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I've been running dbol from Darius now for 2 weeks and I'm not feeling a thing. This isn't my first run with dbol. I know there were others taking the bol with no results. My shits bunk or severely under dosed. I'm also on week 2 of test e 900mg and eq 750mg a week. Obviously to soon to feel them working. Week 6 I'm going to get blood work done and I'll post results. I'm not feeling to optimistic, but I'm hoping I'll get lucky lol.
Well, apparently Frank and Darius both are, right. They each run different sites and resell pharmacom products. That's my point, it shouldn't be confusing. Maybe someone can clear it up.

bro ask Frank. He ship directly from China as well, from the pharmacom factory. Something Darius can't do, because he is a reseller.

I'm just saying what frank said ah... If it's not true, well not my fault.

I believe is pharmacom store, they just gave to one employee the task to manage a website were to sell their shit. Maybe it's not... but for sure he has access to the factory or whatever because NO other pharmacom reseller ship directly from china.

Have you read what Darius has said pharmacom s
Lab,warehouse, or what ever ships directly to him and ships to other resellers
Darius has also shipped from China ,maybe his reseller but their really isn't a pharmacom website
At the end they still pharmacom with 50/50 gear being bunk and good I've moved on tough break up
I've been running dbol from Darius now for 2 weeks and I'm not feeling a thing. This isn't my first run with dbol. I know there were others taking the bol with no results. My shits bunk or severely under dosed. I'm also on week 2 of test e 900mg and eq 750mg a week. Obviously to soon to feel them working. Week 6 I'm going to get blood work done and I'll post results. I'm not feeling to optimistic, but I'm hoping I'll get lucky lol.
My Dbol was shit but test e is good. On it now.
I never questioned reliable results. Couple of bloodworks made by some new members here are doubtful for me. Bloodworks where people show some results with low level and tell first they injected 300mg week, after they change it to 600 mg week... People stating our gear is underdosed and nothing more these words... This is not reliable. But I told from the very beginning and repeated it lot of times, I will trust any result made in a lab with photo, etc. I do not have any slightest doubt that an GMP certified lab could mess something up here. I accept these results completely as I promised from the very beginning and we will do our best to find out what`s wrong.
I am still very interested what is the possible accuracy and tolerance. I guess it shall be not more than 1%. But need info from the lab. Also need info what was the reference sample, tren + ace ester or just tren. Will wait for Millards raw data.

I am a member of Pharmacom Labs team, so I am a rep of the manufacturer itself. I work in the company in the sales department, I am responsible for bulk orders in some regions. And since November 2014 I am also responsible store, our store, our direct store which we decided to open in order to sell our products directly and provide lowest prices in the market. In fact I paly here 2 roles, as Pharmacom employee, which you can contact in case of any questions regarding our products and secondly as seller and manager of store. The word reseller would not fit here. We do not buy products in bulk to resell them, we manufacture them and sell directly.

So, as I said, if there is a willing person, which has an opportunity to ship his closed tren a to Simec lab I would gladly see the results of the second test and reimburse it. Now it is very important for all of us.

According to Frank he is direct with the manufacturer and NOT a reseller.
Don't throw around that test like it proves something for you. You are a reseller. You could easily be rebottling products and sending bunk orals.... it has happened many times before. This looks like fucking gear from a tag sale or going out of business bonanza- and you try and play it off like it is human grade pharmacy gear. Bullshit.

If you are going to send ragtag looking products with issues in quality you should have a little more fucking patience for the chatter on the board about it. Fuck you and fuck your pm for an answer bullshit. I would be livid if I had a stock of your homeless looking gear... why don't you just send it back to the pharmacy for replacement? LMAO. Watch your fucking attitude- you are coming off quite smarmy in light of your issues.

Hahaha I want the tren your on ! Lol
Good i have dbol n 300 test e. Day 9 dbol 30 mg n NOTHING. Makes me worry bout test.

Ill give dbol till 2 weeks b4 i have to say something. If darius has bad batch he needs to kno
If you look at the history it seems it's these euro fucks that burn guys. Why not just keep it here... Buy American. Sure the raws will always come from other places but why even entertain a guy in Europe? Fuck them.
I kno not where to safely acquire.

I admittedly have done little research.

Whats also important is tht i can acquire pct.. dbol.. test.. var... etc. Ive noticed selection has been small domestically
Good i have dbol n 300 test e. Day 9 dbol 30 mg n NOTHING. Makes me worry bout test.

Ill give dbol till 2 weeks b4 i have to say something. If darius has bad batch he needs to kno
If you read through this entire thread, you will see there are others, including myself, that have, or are running the Dbol, with little to no effect. Believe me, he knows ;)