Steroid infection - Eminence Labs

What is your experience with the buprenorphine patch addition issues or pain management?
It could be used for either, but its technically for pain management. From what I've read buprenorphine at low doses is more effective at treating the pain than high doses.
It could be used for either, but its technically for pain management. From what I've read buprenorphine at low doses is more effective at treating the pain than high doses.

So just like EVERYTHING from @balco, he has ZERO experience but dang it, he sure has read a lot. Fucking scammer and parrot!
Hello friend, I'm much better, unfortunately the situation was not right, after I was drained and medicated a few days later, I started having fever, the infection took me other parts of my body and I spent days in intensive care, another friend has the same problem , just that he did not get as bad as me