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Am I missing something with how Millard has communicated the role of this testing programme? I see it that sources can contribute funds, but will not get to choose what products get tested. Nor is this intended to be used as pseudo for board fees to assist their business. having sources mandated to pay monthly just doesn't seem consistent with the intention of the testing IMO

No one is mandating anything.

It's a suggestion. We should suggest to source to pay for it.

I would spend my hard earned money on a source that donate on a monthly bases to help all of us in getting stuff tested then one that don't give a fuck. :)
No one is mandating anything.

It's a suggestion. We should suggest to source to pay for it.

I would spend my hard earned money on a source that donate on a monthly bases to help all of us in getting stuff tested then one that don't give a fuck. :)

I do understand your point and to be honest I would like it, if it was that way too, however I believe the way Millard sees it, it's that if a sources re-seller starts endorsing him, and everything comes back on point, people will start getting everything from that particular re-seller, but as we seen there are problems with every ugl, and when people start coming up with bad labmaxes, bad bloods, and other issues not only the re-sellers integrity will be questioned, but also millard's integrity as well.
I do understand your point and to be honest I would like it, if it was that way too, however I believe the way Millard sees it, it's that if a sources re-seller starts endorsing him, and everything comes back on point, people will start getting everything from that particular re-seller, but as we seen there are problems with every ugl, and when people start coming up with bad labmaxes, bad bloods, and other issues not only the re-sellers integrity will be questioned, but also millard's integrity as well.

But millards don't disclose where he get the stuff from. For example Darius give 1000$ every month on millard's project. Millard get the stuff from and test the product pharmacom. How is he endorsing Darius? The only thing a source could get out of it... Is just publicity and a good marketing Image.

I mean if I have to choose between two sources and they are completely the same in TA customer service prices etc. well the one that helps the community would get my money.

Do you understand what I mean?

They would get nothing from millard, no special services nothing. They would treat like a normal user donating money but if we encourage this practice we could get more money towards the project and it would not be bad in any case :)
I do understand your point and to be honest I would like it, if it was that way too, however I believe the way Millard sees it, it's that if a sources re-seller starts endorsing him, and everything comes back on point, people will start getting everything from that particular re-seller, but as we seen there are problems with every ugl, and when people start coming up with bad labmaxes, bad bloods, and other issues not only the re-sellers integrity will be questioned, but also millard's integrity as well.

If a souce were to ever make a donation it should be done anonymously for the reasons you stated.
@Sampei Yeah but he wants to keep it anonymous, so, what if D is the only one donating, let's say he donates 1k every month anonymously like you suggested, pharmacom it's gonna be tested either way, whether he donates or not. Test comeback on point again, so now what? What if frank decides to throw a deal? Everyone is gonna order from him, and poor little D, who is being donating every month it's gonna take a loss.
@Sampei Yeah but he wants to keep it anonymous, so, what if D is the only one donating, let's say he donates 1k every month anonymously like you suggested, pharmacom it's gonna be tested either way, whether he donates or not. Test comeback on point again, so now what? What if frank decides to throw a deal? Everyone is gonna order from him, and poor little D, who is being donating every month it's gonna take a loss.

Well he can says: I'm donating 1k on it. There is nothing wrong about saying that. Like it would be nice to have a badge for who have donated... Because it's time for ppl that complain 24h but don't donate to help millard, to shut the fuck up and go suck some source's cock.

So let's pretend source A donate 1k a month and we know it.

Source B has same product but don't donate.

Source B has slightly cheaper prices.

To who would you order?

Well my friend, I would order source A, because I prefer to give money to a person that helps make AAS world a better place then just taking our money and not giving a fuck.

In the end all sources should donate because indirectly it helps their image towards their customer.

Maybe I'm wrong... I don't know, was just an idea. Probably I'm living in a mini pony world, where ppl are nice and like to help each other :)
@Sampei I think you have nothing but good intentions bro, but I don't think you know what an anonymous donation means, even if D donates, millard will not make that public, so whether he donates or not is irrelevant. This is my last post regarding this subject, I don't feel like going back and forward bro.
@Sampei I think you have nothing but good intentions bro, but I don't think you know what an anonymous donation means, even if D donates, millard will not make that public, so whether he donates or not is irrelevant. This is my last post regarding this subject, I don't feel like going back and forward bro.

Yeah let's just forget about it lol :)
Package landed from darius, and included around 80 clen pills when i ordered 20. No complaints.

Product is Albuterol. 4mg/pill somehow equivalent to 20mcg of Clen.
I consider it a superior Clen; more efficient and with less sides.

It's not from Pharmacom, it's Pharma grade, imported directly from an European country where you don't need a prescription for it.
So here's my issue with the program, and it's nothing we can prevent: Batches.

Darius claims pharmacom produces a new batch every 2 weeks. How the fuck could we ever know/predict the next based off the previous? Even recent bloods from the sustanon compared to the enanthate indicate such a variation between compounds/batches.

This is a great program and I hope it forces sources to at least give us BETTER products. Regardless, we still take the risk. I appreciate the community's desire to mitigate those.

You can't predict which batches are going to be good. Millards testing program won't make a difference over the short term. It's over the long term - after repeated, RANDOM tests on each lab - where it starts to shine.
@Wunderpus this is exactly why we should exercise cautious when making conclusions about a single lab test result. Testing a single sample from one batch will give us information about that particular batch. It is no guarantee that other batches of the same product will return similar results nor does it prove that all other products from that UGL are of similar quality.

It is unlikely that AnabolicLab will test every single batch of a given product. But to echo @CensoredBoardsSuck , repeated and random unannounced tests will allow consumers to make conclusions with a higher degree of confidence.

For example, if a lab produces 25 batches of testosterone enanthate per year, 1 lab test of a single batch will tell us very little. But if we randomly tested samples from 10 of these batches, then the information provided will be much more informative.
After all the current tests will be finished I've decided to sponsor Millard's testing campaign to have 1 Mass spec conducted on 5 Pharmacom products each 2 weeks.
All purchases will be of course made anonymously and the products being selected the most popular (test, tren, eq, deca ..)

Thank you for the generous offer of support for AnabolicLab! However, it is important that I clarify the goals of the program. AnabolicLab is exclusively focused on conducting laboratory testing for harm reduction purposes. It will in no way offer quality control services for any manufacturers or underground labs.

As such, we will be unable to accommodate requests for testing specific products nor can we offer scheduled testing on any specific product at any specific intervals for any individual donor.

All product testing will be completely unannounced, random and anonymous.

Manufacturers and vendors who donate to the program will have no guarantee that their products will be tested at all.

We welcome all prospective donors who share AnabolicLab's harm reduction goals. It is of utmost importance that AnabolicLab is not confused for a program that offers quality control services to manufacturers. This is important to the credibility and continued viability of the program.
I believe Millard is going to test pharmacon every couple of weeks. Don't forget to donate

Sorry, can you point me to where this was said. Thanks

It was D, the one who said it, I just don't think millard will go for it, because there is no way to keep it anonymous knowing it's coming from D.

This was presented as an offer by @Darius PharmacomStore . But unfortunately, the proposal is inconsistent with the goals of AnabolicLab. Specifically, AnabolicLab will not offer quality control services to vendors.

Thank you for the generous offer of support for AnabolicLab! However, it is important that I clarify the goals of the program. AnabolicLab is exclusively focused on conducting laboratory testing for harm reduction purposes. It will in no way offer quality control services for any manufacturers or underground labs.

As such, we will be unable to accommodate requests for testing specific products nor can we offer scheduled testing on any specific product at any specific intervals for any individual donor.

All product testing will be completely unannounced, random and anonymous.

Manufacturers and vendors who donate to the program will have no guarantee that their products will be tested at all.

We welcome all prospective donors who share AnabolicLab's harm reduction goals. It is of utmost importance that AnabolicLab is not confused for a program that offers quality control services to manufacturers. This is extremely important to the credibility and continued viability of the program.
Am I missing something with how Millard has communicated the role of this testing programme? I see it that sources can contribute funds, but will not get to choose what products get tested. Nor is this intended to be used as pseudo for board fees to assist their business. having sources mandated to pay monthly just doesn't seem consistent with the intention of the testing IMO

^^^ Exactly
^^^ Exactly
To be honest Millard I think it's been made pretty clear how you've set up the programme. Its interesting that some have interpreted it in different ways, and potentially shows how those outside meso may approach it once word gets out. its important that as many people as possible here are on the same page with this, so there is a consistent message being sent if demands start coming in from those considering a donation because they feel they have a right to make requests.
I may be wrong though given you have set it up separate from meso
Product is Albuterol. 4mg/pill somehow equivalent to 20mcg of Clen.
I consider it a superior Clen; more efficient and with less sides.

It's not from Pharmacom, it's Pharma grade, imported directly from an European country where you don't need a prescription for it.
Yikes, albuterol and clenbuterol are not remotely the same.
On a different note, I would love to not have to see Meek's avi every time I want to view this thread, LOL
On a different note, I would love to not have to see Meek's avi every time I want to view this thread, LOL
I am sure he's lurking and laughing...what a fag. He sure won't last long at sites like PM and S-F though ;)

But at least he's not posting...
Yikes, albuterol and clenbuterol are not remotely the same.
It was a mistake made by me, the site listed it as clen but the active ingredient was listed as albuterol. From what ive read, they are very alike besides the dosing. Can you please clarify the differences you speak of? And which would you prefer?