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It was a mistake made by me, the site listed it as clen but the active ingredient was listed as albuterol. From what ive read, they are very alike besides the dosing. Can you please clarify the differences you speak of? And which would you prefer?
I like Albuterol more, but only because it has fewer sides. I feel clen works better for fat loss (though I have no data to back this up). Clen also helps me concentrate similar to Ritalin, and Albuterol doesn't.
My thoughts are that this is very encouraging but it's important to remember that this is only a single test on a single compound. Repeated tests will be needed to establish a pattern but the fact that all 5 labs' Test E seems to have passed is very good news. At the very least, it seems to suggest that good Test E is readily available at this point in time.

Agreed. Test raws are cheap. Start testing some more brands of tren, primo, mast and var and things will likely get more interesting.
Darius explain to me why the var I recieved was yellow. Why is the winstrol the same in color?

Are you sure that you ordered Anavar?
For a faster reply, if you want to address a question related to your order please e-mail me, a thread post won't get your problem solved that fast.

Send me the order number and a picture of your order (in case you actually ordered from me).
So all I need is this and a black light to test my Dbol? I think I'm going to make that happen.
I already labmaxed it, plus I sent him the order details. He said its var, but why would you have two of the same color tabs from different compounds. I could understand if he had caps instead of tabs.

I am going to buy another labmaxx. I am not trying to put him on blast either, but looking at this pic they look similar. A while back he stated win was oos when I recieved the order. I posted a picture of the labmaxx; in fact, this was my first time labmaxing.
I already labmaxed it, plus I sent him the order details. He said its var, but why would you have two of the same color tabs from different compounds. I could understand if he had caps instead of tabs.

I am going to buy another labmaxx. I am not trying to put him on blast either, but looking at this pic they look similar. A while back he stated win was oos when I recieved the order. I posted a picture of the labmaxx; in fact, this was my first time labmaxing.

Shit my var is white Darius you have some explaining to do
Injection site? Gauge? I've been pinning prop from another lab and the shakier I am the more PIP I'll have. It took me a while to refine my technique but it can make a major difference like wunderpus said. Now I barely get any PIP from the same test prop that I used to think was harsh as fuck.
Been out of the loop for a few...I use a 22gauge 1inch and inject my delts. Also forgot to add that after the first pin literally no PIP at all. Very happy with this Test so far
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Update...Got my labs drawn yesterday and should have my results faxed to me in the morning. Also received my Dbol from Darius today but not the other items ordered so I am sure they are coming separately and I'm not too concerned about it. Gonna add some low dose Dbol starting Monday for a little mid-cycle kick probably just 30mg a day for 4 weeks. Labs will be posted as soon as I get them.