Steroid infection - Eminence Labs

I used benzos off/on for years but around 2013-16 is where the doses got crazy and turned into daily use. Stopped in 2016, tried it again in 2017 but I was like this shit sucks, doesn’t even feel good and haven’t used since.

Re subs I’m still tapering but I’m down to <1mg/day. Was nervous when I started tapering but now I’m ready and excited to be completely done. Was told when you get to under 4mg-2mg you start feeling it when you taper but I went straight from 2mg-1mg, all I felt was more yawning and chilly the 1st week, same thing going under 1mg. Will definitely be off before the end of the year. I have 0 desire to use opioids or benzos.

Luckily my dr cares more about helping people get off unlike some drs that want life time patients. Guy spends most of his time working in treatment facilities.
Awesome bro good shit...and benzos are the worst...crippled me as far as withdrawal way worse than dope meth or crack...subs are extremely tough to get off too...u should be proud that ur able to taper so glad that shit Is finnaly behind me...i don't have another run in me and never will
I used benzos off/on for years but around 2013-16 is where the doses got crazy and turned into daily use. Stopped in 2016, tried it again in 2017 but I was like this shit sucks, doesn’t even feel good and haven’t used since.

Re subs I’m still tapering but I’m down to <1mg/day. Was nervous when I started tapering but now I’m ready and excited to be completely done. Was told when you get to under 4mg-2mg you start feeling it when you taper but I went straight from 2mg-1mg, all I felt was more yawning and chilly the 1st week, same thing going under 1mg. Will definitely be off before the end of the year. I have 0 desire to use opioids or benzos.

Luckily my dr cares more about helping people get off unlike some drs that want life time patients. Guy spends most of his time working in treatment facilities.
Wow, good for you, let me know how it goes. You should look into the transdermal buprenorphine patches, they are dosed in micrograms and are very useful for weaning to miniscule doses that would be impossible to accurately dose with tabs.

Good luck, you got this!
Awesome bro good shit...and benzos are the worst...crippled me as far as withdrawal way worse than dope meth or crack...subs are extremely tough to get off too...u should be proud that ur able to taper so glad that shit Is finnaly behind me...i don't have another run in me and never will

Yea benzos are fuckin nasty af, started withdrawals while I was in the hospital for the infection had to go back 2 days later when the seizures hit..yea opioid withdrawals are painful but I didn’t need an ambulance for it lol. Fuck drugs, only take shit if you absolutely need it.

And thanks man you should be proud as well coming off, always good to hear success stories. Some people never win that battle, my cousins pushing 40 and and gotten so bad he’s started assaulting his parents when he needs $
Yea benzos are fuckin nasty af, started withdrawals while I was in the hospital for the infection had to go back 2 days later when the seizures hit..yea opioid withdrawals are painful but I didn’t need an ambulance for it lol. Fuck drugs, only take shit if you absolutely need it.

And thanks man you should be proud as well coming off, always good to hear success stories. Some people never win that battle, my cousins pushing 40 and and gotten so bad he’s started assaulting his parents when he needs $
Consider ourselves blessed that we finnaly had the strength to say no more...
Re subs I’m still tapering but I’m down to <1mg/day.

I know one mg doesn’t sound like much but it’s equivalent to roughly 50mg of morphine.

And the fact Suboxones half life approximates 40 hours has compelled many HCP to question the effectiveness
of “SUBstitutive therapy” in opiate addiction, heroin in particular.

My comments are not necessarily pro or con but a reminder, the therapeutic goal of any addiction should be complete abstinence ASAP.

That’s not to say Suboxome is without utility in select patient populations. However bc CHRONIC Suboxone therapy has become so prolific in rehab centers I now question whether the/their goal has evolved from complete abstinence into a financially rewarding revolving door.

And a look at the Heroin/Suboxone/Abstinence attrition rate tells a different story from that which has been promulgated by many rehab facilities.

I know one mg doesn’t sound like much but it’s equivalent to roughly 50mg of morphine.

And the fact Suboxones half life approximates 40 hours has compelled many HCP to question the effectiveness
of “SUBstitutive therapy” in opiate addiction, heroin in particular.

My comments are not necessarily pro or con but a reminder, the therapeutic goal of any addiction should be complete abstinence ASAP.

That’s not to say Suboxome is without utility in select patient populations. However bc CHRONIC Suboxone therapy has become so prolific in rehab centers I now question whether the/their goal has evolved from complete abstinence into a financially rewarding revolving door.

And a look at the Heroin/Suboxone/Abstinence attrition rate tells a different story from that which has been promulgated by many rehab facilities.


1mg or even 0.5mg of buprenorphine is a pretty strong dose for someone without tolerance, but comparing to where I started at 24mg to <1mg is a pretty significant drop. I used to be scared of coming off, but now I’m eager to get off of it, couple more months. I know they say it doesn’t affect the endocrine system like morphine does but it still has an impact. Tbh I don’t want to touch opioids/drugs, they have me a large shot of fentanyl before my kidney stone surgery, and I really felt it but I thought meh it sucks. I care more about my reproductive health than drugs, which is why I’ve also stopped trt.

I’ve heard stories from both methadone and suboxone patients that their dr’s told them their brains were too altered and they should remain on maintenance for the rest of their lives. Likely my dr actually enjoys helping people get off drugs, he barely even works at his office mostly spends time in treatment facilities. He encourages you to taper at your own pace.
1mg or even 0.5mg of buprenorphine is a pretty strong dose for someone without tolerance, but comparing to where I started at 24mg to <1mg is a pretty significant drop. I used to be scared of coming off, but now I’m eager to get off of it, couple more months. I know they say it doesn’t affect the endocrine system like morphine does but it still has an impact. Tbh I don’t want to touch opioids/drugs, they have me a large shot of fentanyl before my kidney stone surgery, and I really felt it but I thought meh it sucks. I care more about my reproductive health than drugs, which is why I’ve also stopped trt.

I’ve heard stories from both methadone and suboxone patients that their dr’s told them their brains were too altered and they should remain on maintenance for the rest of their lives. Likely my dr actually enjoys helping people get off drugs, he barely even works at his office mostly spends time in treatment facilities. He encourages you to taper at your own pace.
That is what I have been told by multiple doctors (" your brain chemistry is permanently altered") and I was inclined to believe that since I naively started sub maintenance in HS.
(" your brain chemistry is permanently altered") and I was inclined to believe ....

Have these profiteers show you the EVIDENCE, since this type of commentary compels many addicts to believe complete recovery/abstinence is NOT an obtainable goal.

If you fellas want a real life get out of these revolving door “rehab” clinics that profit from your addiction

@brutus79 comments

Doc immediately. They’ll probably give you a huge pin of antibiotics and a script for pills to follow on. Don’t fuck with this. If it’s red, hot, and there’s discharge this is serious.
I had this happen years ago, and actually made a thread about my experience.

I had a delt shot get infected... It went from looking FINE to the size of a golf ball (the infection) in about an hour. It was full of "pudding-like" goop. I stuck a pin in it, much to the dismay of my girlfriend, and pulled out what can only be described as "pea soup discharge".

We went to the hospital, they gave me a big old shot and some more pills to take for a week or so.

Long story short, don't fuck with this and get it treated! It can move VERY quickly!
I had this happen years ago, and actually made a thread about my experience.

I had a delt shot get infected... It went from looking FINE to the size of a golf ball (the infection) in about an hour. It was full of "pudding-like" goop. I stuck a pin in it, much to the dismay of my girlfriend, and pulled out what can only be described as "pea soup discharge".

We went to the hospital, they gave me a big old shot and some more pills to take for a week or so.

Long story short, don't fuck with this and get it treated! It can move VERY quickly!
Anyone doing this for a while has fucked up once. I’ve been there lol.
Have these profiteers show you the EVIDENCE, since this type of commentary compels many addicts to believe complete recovery/abstinence is NOT an obtainable goal.

If you fellas want a real life get out of these revolving door “rehab” clinics that profit from your addiction

@brutus79 comments

Of course they haven't, I took their word.
That is what I have been told by multiple doctors (" your brain chemistry is permanently altered") and I was inclined to believe that since I naively started sub maintenance in HS.

There definitely is some change as the brain adapts to the exogenous opioids, and it might be possible that after discontinuing it might not fully go back to normal but that doesn’t mean you can’t live without maintenance therapy, I think it’s more like you will develop tolerance and dependency faster than a normal person if you start taking opioids again.

My dr never once said that you can’t live without subs, it depends on the person, he has a couple patients on lower dose indefinite therapy but his goal is to get you off when you’re ready.
There definitely is some change as the brain adapts to the exogenous opioids, and it might be possible that after discontinuing it might not fully go back to normal but that doesn’t mean you can’t live without maintenance therapy, I think it’s more like you will develop tolerance and dependency faster than a normal person if you start taking opioids again.

My dr never once said that you can’t live without subs, it depends on the person, he has a couple patients on lower dose indefinite therapy but his goal is to get you off when you’re ready.

Of course you and anyone else can live wo Sub which should NEVER be an issue
with regard to rehab.

When is an addict ready to get off heroin
or Sub the response is almost always NOW doc but, but, but .....

And a chronic Sub dependency only prolongs the process and is why non protocol approaches (let me know when to lower your Sub dose) to rehab have been an abysmal failure.

The rehab team must LEAD patients off Sub rather than allowing an addicted patient to guide therapy.

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IME poor technique at worst results in cellulitis while abscesses are almost always the result of contaminated gear.

I didn’t specify which way we fucked up. Experience leads to better technique and not making questionable choices on sourcing.
Of course you and anyone else can live wo Sub which should NEVER be an issue
with regard to rehab.

When is an addict ready to get off heroin
or Sub the response is almost always NOW doc but, but, but .....

And a chronic Sub dependency only prolongs the process and is why non protocol approaches (let me know when to lower your Sub dose) to rehab have been an abysmal failure.

The rehab team must LEAD patients off Sub rather than allowing an addicted patient to guide therapy.


I do think the drs should be pushing to get them off, but it should be team effort cause if the dr just decides on their own without input there’s a good chance the patient will just start using again. There are people that get sick of being dependent on something.

My own case my dr was only pushing me to get down to a smaller dose like 8-12mg the first few years cause I was still using other drugs but as soon as I put those aside he encouraged a real taper, he basically makes suggestions like let’s cut 5 strips this month and I’ll agree and might cut more on my own cause I don’t want to be on them.
I can only say in today’s era of drug testing the use of any controlled substance, prescribed or not, is associated with certain forms of liability
few companies are willing to accept.

And this fact will limits ones potential
to prosper in so many ways IME

Wow, good for you, let me know how it goes. You should look into the transdermal buprenorphine patches, they are dosed in micrograms and are very useful for weaning to miniscule doses that would be impossible to accurately dose with tabs.

Good luck, you got this!

What is your experience with the buprenorphine patch addition issues or pain management?