MESO-Rx Sponsor Steroidify - Official Worldwide Pharma Distributor since 2008

What, isn't anyone going to start talking smack about the 10X rule? I thought that was normal procedure when someone posts blood work, especially bad blood work..
We at Meso hold to a higher standard, that's why I think we shouldn't stand for anything less than 15x. :rolleyes:
What, isn't anyone going to start talking smack about the 10X rule? I thought that was normal procedure when someone posts blood work, especially bad blood work..
The guy who posted his test cyp bloodwork has the same batch number as the test e that Millard sent in to get tested.

They use fake batch numbers.
Here is my theory brothers...We take a chance on some good leads and roll the dice. My labs which are complete CBC Lipids and Test Levels will be in tomorrow. Fuck anyone else's opinion. Blood and physical results are my indicators. I will start the Dbol at 30mg and will know within a week what that gear is all about.
Man this becoming a day time soap show. Get the labs on the gear comes back proper dosage. Then seen bloods with same batch number. Pretty much a 0X on that. As the world turns so do the days of our lives.
I got my bloods back. blood drawn on 6/1 blood results 6/2. So I pinned 3ml/week of pharmacom TEST C250... before I had blood drawn I followed forum recommendation:
***MESO Blood Work Testing Protocol***
"Blood Draw: Blood should be drawn at 48hr +/- 12hrs post pin. The goal is to be as close to 48hrs as possible."

So I pinned 3ml on May 27 around noon.

RESULTS: test level at 1032
my normal testosterone level is around 450

DISAPPOINTED: After using 2 vials of pharmacom TEST C250 at 3ml/wk for 6 wks I HAVEN'T noticed any increase in energy level or vascular.

My info: 42yo male 5' 9 " 195lbs

Hey if u still got vial post a pic of it with the batch number showing. Getting the website wrong and dates wrong. Kinda throwing up a red flag.
Been out of the loop for a few...I use a 22gauge 1inch and inject my delts. Also forgot to add that after the first pin literally no PIP at all. Very happy with this Test so far

I haven't read the most current posts yet but try a 25 gauge in the delts. I only go 22g in the glutes. I draw with 22g always but I switch out the needle size when pinning anything other than glutes. 1 inch is perfect length for delts though imo.