Steroid infection - Eminence Labs

When I had cellulitis they gave me broad spectrum IV antibiotics and allowed the abscesses to drain on their own, still have the scars. Not from roid use, never figured out why or which bacteria even caused it.

Those abscesses the begin and are localized to or just beneath the dermis may be treated conservatively and allowed to drain spontaneously IF an exit portal already exists.

However abscess that arise from AAS or any other IM injection, tend to be deep
(as one should suspect unless Slin pins are being used) and/or loculated and almost always require formal drainage.

I’ll also add Amoxicillin is a narrow spectrum ABX with a high rate of community acquired resistance to staph and strep, both are the primary organisms responsible for almost all soft tissue infections in immuno-competent (normal) adults.
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Those abscesses the begin and are localized to or just beneath the dermis may be treated conservatively and allowed to drain spontaneously IF an exit portal already exists.

However abscess that arise from AAS or any other IM injection, tend to be deep
(as one should suspect unless Slin pins are being used) and/or loculated and almost always require formal drainage.

I’ll also add Amoxicillin is a narrow spectrum ABX with a high rate of community acquired resistance to staph and strep, both are the primary organisms responsible for almost all soft tissue infections in immuno-competent (normal) adults.

Yeah it was closer to the surface, because one of the infections was near my eye causing it to swell shut they kept me in the hospital for a week giving me several different antibiotics. For whatever reason once they discharged me amoxicillin that’s mixed with something else, augmentin was rx’d, not sure why. Oh well even tho I ended up with a scar like a Bond villain I used the opportunity to successfully discontinue benzos, but I had to stay an extra week for that.
What do you mean by a misplaced injection?

Outliers aside and assuming the product is sterile, I suspect the chances of acquiring endocarditis from a single AAS related abscess approximates zero.

Basically, injected into what I thought was my ventro glute. After that, terrible PiP. Woke up at night with full body shakes, extreme right buttock pain. Temp went from 96.5 to 99.5 then went back down to 98.3.... Lol. Now the pip is gone. Im confused as to what happened.
Basically, injected into what I thought was my ventro glute. After that, terrible PiP. Woke up at night with full body shakes, extreme right buttock pain. Temp went from 96.5 to 99.5 then went back down to 98.3.... Lol. Now the pip is gone. Im confused as to what happened.
Just a bad injection and/or raws. You body was basically like wtf is this. And tried to fight it. I had some raws that were bad (Test E) and that shit messed me up. No infection or anything of the sort but I had a temp of 101 for about 3 days and pip was literally crippling. Threw away 60 vials of that.
Just a bad injection and/or raws. You body was basically like wtf is this. And tried to fight it. I had some raws that were bad (Test E) and that shit messed me up. No infection or anything of the sort but I had a temp of 101 for about 3 days and pip was literally crippling. Threw away 60 vials of that.
Thanks brah, appreciate it.
Probably true, it was an unopened vial. Guess I won't be using this shit source anymore.
Hello, Thanks for your concern, I am already taking medicine, today they cleaned me again, the doctor thinks that the product may be contaminated, I use all the security measures when it comes to injecting me.
Basically, injected into what I thought was my ventro glute. After that, terrible PiP. Woke up at night with full body shakes, extreme right buttock pain. Temp went from 96.5 to 99.5 then went back down to 98.3.... Lol. Now the pip is gone. Im confused as to what happened.

What carrier oil? Miglyol by chance?
When I had cellulitis they gave me broad spectrum IV antibiotics and allowed the abscesses to drain on their own, still have the scars. Not from roid use, never figured out why or which bacteria even caused it.
What source? Obviously you can't really know whether it was the oil or improper injection but I would never use the source again either way.

How long after the injection did you see symptoms? How long till you got treatment? How bad does it look now?
What source? Obviously you can't really know whether it was the oil or improper injection but I would never use the source again either way.

How long after the injection did you see symptoms? How long till you got treatment? How bad does it look now?

Unrelated to steroids, it was before I even started trt and in places you couldn’t inject in anyway. The scars have faded but still pretty noticeable.
What caused it?

No clue, drs said maybe a spider bite, but it was in two different spots that were touching each other when I woke up. It was drenched in a pool of my drool and sweat cause I was blacked out for 12 hours in an awkward position lol
No clue, drs said maybe a spider bite, but it was in two different spots that were touching each other when I woke up. It was drenched in a pool of my drool and sweat cause I was blacked out for 12 hours in an awkward position lol
Jesus, that sounds like a strange story
Jesus, that sounds like a strange story

Yea it was bad, eye was shut from the swelling, pus everywhere and benzo withdrawals on top of it.

Heroin used to do the same thing to me...

Only opioids + benzos did that to me, that time I mentioned I was on subs, 2-3/day but I was still on benzos and I probably took at least 20mg of Xanax lol, not the best times for me. Good thing is I quit the benzos over the next 2 weeks after that and eventually started tapering the subs
Yea it was bad, eye was shut from the swelling, pus everywhere and benzo withdrawals on top of it.

Only opioids + benzos did that to me, that time I mentioned I was on subs, 2-3/day but I was still on benzos and I probably took at least 20mg of Xanax lol, not the best times for me. Good thing is I quit the benzos over the next 2 weeks after that and eventually started tapering the subs
From what you said, it sounds like me n you have a few similarities, I do was addicted to large amounts of Xanax /opiates
Yea it was bad, eye was shut from the swelling, pus everywhere and benzo withdrawals on top of it.

Only opioids + benzos did that to me, that time I mentioned I was on subs, 2-3/day but I was still on benzos and I probably took at least 20mg of Xanax lol, not the best times for me. Good thing is I quit the benzos over the next 2 weeks after that and eventually started tapering the subs
How successful have you been getting/staying off subs?
From what you said, it sounds like me n you have a few similarities, I do was addicted to large amounts of Xanax /opiates

How successful have you been getting/staying off subs?

I used benzos off/on for years but around 2013-16 is where the doses got crazy and turned into daily use. Stopped in 2016, tried it again in 2017 but I was like this shit sucks, doesn’t even feel good and haven’t used since.

Re subs I’m still tapering but I’m down to <1mg/day. Was nervous when I started tapering but now I’m ready and excited to be completely done. Was told when you get to under 4mg-2mg you start feeling it when you taper but I went straight from 2mg-1mg, all I felt was more yawning and chilly the 1st week, same thing going under 1mg. Will definitely be off before the end of the year. I have 0 desire to use opioids or benzos.

Luckily my dr cares more about helping people get off unlike some drs that want life time patients. Guy spends most of his time working in treatment facilities.