powders, hell the word was even censored on some forums. This was after ssb and operation raw deal.

Then Chinese powder opened ang nobody cares to hide it anymore. It’s everywhere, LE can’t do anything with foreign source anymore.
RAWS are everywhere, homebrewing is mainstream now. I logged of the forums around 2015, some boards ive been on are gone as well as the sources, but the common knowledge was never to discuss or even post powders, hell the word was even censored on some forums.

I remember how difficult it was to find info on this. I was probably 6 months into research on various forums before I ever heard the term homebrew, and took me another couple of weeks afterwards before I actually found relevant information and instructions.

Now this info can be accessed in minutes but kids are so lazy there is actually a market for people who will give you this publicly available information for the low low-cost of $1000 per year
Yep its sad these days. Guys do a weeks worth of research then start regurgitating they're horrible info onto the rest of the world.

Its all part of this instant gratification world we live in where everyone thinks we give a fk about their opinion
I missed this thread, perhaps due to inactivity at that time. I will definitely check and read it. Your work is always intriguing and interesting.

I admit, I don't know things to such extent that oral tbol or primobolan ace tablets are not suppressive. I was always under impression that most steroids shut down natural T production. I will study more.
That's good. See how you are able to say "I dont know..." Apparently, an avalanche of Meso users, some new and some old, are absolute experts on this. Research be damned. Because they heard it repeatedly throughout their expansive two decade lifespan.
More Plates More Dates is responsible for so much of this nonsense. Any time a new member uses the word ‘superphysiological’, I’ve read all I need to read.

He’s as bad as that hackfraud Vigorous Steve and his 10mg primo cycle TRT+ nonsense he swears he gets his physique with, and you can too if you only pay him dearly to be your coach. Lolol
More Plates More Dates is responsible for so much of this nonsense. Any time a new member uses the word ‘superphysiological’, I’ve read all I need to read.

He’s as bad as that hackfraud Vigorous Steve and his 10mg primo cycle TRT+ nonsense he swears he gets his physique with, and you can too if you only pay him dearly to be your coach. Lolol
While I admire their original content from ~4 years ago or so, nowadays I agree they feed kids crap. They drifted away from their original intention which seemed to bring safety measures and explain some valuable things to community at that time, in to money making by creating illusions and unrealistic expectations by saying things that are simply not so true anymore. Combine that with creative content that post 00's kids love and you have a recipe for success. Bash meso indirectly, by saying that steroid forums of the past suck.

the word ‘superphysiological’,
I have been corrected by smart asses before who take notes, it was explained to me that the right word is 'supraphysiological' and that my statement was flawed cuz I don't know the difference between 'super' vs 'supra'. Just fucking lol.
That's good. See how you are able to say "I dont know..." Apparently, an avalanche of Meso users, some new and some old, are absolute experts on this. Research be damned. Because they heard it repeatedly throughout their expansive two decade lifespan.
That's an ego issue if someone can't admit to being wrong. Everyone seems to be elite experts nowadays you have to wonder how come they don't work for NASA or such if they are such geniuses.

Perhaps googling and checking "facts" on the internet to prove people wrong makes them feel like they are smarter or worse yet watching Anabolic doc or such yt channel and pretending to understand half the technical stuff he talks about using med terms.

I find it funny when you challenge them with your backed up stuff then they feel cornered and throw insults at you. Their ability to turn things around and play a victim if that doesn't work though, is their true skill.
You guys have to understand though, unless you are Chase or other pros who post in the forums, everyone here are just a name who can claim whatever they want. Even the most respected member can be anyone, they can be whatever they say they are right?

So even if you are able to present the most compelling argument backed by clinical, scientific and anecdotal evidence, anyone can just refute it and call you a know it all loser because you have no face and real life credentials to back it.

It is why influencers no matter how erroneous their advices can be, will always have supporters because they are out in the open interacting and with those who oppose their views.
About 20 years ago there were steroid intellectuals here and would talk about various AAS and cite studies. Intelligent discussions were a thing.

Then about 10 years ago when homebrewing became readily available there was an influx of junkies/brewers. People that would come here because they were making money off AAS. With the increasing volume of convicts came the extreme flaming because that is what they do. Information or advice wasn't given much second thought because they didn't care. Low morals because again they junkies/dealers.

That was the turning point here on Meso, also $$$.
Interesting to hear theories and stories of that time. This scene is not that old, it seems like it all started in the early 2000's when the internet became mainstream and forums started appearing. Some have closed their doors. Others survived and adapted to modern times. This niche thing went more mainstream if we can call it that.

Big time improvement in sources, information about steroids and scam prevention. Also it looks like nobody tolerates trolls anymore. Which is all for the better.
Even the most respected member can be anyone, they can be whatever they say they are right?

So even if you are able to present the most compelling argument backed by clinical, scientific and anecdotal evidence, anyone can just refute it and call you a know it all loser because you have no face and real life credentials to back it.

It is why influencers no matter how erroneous their advices can be, will always have supporters because they are out in the open interacting and with those who oppose their views.
I have no idea why someone downvoted you, but that's true. People care more how cool you look not what you actually know and how smart you are. It's not just forums though even some knowledgeable dudes sometimes get no attention, but the guy who looks really good usually gets it all. If he opens his mouth and has something interesting to say that's it people lose their minds and think he's the one to follow. Everyone wants to be like him, perhaps he's seen as a role model, because of that. World is too visual now to judge sober. It is what is it. We are not about to change that anyway.