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What, isn't anyone going to start talking smack about the 10X rule? I thought that was normal procedure when someone posts blood work, especially bad blood work..
Even the 10x rule haters can't defend those numbers.
I got my bloods back. blood drawn on 6/1 blood results 6/2. So I pinned 3ml/week of pharmacom TEST C250... before I had blood drawn I followed forum recommendation:
***MESO Blood Work Testing Protocol***
"Blood Draw: Blood should be drawn at 48hr +/- 12hrs post pin. The goal is to be as close to 48hrs as possible."

So I pinned 3ml on May 27 around noon.

RESULTS: test level at 1032
my normal testosterone level is around 450

DISAPPOINTED: After using 2 vials of pharmacom TEST C250 at 3ml/wk for 6 wks I HAVEN'T noticed any increase in energy level or vascular.

My info: 42yo male 5' 9 " 195lbs
Damn those are crazy low results for 750mg a week. Sorry bro.
I got my bloods back. blood drawn on 6/1 blood results 6/2. So I pinned 3ml/week of pharmacom TEST C250... before I had blood drawn I followed forum recommendation:
***MESO Blood Work Testing Protocol***
"Blood Draw: Blood should be drawn at 48hr +/- 12hrs post pin. The goal is to be as close to 48hrs as possible."

So I pinned 3ml on May 27 around noon.

RESULTS: test level at 1032
my normal testosterone level is around 450

DISAPPOINTED: After using 2 vials of pharmacom TEST C250 at 3ml/wk for 6 wks I HAVEN'T noticed any increase in energy level or vascular.

My info: 42yo male 5' 9 " 195lbs

you pinned "750mg" on 5/27, then got your bloods 6/1? that's like 5 days after that proper??

also, while cycling, did you always pin 3ml's once a week?
What, isn't anyone going to start talking smack about the 10X rule? I thought that was normal procedure when someone posts blood work, especially bad blood work..

There's a big difference between 5-6x and 1x. No one would defend those bloods.

Funny...that's the same batch # on the test e that got sent in for testing.
So, now we know for sure that Pharmacom's batch #'s are total bullshit.

Where did you send it for testing and what tests and what were the results? Thanks
@rugerjitsu **shit** I fucked up and mistyped the date! 27th is the last Saturday of June, I looked at the wrong calendar while writing the post.

I pinned May 30th. I tried to keep it as close to 48hrs as possible.
That really sucks. At the end it would have been much better if you never pinned the shit. When theres any benefit in muscle grow from the slightly higher test level, the pct time destroys everything of it.
I got my bloods back. blood drawn on 6/1 blood results 6/2. So I pinned 3ml/week of pharmacom TEST C250... before I had blood drawn I followed forum recommendation:
***MESO Blood Work Testing Protocol***
"Blood Draw: Blood should be drawn at 48hr +/- 12hrs post pin. The goal is to be as close to 48hrs as possible."

So I pinned 3ml on May 27 around noon.

RESULTS: test level at 1032
my normal testosterone level is around 450

DISAPPOINTED: After using 2 vials of pharmacom TEST C250 at 3ml/wk for 6 wks I HAVEN'T noticed any increase in energy level or vascular.

My info: 42yo male 5' 9 " 195lbs

Did you not just say in the lab testing section you where pinning 300mg a week?
Did you not just say in the lab testing section you where pinning 300mg a week?

No. earlier in this thread I posted that. My error... let me clear up as I have screwed up the correct dosage: 3ml/wk of pharamcom TEST C250 = 750mg

Apologies for the confusion and thanks for checking me!
ordered through store after PM'ing @Darius PharmacomStore - he just referred me to the site w/ MESO member discount code.

This is starting to sound suspect.

First you repeatedly post you are taking 300mg/wk and that you pinned on a different day than you actually did, and then you post the wrong website for where you bought it.

I'm all for exposing bad sources (which Darius seems to be at this point) but come on, this stuff you're posting isn't that hard to get right.
This is starting to sound suspect.

First you repeatedly post you are taking 300mg/wk and that you pinned on a different day than you actually did, and then you post the wrong website for where you bought it.

I'm all for exposing bad sources (which Darius seems to be at this point) but come on, this stuff you're posting isn't that hard to get right.

Hey MESO members thanks for helping by pointing out my mistakes so I pay careful attention to the things I'm posting. My fingers are going faster than my mind and I have confused ml and mg several times and this obviously can create confusion and hurt my credibility.

But it is an honest mistake and I WILL PAY BETTER ATTENTION!

Thanks everyone

@kaizoku - Damn, you are right. I did even screw up the URL for the store and everything else you raised in your post.

Personally, I can get my testosterone up to 1200 with DAA, and that is legal and dirt cheap... Never mind forking over a small fortune for some near bunk testosterone... This is a goddamn joke
Hmm, doubt that.

But, these numbers do blow.